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May 2, 2009, 8:26 AM
why do i have this intense desire to have a cock in my mouth

May 2, 2009, 9:02 AM
Why ask why? Just know who you are and what makes you feel good. To search for the reason "why" could beat you down.

If you, like myself and many others, desire having a cock in your mouth, then I suggest you find someone to do this with, if you're not already.

Enjoy your bisexuality, it's surely the best of both worlds.

Kermit Jagger
May 2, 2009, 9:13 AM
Many (most?) people of both genders what a cock in their mouth, myself included. Decide whether or not you want to fulfill your desire and if so, go to it. Should you decide to go for it, I bet you'll be glad you did. I was.

M. Wolfe
May 2, 2009, 10:37 AM
Yea. What up wit dat?

May 2, 2009, 12:01 PM

Are you serious or what? Of course you want a cock in your mouth. Why else would you be here?

Find the right guy and enjoy!

May 2, 2009, 12:08 PM
Because poultry is goooood.

M. Wolfe
May 2, 2009, 12:14 PM
Because poultry is goooood.

With comments like that, this thread could become similar to that "You know you're bisexual when..." thread awhile back.

May 2, 2009, 2:10 PM
Because poultry is goooood.

Acck! Don't forget those clam/mussels also, sweet meat!

Are we talking sex? Or just things that remind us of sex/food?
Darn, it's terrible when dealing with sex since it just gets you turned on to food things otherwise.

Oh t'well, both are physical and pretty much everything after that just tastes like chicken :eek: unless prepared correctly.

just my thoughts

May 2, 2009, 4:04 PM
why do i have this intense desire to have a cock in my mouth

Because you're either gay or bi-sexual! Those are the only 2 groups (of guys) that want or love a cock in their mouth. I, like the others, suggest you put one in your mouth and see how it feels and tastes. Most of us here have and love it.

May 2, 2009, 4:44 PM
I've tried one so far - many times, really enjoyed it. Keen to try one in other places too - but it comes down to finding the right person & finding out what makes you feel ok. First gay experience was terrible for me. But that was upbringing vs my brain talking. Good luck.

tg Shannon
May 2, 2009, 9:03 PM
Bottom line, its something new for you apparently and the curiosity is really getting the best of you, as others have said, its time for you to experiment, chances are you'll love it and then cant get enough, thats cumming from a very experienced cock sucker.....me

May 2, 2009, 9:09 PM
why do i have this intense desire to have a cock in my mouth

Because it is a lot of fun and it tastes just like chicken.

May 2, 2009, 10:31 PM
I had an extremely intense desire for a cock in my mouth all day yesterday.
It was so HARD to concentrate on anything else all day at work.
Yes, it was hard!
But, yesterday evening, night and early hours of this morning, I had a cock in my mouth most of time during hours of great sex.
So, I feel no sense of urgency today.
Well, at least not until tomorrow.

So, if you never have had a cock in your mouth and you KNOW for sure that you need a cock in your mouth, then, find the right guy with the right cock and suck it. Otherwise, maybe it is just a great fantasy for you to enjoy but never do. I have one of those too.

May 2, 2009, 11:30 PM
Welcome, from another Washingtonian :}
Why do you have the urge for a cock in your mouth?

1. You are curious to see what it would be like. :shades:
2. It sounds fun, hot, and exciting. (It is, trust me!) lol:bigrin::smilies15
3. Your hungry?
4. You and your lady would be interested in seeing what its like, and it could be a fantastic thing. :}
Have fun and be safe above all, Sweetie. ;)
Cat in Tumwater. :}

May 2, 2009, 11:42 PM
Why climb the mountain, raft the river?

Because they are there!

If your wife is an enthusiastic as you state, have her pick someone out and bring him home.

May 3, 2009, 1:03 AM
Because poultry is goooood.

Rissa - thanks!!! Now I have the urge to shout anycock'lldo at dawn, It's a fowl, fowl thing... LMAO Wolfie

M. Wolfe
May 3, 2009, 1:34 AM
Rissa - thanks!!! Now I have the urge to shout anycock'lldo at dawn, It's a fowl, fowl thing... LMAO Wolfie

Wolfie, that was brilliant!!!

May 3, 2009, 4:43 PM
Don't we all have that urge?

- Jesse

May 3, 2009, 9:06 PM
Don't we all have that urge?

- Jesse

Only some of us not so straight men and totally not straight men.

M. Wolfe
May 4, 2009, 2:01 AM
Only some of us not so straight men and totally not straight men.

I would imagine completely homosexual lesbians wouldn't either.

May 4, 2009, 2:08 AM
Because poultry is goooood.

PUH-Cock! lol:bigrin:
Rissa, you're So bad. lol

May 4, 2009, 10:14 AM
Speaking for myself, I never questioned why the desire was there. I just knew it was and acted on it. However, I had known the guy for several years and knew it was safe. I wouldn't suggest hooking up with someone until you are sure that they are free of std's. So take your time and by all means be a little selective. No one is going to look out for you except yourself and hopefully your wife if you are married. Now that I have preached the gospel of davem.....Get out there and enjoy sucking cock!! YUM YUM!!:2cents:

May 5, 2009, 8:20 AM
thank you all for your words of encouragement,wit and wisdom. just the other day as my wife was giving me a good sucking ,she looked up at my face, pulled my hard cock out of her mouth and said "you really want to do this, dont you".i nodded my head yes.

May 5, 2009, 4:32 PM
Hell if we could suck our own cocks, many of us wouldn't leave the house ever again ><

M. Wolfe
May 5, 2009, 4:47 PM
Hell if we could suck our own cocks, many of us wouldn't leave the house ever again ><

Some can...

....... No, not me.

May 6, 2009, 12:02 AM
Some can...

....... No, not me.

Not me either.
Also, the one I do suck is SO MUCH BETTER!!

May 6, 2009, 5:09 AM
Hell if we could suck our own cocks, many of us wouldn't leave the house ever again ><

Where the heck ya been hiding? LOL Yea my hubby used to be able to bend like that, age caught up though lol

May 17, 2009, 8:58 AM
anyone else care to chime in . i would enjoy hearing from more of you,

May 17, 2009, 12:05 PM
thank you all for your words of encouragement,wit and wisdom. just the other day as my wife was giving me a good sucking ,she looked up at my face, pulled my hard cock out of her mouth and said "you really want to do this, dont you".i nodded my head yes.

That was your opening. Now you can ask her if she will set it up, or go on line and find someone together.

As the old blacksmith says: "Strike while the iron is hot."

May 17, 2009, 12:14 PM
thank you all for your words of encouragement,wit and wisdom. just the other day as my wife was giving me a good sucking ,she looked up at my face, pulled my hard cock out of her mouth and said "you really want to do this, dont you".i nodded my head yes.

Most guys want to try it, and if you're wife understands that, all the better.
When you think about it, it's pretty natural.
Give it a try - if you like it, great. If you don't, at least you will know and no longer be curious. My guess is that if you go into it with an open mind and you are comfortable with the guy, you will like it.