View Full Version : WHY DO THE AMERICANS FEEL THEY R THE ONE AND ONLY {if you r easly upset dont read}

Jun 18, 2009, 7:02 PM

I was talking to a guy from the states on here who said to me {if it wasnt for the usa the world would be in trouble}
when he said that to me, i thought yea. then i said


for one reason they are not the only country in the world and just cause you are one of the biggest you cant fix everything.
my comment to him was in the latest book of {the nostradamus code} which is for 2006 to about 2012, hes says that war is coming, they are going to attack the usa cause thats where the power is.{not qoute} well they havnt havnt had that in along time.

my prediction is look out for china and russa they will be the ones that will team up.

when i was talking to same person they said that the anzac war was won by the americans, his qoute was {if it wasnt for us we all would have lost }
well in fact for a country that half of the people dont even know nz or aussie is on the map, or that we are even here, how could he say that.

i dont think he had the right to say that. the reason why is cause the usa came in at allmost the end of the war and clean up the mess as were fighting. and yes i beleve a lot of uk soldiers lost there lives there to. {respect to all people that did} which brings me to a qoute from a man from the uk that said. {for a tiny country lot of men that fort the war against the germans with little or no help from anyone you did the impossable.}

allso many americans still think that the maoris still live in grass huts and hunt humans and pigs and so on for there food. {yes thats true some people still think they do} yes we do have supermarkets like you do lol. not as big but we do. i had a customer from the states in my work the other day , before he left home his mum said look out for the moari warriors they kill humans and eat them. lol yes im for real, {i hope not cause i work with heaps of them and theres not enough of me to go around} she was 80 yrs old and still thinks that. {that stop 200 to 300 yrs ago}

anyway i feel my point is that may be you guys should stop thinking your the best when you are not, and then may be more countrys would like you abit more, and when you need help, it will be gladly given to you { as in your country}
dont get me wrong nz and other countrys have made mistakes and we allways will but at least we learn from it.

if you feel ive been a bit harsh on your country, you should watch flims done by micheal more, and others like him.
and you shall see what i mean.

last i will say is that when you want to catch a bomber or the leader of a group that likes to blow up buildings. dont keep letting them in to your country all the time, {seen video proff} knowing thats what he or they do. or even hire him to blow things up for you, like your last president did.

ok, you might be mad and ready to shoot me by now or asking what do i know, i dont live there, thats how i know, cause i dont live there me and other countrys are not blind to whats going on over there. and what you are told.

p.s before u say thats not all of us pls look at the top and see i have said that ok.
i still feel most of you should read the new book from nostradamus its available on isohunt.com it came down in 2mins and my speed is the slowest broadband in the world in our country. to you i mean your fast internet speed what ever it may be called were you are.




cheers LOTUS

Jun 18, 2009, 7:31 PM

I know you said in your thread that you don't mean it toward all Americans.. But that doesn't excuse your post when you use generalized statements such as

i feel my point is that may be you guys should stop thinking your the best when you are not,

[/QUOTE]well in fact for a country that half of the people dont even know nz or aussie is on the map,

[QUOTE]ok, you might be mad and ready to shoot me by now or asking what do i know, i dont live there, thats how i know, cause i dont live there me and other countrys are not blind to whats going on over there. and what you are told.

Americans are the biggest critics of america. We have protests for injustice all over the country. We celebrate the things we feel our wonderful about our country. We remove those in power and limit the time they can spend so we don't live decades under a totalitarian govt.

Americans answered your previous posts. (Do you still need that family lawyer?) We have the biggest Charity network for foreign aid. We know all countries suffer.. We suffer... And to make a complete post about one person's perceptions and A book and blame a whole country for it is ridiculous. Ya know what.. there are books that make you a better lover Or how to make friends and keep them.... :)
When our elderly give money for african children to go to school and to those countries ravaged by war and poverty and Mother Nature. When our governent does the same. How can you possibly say all those things you said as a generalized statement.

Lotus, Ever volunteer at a local homeless shelter? Donate to refugee camps?
What kind of citizen are you to your country or ally to others??

I may not have given the smartest most political response. But we "Americans" on this site try and are successful with friendships with people from other countries. And we recieve the same in return. But this dude who has only been a member a month, just blasts us with a prejudice torpedo.

I think your best bet if you want to not offend all americans in the sacred letters of the ancient wise men.... STFU!

Jun 19, 2009, 2:08 PM
Damn good question! Glad someone was brave enough to ask!

This is my objective response (honestly speaking)

Look up the following in a book or something online...

*Manifest Destiny (thought started in 1836)

*Divine Providence (the religious belief system that the Puritans adhered to)

*Puritans (originated in England, moved to the US...early1500s)

Blend all of those thought processes together (because that is what the United States was based on WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY before any 1776 or 1865 or anything else) add a healthy dose of slavery, indentured servants, Ellis Island, and a few Japanese internment camps, and voila....

the reason why the US thinks its better than everyone else. The apparent mission is that whole conquering mentality, and if the people arent light complexioned and English speaking then folks are automatically barbarians unfit to rule their own sh*t.

But thats my humble opinion. As they say in the Reading Rainbow

"Dont take my word for it! Take a look... its in a book...."


Jun 19, 2009, 2:32 PM
One thing that you mentioned was that you are not here and do not know what is going on here.

That point, by itself, demonstrates that your opinion of us is based on guesswork on your part.
That is not an informed opinion, which would make all of your opinions about Americans and America moot points.

In order to show what makes us think that we are the best game in town, you need to listen to a recording made by a Canadian broadcaster in the early 70's.
I forget the title of it, but in it, the gentleman talks about all of the things that we have done for other nations, when they hit disasters or hard times. It also goes on to mention that when we hit hard times and disasters, no one came to our aid.

And right now, when our nation is in the middle of the largest economic crisis since the Great Depression, we are still sending billions in foreign aid to other nations, rerouting our military to deliver that aid and even rerouting our military to help in foreign SAR missions.

Now don't get me wrong. As a nation, we have our issues, just like everywhere else, but we do more to help our neighbors than any other nation; and for that courtesy, we get spit on by many of those that we help.

That gives us the right to stand tall and be proud of what we and our forefathers have accomplished, and continue to accomplish.

Jun 19, 2009, 4:17 PM
Much ado about nothing, as Shakespeare said. Taking the time to reply is arguing with a phantom!

Jun 19, 2009, 4:23 PM
Politics and religion...add that we are all bi to the mix and you'll have enough pro/con debate to last forever..



or don't...it doesn't matter anyway...guess'n it's time to rewrite history again...

ps: it will never end!

Jun 19, 2009, 4:45 PM
In order to show what makes us think that we are the best game in town, you need to listen to a recording made by a Canadian broadcaster in the early 70's.
I forget the title of it, but in it, the gentleman talks about all of the things that we have done for other nations, when they hit disasters or hard times. It also goes on to mention that when we hit hard times and disasters, no one came to our aid.

And right now, when our nation is in the middle of the largest economic crisis since the Great Depression, we are still sending billions in foreign aid to other nations, rerouting our military to deliver that aid and even rerouting our military to help in foreign SAR missions.

Now don't get me wrong. As a nation, we have our issues, just like everywhere else, but we do more to help our neighbors than any other nation; and for that courtesy, we get spit on by many of those that we help.

That gives us the right to stand tall and be proud of what we and our forefathers have accomplished, and continue to accomplish.

Politics and religion...add that we are all bi to the mix and you'll have enough pro/con debate to last forever..



or don't...it doesn't matter anyway...guess'n it's time to rewrite history again...

ps: it will never end!

Verily and wholeheartedly agreed!

Its a shame how much this country "as a nation" does for other countries, and other places dont do the same. However, since this country also owes other countries so much financial debt, maybe some idiot savant believes that's karmatic balance, which would be faulty at best...

While it is true that some Americans feel as if they are (your higher power here's) gift to the world, there are those honest enough with themselves and others to realize that things could be better--therefore the phrase by Danielle Benton :We arent better than each other, but we should want to be better people.


Jun 19, 2009, 4:51 PM
Much ado about nothing, as Shakespeare said. Taking the time to reply is arguing with a phantom!

And he doesn't seem to be making any abundant amounts of sense.

Jun 19, 2009, 5:27 PM
Well, look who it is. How u been? It's been ages :crosseye:

Hi AZ. I been fine, thank you for inquiring. Hope you be ok too.

For the benefit of others, I have been staying away since it appears that "trouble" tends to follow me about as of late.

Jun 19, 2009, 6:11 PM
And he doesn't seem to be making any abundant amounts of sense.

I would have to agree with you here, Adam. I think it is the way the piece has been composed. A lot of ideas and emotion have gone into the writing, but they have become very jumbled.

Well done! Spot on judgement there!

Jun 19, 2009, 6:13 PM
Well, look who it is. How u been? It's been ages :crosseye:

Oh, Azrael, he's been around! It just depends upon the name he happens to be using!

What happened to you last night? I guess, like me, you got booted. Ah, well! It was nice to begin our chat. Talk again some time!

Jun 19, 2009, 6:16 PM
Hi AZ. I been fine, thank you for inquiring. Hope you be ok too.

For the benefit of others, I have been staying away since it appears that "trouble" tends to follow me about as of late.

For the benefit of others, you have not been staying away! So don't fib!

You have been spending your time watching LADIES on Paltalk, going to the Zoo, and visiting the cinema on wrinklies day...just for the pop corn!

Oh...and a few other things.

You'm da trouble! To yourself!!

Brampton Man
Jun 19, 2009, 6:48 PM
Politics and religion...add that we are all bi to the mix and you'll have enough pro/con debate to last forever..



or don't...it doesn't matter anyway...guess'n it's time to rewrite history again...

ps: it will never end!

CANADA!....and don't you forget it!!...And we even came to your aid during the Katrina Hurricane aftermath....or did you very conveniently forget that too??

Brampton Man
Jun 19, 2009, 7:08 PM
Petty little dick one-upmanship won't help anyone now :2cents:
Try appealing to people's humanity. It tends to be more productive.

Ok....here's one...Canada came to the aid of the citizens of New Orleans in the aftermath of Katrina....We have also been the leading peace keeping force in the world for over 50 years....Cyprus, Golan Heights, to name a couple....We were in Afghanistan for 2 years before the Americans came in....not only as a combat force, but helping the people to rebuild their villages and lives after the taliban destroyed them.

Jun 19, 2009, 7:48 PM
Much ado about nothing, as Shakespeare said. Taking the time to reply is arguing with a phantom!

Shakespeare also said...''Out, out, damn(ed) Spot.....and Fido too''

There is a message in there...somewhere...I'm sure that their is!

Jun 19, 2009, 7:50 PM
Whatever valid message you have is being overshadowed by your raving tone and obvious emotional excitability.
Chillax and I'll see what I can figure out.

Bear in mind, whoever's pulling the strings, wants to elicit this reaction from you.
It's a conditioning technique known as flooding.

If you want to solve this problem, and I believe you do, look inward.

I wouldn't agree there....though i see where you are coming from!

Jun 19, 2009, 7:52 PM
Is ANY country free of it's past?

Name one that is?

While there will be various yahoos and the terminally uninformed, there will also be those that have a goal of making society a better place for all.

We know you're pissed at a small handful of ignorant tourist..but judging an entire nation on your brief socialization of a few is naive...

When we spent our honeymoon in Aussie/NZ we met many nice folks, even the guy that drank our beer around the camp fire and said "what do you hate so much about USA that you would come to Australia"?

It may take a village to raise a child, but a moron can quickly erase that progress with a few silly words!

I've traveled and lived all over the world, there is not one place I've visited in the next village,town,city,state,country or continent where the "locals" didn't honestly believe the people that lived next door, across the street, the next city, county, state or country were little more than beggars, thieves, miscreants that were somehow causing them personal hard ship and trouble!

Many of these know-it-alls considered themselves ...religious...they might have been, but pious/caring/compassionate...well...that's another story!

It's a big world that IS getting smaller daily..what will you do to hold it together or help rip it apart?

The decision starts between your ears!

Jun 19, 2009, 8:13 PM
We learned that while some are trying to get back to the garden, others are busy with troll-like rants that guarantee separation, rather than coming together...

In the end...nobody really does anything they don't wish to do...

Jun 19, 2009, 8:35 PM
CANADA!....and don't you forget it!!...And we even came to your aid during the Katrina Hurricane aftermath....or did you very conveniently forget that too??

Actually, of all of the countries that we have helped and not been in debt to (and the list is huge), Canada has been the ONLY ally that has come to this nation's aid during any times of crisis.

And our southern neighbor? Mexico has done what it can, short of economic sanctions to hurt us. So much for being an ally.

All of that also says a lot about our other allies.

Brampton Man
Jun 19, 2009, 9:24 PM
Thank-you....And that is what makes great allies....and mey we remain so forever!

Long Duck Dong
Jun 19, 2009, 11:53 PM
lotus, you live in new zealand the same as I do......

that aside..... america puts itself up as a leader amongst nations... not the people, the country..... and not every american has the same opinion you are expressing......a lot of them are saying, how about america look after the rights of the americans and give them a reason to be proud of their country......

look at new zealand, when we gave 5 mill to another country for a hospital, then cut 2000 elective surgeries cos there was no money to pay for them....... and the cost of the elective surgeries was what ???? yeah 5 mill dollars.....

many people are proud of their country...and granted, the USA played a big part of WW2...... but when you look at turkey and gallipoli etc etc, the bulk of the fighting force, was the anzacs...and a number of americans have told me that they were NEVER taught about that aspect of ww2

has the idea that peoples over zealous patriotism is caused by limited knowledge and understanding and a desire to be proud of a country that is showing a pattern of ignoring the very people that in live it, crossed your mind

disagree with america..... but do not judge the people that live in it, as a whole

Jun 20, 2009, 12:07 AM
that aside..... america puts itself up as a leader amongst nations... not the people, the country..... and not every american has the same opinion you are expressing......a lot of them are saying, how about america look after the rights of the americans and give them a reason to be proud of their country......

many people are proud of their country...and granted, the USA played a big part of WW2...... but when you look at turkey and gallipoli etc etc, the bulk of the fighting force, was the anzacs...and a number of americans have told me that they were NEVER taught about that aspect of ww2

has the idea that peoples over zealous patriotism is caused by limited knowledge and understanding and a desire to be proud of a country that is showing a pattern of ignoring the very people that in live it, crossed your mind

disagree with america..... but do not judge the people that live in it, as a whole

100% awesome assessment !!:)

Jun 20, 2009, 4:06 AM
hi thanks for all that response from thats thread
sone one said whats next well give me a little time and ill bring a new one about aussie or the uk. na just wait and see i like all the comments , and remember i said not all the people in the states are like that just most of them.
lolololololol, im kidding just about half.

cheers anyway

hey i live in newzealand how about someone give us a shot like i did to america ...thats if u know where we are lolololol.

Long Duck Dong
Jun 20, 2009, 6:52 AM
hi thanks for all that response from thats thread
sone one said whats next well give me a little time and ill bring a new one about aussie or the uk. na just wait and see i like all the comments , and remember i said not all the people in the states are like that just most of them.
lolololololol, im kidding just about half.

cheers anyway

hey i live in newzealand how about someone give us a shot like i did to america ...thats if u know where we are lolololol.

sure I will, I live in new zealand

new zealand is the only country in the world that has been paying out 10 of billions to a minority group at the expense of the rest of new zealanders....

new zealand is the country where people born and bred in new zealand up to 5th generation, had to FIGHT for the right to be addressed as new zealand european on official documents.... before, it used to be european and new zealand maori.....

in new zealand, we call ourselves nuclear free.... and we are proud of it.... but we are too stupid to realise that there is nuclear ( radio active ) meds used in hospitals and smoke detectors contain radio active materal....

we fight against nuclear energy, wind farms, hydro dams... and than bitch cos we have brown outs and power crisis cos we are not producing enuf power

in new zealand.... more than 1/3 of new zealanders live below the proverty line of income.... so the goverment investigates it by appointing a commission to look into the matter and pay them $2000 a hour to look at the reasons there is no money for the community services....

in nz.... we pass a law that makes it illegal for parents to discipline their kids.... then blame the parents for not disciplining their kids and teaching them to be responsible

in nz, we dealt with the issue of teen drinking.... by dropping the drinking age from 20 to 18 to make it legal.....then ignored the problems that it tripled the problem, and we now have 12-13 year olds with chronic drinking issues.....

in nz, you can get your license to drive at 15, have sex at 16, leave school at 16, smoke at 18 drink at 18, vote at 18... so you can be responsible for a car and place others at risk at 15, fuck around at 16, but you are not considered mature to screw up your life until you are 18

in nz.... you can serve 3 terms in goverment for a pension that is 60K a year plus perks..... but be a labourer and married, the pension is less than $ 400 every 2 weeks.... and is no longer quaranteed..... yet the cost of living for a married couple is worked out at $560 a fortnight, proverty line.......
serve 9 years as a bullshitting lier and you come out better off then the people that support the country and economy

in nz, you can claim the war pension for active service to nz in ww1 and ww2..... but if you are a nam vet.... some of them are still waiting for the war pension after 40 years..... and they live in the country ( nz ) that created agent orange, admitted that it can cause illness and death.... spray it on nam.... then tell the NZ vets that agent orange doesn't cause long term issues.....

and you wanna slam the US....lotus ????

Jun 20, 2009, 7:52 AM
Soooo sorry we have PRIDE in our nation...my question back to all non-US citizens is why do you even worry about what the hell I think about my nation? Worry about your nation and leave me and my fellow Americans alone...dont like us...dont call next disaster or war...were cool with it...just like a vast majority never showed up on the battle field in Afghanistan, or tell me what nation came to help in new Orleans? NOT ONE...so please tell me why your nations could not help us once in a while? Also, proof that we as a whole do more then others as a nation it is FACT that Americans give more to charities then any other nations citizens as a whole....something often forgotten about in your America bashing people forget about...so stop telling me to be proud of my nation and worry about your own issues in your own homeland...I AM AMERICAN AND DAMN PROUD OF IT!!!

Jun 20, 2009, 8:40 AM
I am also American and proud to be from a country where we do have the freedom to express our opinion. There are things about America I do not like however, like the scammers who stole funds designed for Katrina refugees when they never suffered a bit of trouble. There are con artists that prey on eldery and televangelists who promise salvation if you send them money then wind up screwing prostitutes. I don't like the fact that the Taliban is fighting us with weapons that we supplied them in their "freedom fight" from Russian oppression. So please while it's nice to be proud of your own nation, do not be blind to faults that sometimes our friends in other countries see clearly. Just as we comment on our freaking nightly news about goings on in other countries and have political pundits expounding on what Darfur should do yet they haven't yet sent a troop down to stop the raping and killing and genocide. There is an old saying, "He who lives in glass houses shouldn't throw stones".

There is good and bad in every nation in the world and thanks to the proliferation of media we all now see it in living color. The toture, the scars left from landmines on a child as young as 3. We see every time a bomb goes off, we see everything. But do we actually see? Judging from responses in this thead I'll say no. My :2cents:

Jun 20, 2009, 3:00 PM
So through fecal flinging you intend to prove you're more than an easily controlled animal bag of water?

Try to stick to the issue without crouching to the lowest common denominator.

You owe it to your countrymen to be more than the mob.

Defending your culture is not done by demonizing outsiders, nor by egotistical circle jerking.

AZ, out of curiousity, do you ever get tired of listening to yourself?

Jun 20, 2009, 5:39 PM
Soooo sorry we have PRIDE in our nation...my question back to all non-US citizens is why do you even worry about what the hell I think about my nation? Worry about your nation and leave me and my fellow Americans alone...dont like us...dont call next disaster or war...were cool with it...just like a vast majority never showed up on the battle field in Afghanistan, or tell me what nation came to help in new Orleans? NOT ONE...so please tell me why your nations could not help us once in a while? Also, proof that we as a whole do more then others as a nation it is FACT that Americans give more to charities then any other nations citizens as a whole....something often forgotten about in your America bashing people forget about...so stop telling me to be proud of my nation and worry about your own issues in your own homeland...I AM AMERICAN AND DAMN PROUD OF IT!!!

This truly does read like the ''inward looking'' American attitude, that much of the world picks up on. The attitude that gives the rest of humanity the idea, that Americans believe, that the world ends at the USA borders.

Why should your country not be criticised by outsiders and insiders, alike? Why not? The USA Governments interfere in the affairs of other sovereign states and thinks that it knows what is best for the world. It seems to the ''outside USA,'' world, that your country is becoming increasingly more imperialilistic with these attempts to interfere with other countries and in a Presidential speech...any Presidential speech...it will always be the American way of life and American Values, which are being fought for....not the rest of the world

The USA and other countries, don't want any countries in the Middle East to have nuclear weapons, so how come it is OK for Israel to have them. Utter hypocrisy!! Ah, I know!! Israel doesn't have oil, only a reputation as a land which was created after WWII, displacing Muslim and Christian Palestinians and a country that has built a wall across the land. Seems rather remiiscent of somewhere else in the world.

During WWI...the 1914-18 war, a certain British nurse, executed by the Germans, said ''There comes a time, when Patriotism is not enough.'' I have always thought that by this, she meant that we should realise all humans are important...all races, colours, creeds, sexualities. That instead of saying that we are proud to be this or that nationality, we should be proud to be citizens of the world.

I'm English and Yes, I am proud of that, but not in any vain pridish manner. I am proud of the fact that my father's surname is an ancient one and goes back over 1000 years. I'm also proud that I am a ''mongrel''.....a mixture of ancient Briton, Celt, Anglo Saxon, Viking, Norman and what ever else courses theough my veins.

All those many peoples created a nation that went out into the world, to discover and, unfortunately to conquer. The British Empire...like any empire, is nothing to be proud of.....but the outcome is. We now have a Commonwealth of nations...not the British Commonwealth, just a Commonwealth, all countries equal and joined together by a common history.

I would never say I was proud to be British. The whole idea of being proud of ones nationality, seems a totally alien concept to me. There is too much American, militaristic praising from the populous and ''Amen,'' to this and that. When the USA is able to convince the rest of the world, that it is doing things for the good of all and not one country, then maybe people will think differently.

In mentioning the military, I do not insult the valiant young soldiers, sailors or airman who give their lives. Not a day goes past, when a young man...or woman is not lost...in any military conflicy, anywhere in the world. Whatever the nationality of the lost son or daughter.....there is always a mother to weep bitter tears of grief.

Twyla is right. There are good and bad in every country. There are good and bad in every religion, sexuality, political persuasion...etc etc etc.

I'm proud to be a human being and sometimes ashamed too, because we humans are so very bad at looking after this beautiful planet and the people and animals that dwell upon it.

''There comes a time when patriotism is not enough''...Edith Cavell

There comes a time, when nationalism is too much''...BrotherJack

Think 'citizen of the world,' not just your own little corner!

Jun 20, 2009, 5:42 PM
I am also American and proud to be from a country where we do have the freedom to express our opinion. There are things about America I do not like however, like the scammers who stole funds designed for Katrina refugees when they never suffered a bit of trouble. There are con artists that prey on eldery and televangelists who promise salvation if you send them money then wind up screwing prostitutes. I don't like the fact that the Taliban is fighting us with weapons that we supplied them in their "freedom fight" from Russian oppression. So please while it's nice to be proud of your own nation, do not be blind to faults that sometimes our friends in other countries see clearly. Just as we comment on our freaking nightly news about goings on in other countries and have political pundits expounding on what Darfur should do yet they haven't yet sent a troop down to stop the raping and killing and genocide. There is an old saying, "He who lives in glass houses shouldn't throw stones".

There is good and bad in every nation in the world and thanks to the proliferation of media we all now see it in living color. The toture, the scars left from landmines on a child as young as 3. We see every time a bomb goes off, we see everything. But do we actually see? Judging from responses in this thead I'll say no. My :2cents:

Some wise words spoken here Twyla

Jun 20, 2009, 5:45 PM
Sure. That's why I ask questions.
I'm not saying I've got it all figured out. In fact I'm sure I don't. That's why I'm asking people what they think. To avoid a scenario like this:

Not that simple.

More a young prince, waiting for the crown to fall, Azrael. At your age, one can afford to wait a little longer. I love the picture. I know a few people like that.

Jun 21, 2009, 2:43 AM
True Canada has helped us out.We have helped all over the world.Now as the world seems to be going to hell in a handcart we the citizens of this planet,no matter what country,culture,ethnic group,or for that matter religion seem to be pointing the finger at those around us and not realizing we have 3 fingers pointing back at ourselves.
As far as the ignorance of history,we seem to forget that history has a nasty fucking habit of sometimes of repeating itself.
I'm not saying that everyone is going to suddenly and forever get along peacefully,we as humans should know that we have a habit of starting conflicts and wars over anything that suits our fancy.
So before we all start quoteing different famous people and playwrights and the like we need to look inside and try to understand that we are only here on this planet with a temporary visa and that it can be revoked at any given time.
So before ya start saying "he said,she said,they said" remember life is what you make of it and life is to fucking short.

Jun 21, 2009, 7:21 AM
This same question is asked many times over on Yahoo! Answers.
It just seems that people from other countries have a huge issue with us.
I don't think I am better than anyone else on earth.
When I look in my country I see "people" and when I look in all countries I see "people." We all have a heart, a brain, and blood running through our veins. I don't understand what the problem is?
Live & Let Live people!

Jun 21, 2009, 8:14 AM
This truly does read like the ''inward looking'' American attitude, that much of the world picks up on. The attitude that gives the rest of humanity the idea, that Americans believe, that the world ends at the USA borders.

Why should your country not be criticised by outsiders and insiders, alike? Why not? The USA Governments interfere in the affairs of other sovereign states and thinks that it knows what is best for the world. It seems to the ''outside USA,'' world, that your country is becoming increasingly more imperialistic with these attempts to interfere with other countries and in a Presidential speech...any Presidential speech...it will always be the American way of life and American Values, which are being fought for....not the rest of the world

The USA and other countries, don't want any countries in the Middle East to have nuclear weapons, so how come it is OK for Israel to have them. Utter hypocrisy!! Ah, I know!! Israel doesn't have oil, only a reputation as a land which was created after WWII, displacing Muslim and Christian Palestinians and a country that has built a wall across the land. Seems rather remiiscent of somewhere else in the world.

During WWI...the 1914-18 war, a certain British nurse, executed by the Germans, said ''There comes a time, when Patriotism is not enough.'' I have always thought that by this, she meant that we should realise all humans are important...all races, colours, creeds, sexualities. That instead of saying that we are proud to be this or that nationality, we should be proud to be citizens of the world.

I'm English and Yes, I am proud of that, but not in any vain pridish manner. I am proud of the fact that my father's surname is an ancient one and goes back over 1000 years. I'm also proud that I am a ''mongrel''.....a mixture of ancient Briton, Celt, Anglo Saxon, Viking, Norman and what ever else courses theough my veins.

All those many peoples created a nation that went out into the world, to discover and, unfortunately to conquer. The British Empire...like any empire, is nothing to be proud of.....but the outcome is. We now have a Commonwealth of nations...not the British Commonwealth, just a Commonwealth, all countries equal and joined together by a common history.

I would never say I was proud to be British. The whole idea of being proud of ones nationality, seems a totally alien concept to me. There is too much American, militaristic praising from the populous and ''Amen,'' to this and that. When the USA is able to convince the rest of the world, that it is doing things for the good of all and not one country, then maybe people will think differently.

In mentioning the military, I do not insult the valiant young soldiers, sailors or airman who give their lives. Not a day goes past, when a young man...or woman is not lost...in any military conflicy, anywhere in the world. Whatever the nationality of the lost son or daughter.....there is always a mother to weep bitter tears of grief.

Twyla is right. There are good and bad in every country. There are good and bad in every religion, sexuality, political persuasion...etc etc etc.

I'm proud to be a human being and sometimes ashamed too, because we humans are so very bad at looking after this beautiful planet and the people and animals that dwell upon it.

''There comes a time when patriotism is not enough''...Edith Cavell

There comes a time, when nationalism is too much''...BrotherJack

Think 'citizen of the world,' not just your own little corner!

So I show just bow down to European hate, that is what you all want...F everyone of you and I mean it...I am an American, and love my nation...SORRY you all dont like us...dont visit here, dont buy US goods and if some major disaster hits you remember not to take those things marked "US Aid" because as you and your kind say you dont like Americans...F you all...the bad part is while fighting in Iraq there was European made weapons SOLD to the Iraqi government during the embargo years against the UN mandates, but oh, that's right...you all are sovereign and can do what you want...hell most of Europe has worse human rights records then the US will ever have...so f u and to those Americans who think we should bow down to what outsiders say, MOVE THE FUCK OUT...as for this "imperialistic" shit, let me remind you the UN authorized the invasion of Iraq...on Afganistan we were attacked and we invaded to PROTECT ourselves...something most Europeans (save the British) never do...HISTORICAL LESSION HERE IS WWII where you all mainly bowed down to Germany in attempt to appease him - Poland and the low lands fall and Europeans bow down...same thing you all want us to do after 9/11..well F U all...your all weak - save the British...and on the Israeli hate by Europens..we know where that comes from - reason they are in the ME now...remember WWII...or shall we repeat that with only the US backing them...COME ON already...and to be honest, the British soldiers I was with in Iraq dont ever voice shit like you are...and as for your family history going back 1000 years...who the F cares, my nation is young, my people left your Continent to find FREEDOM from persecution...so back to the human rights thing, your records are much worse then ours...we fought a war of independence not to be ruled by a dictator, we were invaded by your nation not once, but twice, so who are you to be giving lessons in "Imperialism", now mind you the British military folks I have fought with in two wars I give props to and I know they dont feel like your ass...but of course most on here as so far left they have never been in a military, nor done mush other then protest those who defend them...and those they dont like...

Jun 21, 2009, 8:51 AM
In each and every country on the planet--you have "good people and bad"--those who are opened minded and closed, those who love their country no matter what and those who hate it no matter what---I could go on with this list---

It is hard and an unwise thing to paint an entire country as being one way or another with a broad brush----

America, has its good and bad points--just as does every other nation on earth----some countries have more good points than bad, and some have more bad points than good ones----I would say that on the list all countries on the planet--the US falls into the upper tier of having good qualities----we certainly are not the worst country on earth---but I don't think we are the absolute best country in spite much of the spin we have that says we are--I say that the US falls below being "best" because of two great stains on our legacy that can never be overcome---the genocide of the native peoples the European settlers found here and several hundred years of Slavery/Jim Crow--which sort of made a lie of our nation's "mission statement" that we were all about "freedom for all"--and now because on metrics which measure quality of life like adult literacy, lack of a comprehensive health care program that is negatively affecting life span and productivity, the highest incarceration rate per capita of ANY NATION ON EARTH and other "quality of life" issues that show that we are way down the list on many of those measures for developed countries and continuing to slip in such measures--we simply cannot be THE BEST.

But--all things considered---in spite our all too human failings as individuals and a nation---we are a pretty darn good country!!!

Jun 21, 2009, 1:29 PM
Having been to Iraq and having friends and colleges there or on the way into harms way,I will not, nor will I tolerate anyone using them as fodder for their political agenga.If you have a problm with me or my country and I don't care who or what or where you come from,nor do I care how far back your lineage goes or just what kinda of blood is in your veins.Until you spill it on the ground as I and other Coalition soldiers have or until you have put men in the ground defending your buddy to the left and right of you,don't judge me,my country,nor the people of my country.
I know not all my countrymen are cut from the same cloth that other people want us to be.
To them I say "go to war and survive and see how your views will change when some ass clown is trying to kill you because he hates your country and you".
Till you do that.Then and only then just maybe I'll show you and your country the repect it deserves,but don't bash my country and it's people till you have bled in war fighting for your buddies.
If what I have said offends anyone to bad I have been there done that and if you ain't don't air your pompus ass views till you have.And to those that know or have someone in or about to go into harms way I slute you and yours.To the rest that run their mouthes and spout shit that do not and will not ever step into the line of fire you can kiss my white Irish,French Canadian,Engish,AMERICAN ASS.:2cents::2cents::2cents:

Jun 21, 2009, 1:49 PM
Now don't get me wrong. As a nation, we have our issues, just like everywhere else, but we do more to help our neighbors than any other nation; and for that courtesy, we get spit on by many of those that we help.

That gives us the right to stand tall and be proud of what we and our forefathers have accomplished, and continue to accomplish.

Americans as a nation, and as A PEOPLE INDIVIDUALLY, NOT THROUGH TAXES give more per capita to other nations than any other nation in the world. Fact

Jun 21, 2009, 3:22 PM
So I show just bow down to European hate, that is what you all want...F everyone of you and I mean it...I am an American, and love my nation...SORRY you all dont like us...dont visit here, dont buy US goods and if some major disaster hits you remember not to take those things marked "US Aid" because as you and your kind say you dont like Americans...F you all...the bad part is while fighting in Iraq there was European made weapons SOLD to the Iraqi government during the embargo years against the UN mandates, but oh, that's right...you all are sovereign and can do what you want...hell most of Europe has worse human rights records then the US will ever have...so f u and to those Americans who think we should bow down to what outsiders say, MOVE THE FUCK OUT...as for this "imperialistic" shit, let me remind you the UN authorized the invasion of Iraq...on Afganistan we were attacked and we invaded to PROTECT ourselves...something most Europeans (save the British) never do...HISTORICAL LESSION HERE IS WWII where you all mainly bowed down to Germany in attempt to appease him - Poland and the low lands fall and Europeans bow down...same thing you all want us to do after 9/11..well F U all...your all weak - save the British...and on the Israeli hate by Europens..we know where that comes from - reason they are in the ME now...remember WWII...or shall we repeat that with only the US backing them...COME ON already...and to be honest, the British soldiers I was with in Iraq dont ever voice shit like you are...and as for your family history going back 1000 years...who the F cares, my nation is young, my people left your Continent to find FREEDOM from persecution...so back to the human rights thing, your records are much worse then ours...we fought a war of independence not to be ruled by a dictator, we were invaded by your nation not once, but twice, so who are you to be giving lessons in "Imperialism", now mind you the British military folks I have fought with in two wars I give props to and I know they dont feel like your ass...but of course most on here as so far left they have never been in a military, nor done mush other then protest those who defend them...and those they dont like...

Having been to Iraq and having friends and colleges there or on the way into harms way,I will not, nor will I tolerate anyone using them as fodder for their political agenga.If you have a problm with me or my country and I don't care who or what or where you come from,nor do I care how far back your lineage goes or just what kinda of blood is in your veins.Until you spill it on the ground as I and other Coalition soldiers have or until you have put men in the ground defending your buddy to the left and right of you,don't judge me,my country,nor the people of my country.
I know not all my countrymen are cut from the same cloth that other people want us to be.
To them I say "go to war and survive and see how your views will change when some ass clown is trying to kill you because he hates your country and you".
Till you do that.Then and only then just maybe I'll show you and your country the repect it deserves,but don't bash my country and it's people till you have bled in war fighting for your buddies.
If what I have said offends anyone to bad I have been there done that and if you ain't don't air your pompus ass views till you have.And to those that know or have someone in or about to go into harms way I slute you and yours.To the rest that run their mouthes and spout shit that do not and will not ever step into the line of fire you can kiss my white Irish,French Canadian,Engish,AMERICAN ASS.


Ethnocentric much?:eek:

Jun 21, 2009, 4:59 PM

Ethnocentric much?:eek:

Nope, just tired of the American bashing on this board...some of us are PROUD to be American...some of us are tired of other counties attempting to put us down, but yet want to be just like us...and as for the Iraq question as stated by Bush, once Iraq is turned into a democracy the rest of the ME will follow...take a look at Iran at this time....but of course Europeans dont want democracy in the ME might kill the arms trade for them...that's the major reason the French were against the war...their arms trade was killed after we invaded WITH UN AUTHOIRZATION...remember Iraq invaded Kuwait back in 1990, the US and British we the only ones still spending their gold and blood enforcing UN mandates...the French were selling weapons to Saddam to help shoot down Allied Aircraft and kill my fellow Americans, so before you bash Americans, take a look at the french or other Europeans who have shown throughout history they are not willing to sacrifice for their believes...as for Danfor, where are the Europeans??? why has it got to always be the USA??? As for Europeans, take a look in your own back yard before saying we have issues...you have MANY MORE...take a look at your homeland before criticizing mine...

Jun 21, 2009, 5:08 PM
So I show just bow down to European hate, that is what you all want...F everyone of you and I mean it...I am an American, and love my nation...SORRY you all dont like us...dont visit here, dont buy US goods and if some major disaster hits you remember not to take those things marked "US Aid" because as you and your kind say you dont like Americans...F you all...the bad part is while fighting in Iraq there was European made weapons SOLD to the Iraqi government during the embargo years against the UN mandates, but oh, that's right...you all are sovereign and can do what you want...hell most of Europe has worse human rights records then the US will ever have...so f u and to those Americans who think we should bow down to what outsiders say, MOVE THE FUCK OUT...as for this "imperialistic" shit, let me remind you the UN authorized the invasion of Iraq...on Afganistan we were attacked and we invaded to PROTECT ourselves...something most Europeans (save the British) never do...HISTORICAL LESSION HERE IS WWII where you all mainly bowed down to Germany in attempt to appease him - Poland and the low lands fall and Europeans bow down...same thing you all want us to do after 9/11..well F U all...your all weak - save the British...and on the Israeli hate by Europens..we know where that comes from - reason they are in the ME now...remember WWII...or shall we repeat that with only the US backing them...COME ON already...and to be honest, the British soldiers I was with in Iraq dont ever voice shit like you are...and as for your family history going back 1000 years...who the F cares, my nation is young, my people left your Continent to find FREEDOM from persecution...so back to the human rights thing, your records are much worse then ours...we fought a war of independence not to be ruled by a dictator, we were invaded by your nation not once, but twice, so who are you to be giving lessons in "Imperialism", now mind you the British military folks I have fought with in two wars I give props to and I know they dont feel like your ass...but of course most on here as so far left they have never been in a military, nor done mush other then protest those who defend them...and those they dont like...

''So I show just bow down to European hate, that is what you all want...F everyone of you and I mean it''

Do you always misread the words of others, or twist their words to suit your own agenda? Who mentioned anyone...any country needing to bow down to the Europeans...and where did anyone mention that the USA and Americans were hated? If a person has to resort to foul language, with every sentence, it really does make me think that deep down, they may actually believe that any criticism made about their country, may well be valid!

''I am an American, and love my nation...''

If you were born in the USA or became a citizen by choice, then you will be an American. You should love your country. It is a beautiful one! I love my country. I love the varied scenery, the people, the many different accents. I don't love many of the things that some people will do...the bad things. I don't always love the way Governments will behave...their policies etc, but having studied british Constitution, I do understand the way the UK democracy works and that eventually, an unpopular Government will be voted out of office. The same thing happens in your country. You have the abiity to vote a Government out of office...the Political Party in power.

''SORRY you all dont like us...dont visit here, dont buy US goods and if some major disaster hits you remember not to take those things marked "US Aid" because as you and your kind say you dont like Americans...F you all...''

This is silly! A country is the land, the scenery, the animals. The citizens of any country came along later and, as with any nation, the many different countries, any settlers may come from, come together....eventually....to form the nation as it evolves, throughout the years!

Why would one not want to visit your land, or buy the goods made and then exported to other countries. One is called cultural exchange and the other is called trade. Trade between different countries is essential in this world, whichever country we may reside in.

When disaster hits any part of the world, it should be hoped that every country will do their bit to help a beleagured nation, no matter how large or small that contribution may be. It does not matter whether the help comes from the USA, the UK, or any other part of the world.

''you and your kind,'' is a rather insulting phrase. My kind is the same as yours!!!...Human!!!...and part of the population of this planet. If I come from another country...so what?? Who mentioned not liking Americans? Me...No!! You have done this and once again, found the need to resort to foul language......even if you did not type the full word.

''the bad part is while fighting in Iraq there was European made weapons SOLD to the Iraqi government during the embargo years against the UN mandates''

Unfortunately the western powers did sell weapons to Iraq, Iran, the Afghani rebels during the Russian occupation (an occupation, I believe the Russians bitterly regret, but they were asked to give their help, by the then Afghanistan Government.). One cannot turn the clock back. The damage has been done, in that respect. This sort of weapons selling and giving support to people who will one day become the enemy, has been going on throughout history. Times change.....People do not.

''but oh, that's right...you all are sovereign and can do what you want...hell most of Europe has worse human rights records then the US will ever have...so f u and to those Americans who think we should bow down to what outsiders say, MOVE THE FUCK OUT''

''you are all sovereign''....what do you mean by this? It has nothing to do with a country having a monarchy, if that is in your thinking and I am not saying that it is. A sovereign state, is one which has a Government and whether that country be a dictatorship of a democracy, it is one where the Government is answerable to no other country.

Every country could improve upon it's human rights, even those that have the best record. More foul language from you and another accusation that everybody wants the USA to bow down to other countries. ''Outsiders''....no doubt your ancestors, were once outsiders or immigrants. It is the same with all people. ''MOVE THE FUCK OUT''....Where from? I am resident in my own country. Those who post here, who are able to criticise their own country...the USA and not get over excited....will be resident in the USA. Should they give up their citizenship and move elsewhere????

''as for this "imperialistic" shit, let me remind you the UN authorized the invasion of Iraq...on Afganistan we were attacked and we invaded to PROTECT ourselves...something most Europeans (save the British) never do..''

No the UN did not sanction the invasion of Iraq! The USA and Great Britain went against the Security Council vote and would not wait for further investigations and votes. The then Prime Minister of the UK, Tony Blair was just as gung ho for war, as was George W. Bush. Never think he was a poodle. A more astute and rughless Politician, one could not wish to meet. He was a ruthless politician.

In 2001, a terrible thing happened in New York, but it was not only Americans that died that day. People from all races, colours and creeds, died in the twin towers. Terrorism has been going on for aeons. Bin Laden may have been resident in Afghanistan, if he was still there, but the country itself did not cause the terrorist act....the country being the people.

What does ''PROTECT ourselves,'' mean? Who was being protected? The American dream and the American way of life.....or the rest of the world and world peace?

In 1973 on September 11th in Chile, there was a military coup. The first democratically elected Marxist President, anywhere in the world, had been elected and the coup overthrew the Chiliean Government and murdered President Allende. It has long been thought that a certain, Communist scared country, further north, helped that military coup take place. The coup led to thousands of innocent people being taken away and murdered. Young people , who merely believed in democracy. Taken from their homes, never to be seen again. Innocent people. How can that ever be justified.

European countries have been fighting for their survival for hundreds of years. Countries defending other countries. Fighting against totalitarian dictatorship. So please don't try to give me a history lesson.

''HISTORICAL LESSION HERE IS WWII where you all mainly bowed down to Germany in attempt to appease him - Poland and the low lands fall and Europeans bow down...same thing you all want us to do after 9/11..well F U all...your all weak - save the British''

Have you ever been to Europe? Have you ever looked at a map of Europe? If you have, you will no doubt understand how a strong military could sweep across borders and engulf other countries. Napoleon did this in the early 19th century. Hitler did the same in the 20th century.

A gentle man called Neville Chamberlaine, the British Prime Minister at the end of the 1930s, went to Germany and got Adolf Hitler to sign a piece of paper. He made a terrible mistake, but he made that mistake, thinking, at the time that Europe and the world, should avoid another terrible war. He was wrong.

The U\k had signed a treaty with Poland, promising help in time of war. Hitler invaded Poland. That is when the UK declared war. Maybe you have heard Chamberlaine's famous speech, on BBC radio. The mistake he mad, cost him the Premiership and also his health and his life. He never got over his mistake.

If you think that Europeans just bowed down to Hitler, then you pay them an incredible insult. Who do you think fought in the resistance forces in different countries? I really do not think you know of what you speak.

Your country was populated by people from the many ''weak'' countries! What does that say about the opinion you must have about the obviously genetically inherited ''weak'' genes that the ansestors must have brought with them. What an insult! And more foul language!

''and on the Israeli hate by Europens..we know where that comes from - reason they are in the ME now''

Perhaps you would point out where I...or anyone else has mentioned hating Jews/Israelis!!! Where does this hate come from??? Please don't drag the crucifying Christ story out, once more. It becomes rather tedious.! And what is the ME????.....I'd love to know. I don't usually work with abbreviations!

''remember WWII...or shall we repeat that with only the US backing them...COME ON already...and to be honest, the British soldiers I was with in Iraq dont ever voice shit like you are...''

I am so glad that you did not go into great detail about WWII and how the USA were the world's saviours! The war began in 1939 and ended in1945. Six years of war. The USA did not enter the war, as allies to the other countries involved, until the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. It would have been jolly helpful to the allies, to have had the USA fighting alongside, from the beginning. If the USA had never entered the war, it would have lasted much longer, but it would have been won! It might have taken many more years, but it would have been won. The USA is only one country. One thing that would never have been seen, was a Swastika flying over Buckingham Palace. The war would have been won.....at all costs.

The young men fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, are fighting a very different war......fighting very different people. Afghanistan is a very unique country in the region. It has never been conquered. The British tried and failed...a long time ago. The Russians didn't have a lot of luck. I doubt that anyone will. I am very glad that one of my sons, did not want to join the armed forces. It is sorrowful, to hear that yet another soldier has been blown to pieces and then read of his age and see his picture. It is the mother's that will always weep and that goes for mothers on either side of a conflict.

''and as for your family history going back 1000 years...who the F cares''

Well, obviously not you, but take a comment out of context and it is very much like quoting one line of scripture and it having no meaning.

''my nation is young, my people left your Continent to find FREEDOM from persecution...''

So what? Most people who emigrated from their homelands, did so to escape persecution, or to take advantage of finding a better place in a newly colonised land. A land which probably had inhabitants.

So, your nation is young, is it? I have a feeling that the Native Americans, may think it a good deal older than you do. They colonised the land too. So when does a new country, become an old country, become a new country? I guess my many ancestors, left their lands looking for a better life, or to conquer. Times may change, people don't.

''so back to the human rights thing, your records are much worse then ours''

You've covered this! Prove it!

''we fought a war of independence not to be ruled by a dictator, we were invaded by your nation not once, but twice, so who are you to be giving lessons in "Imperialism"''

Please show how your wealthy founding fathers gave a damn about the slaves and freeing them, the emancipation of women, or the day to day problems of the ordinary white population....the poor white farmer, or the nobility of the native American and the lands which they had called their own.

I refuse to believe that the founding fathers would have wanted independence, if continuing to be a colony had not caused them problems, with their own wealth. The aristocracy of any nation are always more concerned with their own circumstances.

The thirteen colonies were exactly that...a colony! A colony of a land far away, and in a time when it took a long time to ship troops out to an area thousands of miles away. Why should the Redcoats have been all that enthusiastic to fight a war, so far away.

Big deal....we invaded you twice. You repelled us....well done. A few years on from the war of independence, the Americans tried to invade Canada and got sent packing....by Redcoats and Canadian locals. Horses for courses!

By the way, the Government of the UK in 1776 was not a dictatorship. King George III was a constitutional monarch and the country had a Prime Minister and his Cabinet Ministers. Granted, the country did not have full emancipation and democracy was limited to those with money, but as with all democracies....it was an ever evolving one!

No lessons in Imperialism......just what is seen and is evident to amny people in the world.

''now mind you the British military folks I have fought with in two wars I give props to and I know they dont feel like your ass...but of course most on here as so far left they have never been in a military, nor done mush other then protest those who defend them...and those they dont like..''

What do you mean by ''don't feel like your ass''......you will have to explain that in more detail.

I think you will find that the ordinary (extraordinary), British soldier, the working class lad that has joined the army and makes a career of it for however long and knows when he joins up, that he may well have to give his life.....will be the type of guy....or girl....who will vote for the Labour party in an election. Or he may be one of the many, disillusioned by politicians and not vote at all. A shame that...because people fought for their right to vote and if you don't vote, you can't make a difference and shouldn't complain.

Soldiers, sailors, airman...they are doing a professional job...they follow orders. Whatever the colour of the polituical party, which happens to be in Government, they have to be impartial and do their job.

Serving in the military does not make one anymore special than any other person. Unless there is a draft, a person joins the military, because they want to. Nobody makes them. They will see terrible things in battle, but this they are trained for...although they can never be trained, or prepared, for seeing their first mutilated bodies....or for killing another human being.

The people who will not see the dead bodies and see friends blown to pieces, are the politicians, the dictators, the war lords....''Wars are fought vicariously, by others, who do not wish their houses to be despoiled.''.......I don't know who wrote that, but it is very true.

Those that serve in battle conditions are to be admired, if they carry out their duties in an honorable and professional manner. Those who do not, should be admonished.

All people that serve their fellow humans, be it as doctors, nurses, firefighters etc etc etc...the list is so long...should also be admired.

Having left wing political views has nothing to do with how much respect people have for those who may fight in wars. Protests against war are protests, not against the military.....who you must remember are made up of ordinary people....but against the policies of Governments,

If you are of the thinking that anyone who isn't a Democrat or a Republican, must be a Liberal and that Liberal equals Socialist, Communist etc......then you will be very mistaken. Remember,,,,,the USA is only one country and one political system.

Jun 21, 2009, 5:11 PM
This same question is asked many times over on Yahoo! Answers.
It just seems that people from other countries have a huge issue with us.
I don't think I am better than anyone else on earth.
When I look in my country I see "people" and when I look in all countries I see "people." We all have a heart, a brain, and blood running through our veins. I don't understand what the problem is?
Live & Let Live people!

If only, if only Amber Rose.....If only!!

Long Duck Dong
Jun 22, 2009, 3:16 AM
Nope, just tired of the American bashing on this board...some of us are PROUD to be American...some of us are tired of other counties attempting to put us down, but yet want to be just like us...and as for the Iraq question as stated by Bush, once Iraq is turned into a democracy the rest of the ME will follow...take a look at Iran at this time....but of course Europeans dont want democracy in the ME might kill the arms trade for them...that's the major reason the French were against the war...their arms trade was killed after we invaded WITH UN AUTHOIRZATION...remember Iraq invaded Kuwait back in 1990, the US and British we the only ones still spending their gold and blood enforcing UN mandates...the French were selling weapons to Saddam to help shoot down Allied Aircraft and kill my fellow Americans, so before you bash Americans, take a look at the french or other Europeans who have shown throughout history they are not willing to sacrifice for their believes...as for Danfor, where are the Europeans??? why has it got to always be the USA??? As for Europeans, take a look in your own back yard before saying we have issues...you have MANY MORE...take a look at your homeland before criticizing mine...

when iraq invaded kuwait, nz added forces to it....... new zealand does exist.....and we do put people into battle.....

in ww1 new zealand had 1 mill people.... we put 100k of them into the war... the largest amount per head of capitia than ANY other country..... but how often will you hear that......

we have been a part of the anzacs and anzus...... lest we be forgotten......

also for the size of our country.... we actually put more money into foriegn aid then most countries... based on gross domestic spending.....
when people refer to per head of capitia in regards to spending.... they look at the money the country can spend.... not the amount of money the country borrows to spend...
USA has what size debt, compared to NZ's 9 bill dollar deficit....

but again... people look at the usa and base it around the trillions of dollars.... not the size of the country and how much the country can generate in income without creating massive debt.......

as I have stated, us doesn't have the best track record.... but show me one country that is superior..... every country has its bad points..... but its actually the people that make the country worth living in