View Full Version : Do any of you have any tips on coming out and in?

Feb 11, 2006, 5:06 PM
I visit this site everyday and really love it, but sometimes it all seems a bit too much to handle emotionally. I'm currently coming out and sometimes it's all rather staggering and I find it hard to keep up with myself and the emotions I'm going through.
Someone wrote here that coming out to yourself is the hardest bit and that is surely true. Perhaps I'm doing it all a bit too fast?
I would surely be very grateful to anyone who has some tips.

Feb 11, 2006, 5:56 PM
My advise is to come out to those people you trust the most first. Then come out to family and friends at whatever pace you feel comfortable.
I have been lucky because I belong to a Unitarian Church that has an extremely supportive GLBT group and the congregation as a whole is very supportive of my coming out as bisexual. I am also very lucky to have a partner who encourages me to be who I am sexually. She is truly great.
Most importantly, I am a firm believer in coming out to anyone you are having an intimate relationship with because to do otherwise IMHO is lying.
Honesty with yourself and others!!

Feb 11, 2006, 6:01 PM
My advise is not to bother with the whole coming out thing...we the gay/bisexual community keep telling its nobodies business who we sleep with and then we create this whole coming out thing. Its bogus, all my friends and all my former lovers know and/or have known I am Bi and that I prefer women but find pleasure in men as well...but if I do'n't know somebody or its in a job or school situition (or even some parts of the family) it never (or should I say I never) bring it up. Save your energies for something important like love.