View Full Version : Hi

Sep 12, 2009, 7:16 PM
Hi guys!

I just found out about this site and am loving it! I'm a male from Brazil and I've just recently had my first same sex experience and I thought it was amazing. Since I was a teenager I've had some sexual fantasies with men but I just really had eyes for women, but recently I've felt more and more attraction to men and decided to try it and don't regret a bit of it! And this site is everything I was looking for. Hope to make some friends here and (hopefully) meet someone.

Sep 12, 2009, 8:12 PM

You will find friends here; you've landed on an excellent site to explore. There is something for almost everyone here, and many others to discuss the things you want and need.

Read the older posts and responses. If you don't see anything that interests you, post a question, or thought, of your own. Someone will be glad to discuss it with you.

If you filled out your profile, it may even help you actually locate someone close to you.

Sep 12, 2009, 8:22 PM

Welcome aboard. I just found this site four days back and I'm already hooked. I've been bisexual for 13 years and find it very comforting that I can just hop on my computer and connect with individuals who know what its like. Don't be shy, hop on our chat room some time and introduce yourself to us. Hope to see you around.

With respect,



Sep 12, 2009, 8:57 PM
Hi Neto and Matthew,

Just wanted to WELCOME you both to this site. Glad that you both found it. We have been here now in our fifth year and were so glad we found it way back when. Hope you have a chance to look around, read, ask questions and meet new people.


Sep 12, 2009, 10:36 PM
Hello Netoo, welcome. I met Matt the other day, too. Here just frrl free to be yourself and join in on conversations and topics, and pop into chat when you can to meet some wonderfully whacky people. :}
Everybody's feline:paw::paw:

roy m cox
Sep 13, 2009, 12:48 AM
ha'loooo Netoo and welcome :three:


Sep 13, 2009, 10:00 AM
rcdoak@gmail.com welcome id love to see some photos if you can send some id love tosee all cocks alll are welcome