View Full Version : Birth Control

Justin Chad Taylor
Oct 9, 2009, 11:56 PM
What is the most popular form of birthcontol used out there. Condoms, Pills, Etc.:three:

Oct 9, 2009, 11:58 PM

Oct 10, 2009, 1:19 AM
Contraceptive Suppositories/Rythym/Condoms. Three part protection and I never proceed with less than two in effect. :)


Oct 10, 2009, 8:13 AM
I solved that problem years ago...I had a vasectomy when I was in my early 20s. It's no protection from diseases, though, so Caution is still required. It was a huge relief when I know I'd never have any unwanted children.

Oct 10, 2009, 5:26 PM
Do yourselves a favor DONT BUY CHEAP CONDOMS...Spend a little more & get Trojans that have spermide lubrication...
The first sex I had with a girl I used cheap condoms...So 2 weeks after we had sex she came up to me & said "guess what? I'm having my period"...I shugged my shoulders...She said "I was 8 days late with my period!" My heart stopped for a second & my mouth went dry...Never again

Oct 10, 2009, 8:42 PM
Trojans are the reason for my daughter. The really thin kind, supra I think. We now use Durex. :)

Oct 10, 2009, 9:44 PM
I'm a virgin, so this advice is a combination of listening to my public health nurse Dad and practicality. Take it with a grain of salt. It's probably not the most "popular" plan, tho.

When you first start off a sexual relationship (or if you're having a one-night stand), you use latex male condoms, or latex or polyutherine female condoms. After a while, you get tested for STDs' and use a more form of permanent form of birth control when the tests come back negative.

DB :bipride:

Oct 10, 2009, 10:01 PM
Trojans are the reason for my daughter. The really thin kind, supra I think. We now use Durex. :)

Agreed--DUREX seems to be of consistent high qualtiy---sometimes such quality assurance is apparently lacking in TROJANS because I know of more than a few friends who got a surprise using TROJANS as did Georgie Girl--a bouncing little baby child---at least they didn't get some sorta nasty bug!!

Oct 10, 2009, 10:33 PM
I had a vasectomy and my wife swallows.;)

Oct 10, 2009, 11:29 PM
The most popular form of birth control is the pill. Or at least that is what a recent press release has said.

Oct 10, 2009, 11:44 PM
I got pregnant while on Ortho Tri Cyclen (The Pill) and Ortho Evra (The Patch), those were pregnancy number 3 and 4..... Soo...... I don't know what you would consider that failure rate to be, But the odds were never in my favor. My kids are 3 years, 3years, 3years, and 24 months apart.

So I got my myself fixed and now I am almost 6 years no pregnancies.... Yayyyy!!!! but WTF... how come now I can't get pregnant, my cycles want to be regular??? Before I got fixed my cycles were 60-80 days apart and post tubal ligation I am 29-32 days....

Cruel tricks I tell ya....

Oh one more tid bit.... before I had number 3, I was told I was anovulatory (by a fertility specialist) and wouldn't be able to have more children... I went on the pill just to help with pms and headaches... and Boom boom preggers..... So nothing, not even diagnosis is 100 percent, except abstinence.

Oct 10, 2009, 11:44 PM
CNDM CI and TCC [Condoms *Coitus Interruptus* & *Tantric Cum Control*]

Natural,safe and relatively sure. Unfortunately this society refutes nature's remedies [only two of the most immediately available being mentioned] & are too lazy for more than artificial applications.

Oct 11, 2009, 12:56 AM
I'd love to get my tubes tied/cut/anything else thy can do to them, but I have no insurance. Plus you have to be a certain age or have a certain number of kids before they'll do it, which is complete and total bullshit.

Oct 11, 2009, 2:01 AM
Georgie, no one should ever have to worry about getting pregnant if they don't want children. Who makes up these rules, anyway?

My first wife didn't want any more kids when we married (she'd been married before, didn't want children but still had two) She was still scared to death every time we had sex, for a long time, until she finally realized I was shooting blanks. Finally, we both had a peace of mind that helped us to live a much better and more loving life.

I agree with you, it seems that it would be in the everyone's best interest for the state to pay for getting your tubes tied.

Oct 11, 2009, 12:44 PM
Plus you have to be a certain age or have a certain number of kids before they'll do it, which is complete and total bullshit.

I agree 100%! It's total bullshit.

Georgie, no one should ever have to worry about getting pregnant if they don't want children. Who makes up these rules, anyway?


I agree with you, it seems that it would be in the everyone's best interest for the state to pay for getting your tubes tied.

The people who make up those rules are the same people who don't wanna get sued after the operated-on person starts to whine "I've changed my mind!" Never mind that both male and female versions of the surgeries can be reversed!:soapbox:

DB :bipride:

Oct 11, 2009, 2:34 PM
Pointing and laughing

Oct 11, 2009, 7:26 PM
CONDOMS CONDOMS CONDOMS..... enough said.. if you dont like feeling oh welll..... :)

Oct 11, 2009, 8:33 PM
CONDOMS CONDOMS CONDOMS..... enough said.. if you dont like feeling oh welll..... :)


I've never had sex with a condom (actually, I've never had sex), but I LOVE how latex feels!

DB :flag3:

Oct 11, 2009, 8:45 PM

I've never had sex with a condom (actually, I've never had sex), but I LOVE how latex feels!

DB :flag3:

thank god you are thinking with your head... and dont worry sex is overrated.. you are not missing much... heheheehehehe
don't rush it i'm sure when you are ready to do it, you will be protected.