View Full Version : over 18 and playing video games?

Oct 25, 2009, 7:16 AM
friend of mine is about 28-29 years old and loves playing video games, i told him if he ever wanted to get a date he would have to put hold on the video games. so he got a girl friend that likes video games. now they sit at their house when they arent at work playin video games.

my question is do you believe that you can get to old to play video games?

if no, do you play them yourself?

if yes, why do you thin people should stop playing video games after a certain age?


Oct 25, 2009, 7:50 AM
Strange question, but..........

At a party a while back, I met an Air Force flight instructor. He told me that one thing he's been noticing with young aspiring pilots is that those who have grown up playing video games have an excellent hand/eye coordination. They learn doing multiple, simultaneous, tasks quicker than those who have never played video games.

Personally, I think that the games may be addictive and interests in other things may suffer, while being so focused.............but hey, if they enjoy it, are not annoying others, let 'em have at it!

Oct 25, 2009, 10:01 AM
I play the most addictive game ever...World of Warcraft!!!

My husband and I are both gamers. We love our games. However, we don't let them interferre with our lives. My sister in law used to not go on planned dates with my brother in law because she had a raid to join in WoW. She didn't work cause she'd rather play WoW. I used to take care of her kids cause she was too into WoW. That's crazy. No matter what age, that's bullshit.

But I think that that is what it really comes down to, not so much the age thing. There is nothing wrong with video games or anything else that a person likes to go to to have a little bit of fun, but too much of anything fun or good can be a bad thing.

Oct 25, 2009, 10:56 AM
Internet addiction disorder (IAD), or, more broadly, Internet overuse, problematic computer use or pathological computer use, is excessive computer use that interferes with daily life. These terms avoid the distracting and divisive term addiction and are not limited to any single cause.

IAD was originally proposed as a disorder in a satirical hoax by Ivan Goldberg, M.D., in 1995.[1] He took pathological gambling as diagnosed by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) as his model for the description[2] of IAD. However, IAD receives coverage in the press, and its classification as a psychological disorder is being debated and researched.

Online activities which, if done in person, would normally be considered troublesome, such as compulsive gambling or shopping, are sometimes called net compulsions.[3] Others, such as reading or playing computer games, are troubling only to the extent that these activities interfere with normal life. Supporters of disorder classification often divide IAD into subtypes by activity, such as excessive viewing of pornography,[4] overwhelming and excessive gaming,[5] inappropriate involvement in online social networking sites or blogging,[6] and Internet shopping addiction.

Porn or gaming over use is over use. When it starts to cause problems in your life its time to evaluate where you are.

As far as the age, what does that matter? If you enjoy it , then why worry? As long as its not causing you to ignore your responsibilities.

Oct 25, 2009, 11:12 AM
I am 31 and have been playing games since atari and coleco.
I saved the pricess on the first nintendo, I played leisure suit larry on one of the first portable computers at the age of 9 yeah I was young and fucked the hooker before I got the condom and had to start over cause I got VD, but it was hilarious. I Kicked my mom's ass on super nitendo, I killed sonic way too many timed on Sega, I got motion sick on Nintendo 64, I liked Ps1, but loved Ps2. Baldure's Gate , Gauntlet, Obscure, Marvel Alliance, Fatal Frame, Silent Hill.. Then the third gens came out and my heart sank because of the price. Until the Wii. Now my favorite game Silent hill with be coming out on the wii next month. Yay, and now Ps3 is coming down in price.. Yayyyy....

Not too old, never too old. I play with my kids, I play with my hubby, and because they say as you age playing some video games can strengthen your cognitive skills and also help with low impact exercise. I plan on playing with my grand children and great grandchildren.

Oct 25, 2009, 11:22 AM
nope , you are never too old to do anything....

I personaly dont play but I have a friend that when he not working he is online playing video games till very late and early morning.... his girlfriend loves him just the way he is... I guess if you dont mind it, its ok to deal with it.....

i personally play for 5 minutes and get bored hahahaahaha I rather masturbate heehehe

Oct 25, 2009, 11:44 AM
I must be the ONLY person in the WORLD who has never played a video game. I at least have heard of PACMAN. Oh no...I think that dates myself.


Oct 25, 2009, 12:01 PM
I must be the ONLY person in the WORLD who has never played a video game. I at least have heard of PACMAN. Oh no...I think that dates myself.



Oct 25, 2009, 12:05 PM
My husband got me into playing WoW, his friend is married and he got her into WoW, his other friend is dating a friend of mine, and he got her into playing Lord of the Rings online. You're never too old for video games, but a 2 year old shouldn't be playing them. :)

Oct 25, 2009, 12:10 PM
My husband got me into playing WoW, his friend is married and he got her into WoW, his other friend is dating a friend of mine, and he got her into playing Lord of the Rings online. You're never too old for video games, but a 2 year old shouldn't be playing them. :)

OOOOO what realms!!

Oct 25, 2009, 12:17 PM
OOOOO what realms!!

Shadow Moon, Horde side. :) You?

Oct 25, 2009, 1:31 PM
The answer is an absolute no.

My wife and I both play games together; LOTRO, Sacred, Diablo II, Arcanum, and others.

It is a good way to (fairly inexpensively), do things without having to spend gobs of money and it is completely weatherproof.

Not to say that we do not do other things, but it is a common activity that we both enjoy doing, like renaissance faires and riding the motorcycle together.

HE - 48
SHE - 54

Annika L
Oct 25, 2009, 2:08 PM
I agree that you're never too old for anything.

I especially believe that you're never too old for games of *any* kind...Kel and I love all kinds of games, and frequently host dinner parties and play games afterwards.

And yes, we're over 40, but have a Wii, and aren't too old to enjoy playing a variety of videogames!

I grew up in the late 70's/early 80's, and was there for the dawn of the videogame when everything cost a quarter. I've had the pleasure of playing these games at every stage of their evolution, when each stage was brand new and cutting edge. They don't constitute a major hobby or interest for me, but I have worked in software development, and can appreciate the work and thought that goes into the best of them. And some are just plain fun!

Oct 25, 2009, 4:52 PM
Never played, not interested in the least........I've got REAL stuff to do!

Long Duck Dong
Oct 25, 2009, 7:10 PM
lol I am topping the scales for 40 years old

I play...

diablo 2 ( online )
warhammer 40k
spellforce 1 and 2
need for speed underground and most wanted...
far cry
and I am head admin ( anti cheat section ) of a few online games

hell...I play many games.... but I perfer games that require me to use my head....

I started gaming on a trs 80, and sinclair xls..... I loved my commodore 500
and from the gaming came a extensive knowledge of cheating, hacking and coding..... which led to me gaining staffing postions on online games ( paid positions ) and certs in web design, business ethics, networking and computer maintenance etc....

Oct 25, 2009, 7:25 PM
I don't think you can be too old to play video games. I'm 36 and love challenging my 14-year-old son on games that he and I both have an interest in. Mostly Call of Duty or Ghost Recon.

I play the Resident Evil series games to relieve frustrations and anger. Better to take out aggression on a character than a person. My husband has learned that loud music coupled with playing Resident Evil games means I've had a crap day.

Oct 25, 2009, 8:14 PM
Never played, not interested in the least........I've got REAL stuff to do!

Realist.....I am SO glad that I am not alone.


Oct 25, 2009, 9:51 PM
I'm quite in love with Eve Online, an obscure little game compared to WoW. Been in the same Corp (guild ,group, etc) for over 3 years now, and developed some nice friendships. Got to actually meet two dozen of them a month ago in Iceland.

So nah, online gaming just isnt for kids, and there's sometimes alot more than just the game involved.

Oct 25, 2009, 9:59 PM
Both me (20's) and my partner (30's) play, so do my parents (50's)......
We're currently living back at my parents and in total there is; 1 Wii, 2 XBox360's, 1 XBox, 2 PS2's, (at least) 2 PS1's, 5 DS's and I think at least 1 of each of the major consols as well.....It's rather mad....But I do have to say that we're not all that bad it's more of a bored at the weekend or nothing on tv sort of thing when we play.

Oct 25, 2009, 10:06 PM
I'm quite in love with Eve Online, an obscure little game compared to WoW. Been in the same Corp (guild ,group, etc) for over 3 years now, and developed some nice friendships. Got to actually meet two dozen of them a month ago in Iceland.

So nah, online gaming just isnt for kids, and there's sometimes alot more than just the game involved.

Did the trial for Eve Online. Love the concept but was a bit dissatisfied with the game overall.

Too much mining and not enough of the other stuff, Thankfully, the griefers seemed to be very few and far between. But the universe is a really big place, too.

Also did beta for Lineage II. Liked that game, except for the abundance of griefers. I play a game to play the game, not to look over my shoulder all the time for some asshole that is 30 levels above me that just gets his rocks off by killing small toons and ruining the play experiences of others.

Oct 25, 2009, 11:12 PM
Its gonna be funny when this generation who grew up playing video games gets old enough to "go to the old folks home!"

A bunch of crotchety old so and sos fighting over who gets to play the home's few game sets!! :bigrin::bigrin::bigrin:

As some have already said--as long as people put video games in their place and don't go overboard on it---as one of your leisure time activities--it is as a legitimate enough activity as anything else--my God---my parents have friends who play golf like at least one time a day--by that--sometimes they not only play one 18-hole round a day--they play two 18-hole rounds a day during a long summer's day--and play golf pretty much every single day of the week, weather and health permiting--so is that fucked up or what???

For those people--playing golf is their life--so what the hell--if that is what floats their boat---so what---let 'em play----not my cup of tea I have to say---but neither is playing vids--for me now though----I am pretty much spending my free time concentrating on things relating to art, photography, things of that nature--and once I get back from this trip I am currently on in a few days---I am going to get to Blick's Art Store in Columbus later this week to stock up on art supplies---- then I am pretty much going to spend as much time working as I can on paintings or something really cool I have found to do with photographs to get an "artsy thing" going with them---so I guess that is going to be my obsession.

To each, his or her their own.

roy m cox
Oct 26, 2009, 12:54 AM
im in my 30s and i like playing video games ,, but the only one i supremely like is second life i just down loaded a new viewer and if you have a pc like mine you'd think second life is real life they have updated second life so well other games look very bad :bigrin:

so no i don't think your to old to play any thing or watch things like cartoons my friend loves toons and i watch them with him :bigrin:

Oct 26, 2009, 1:05 AM
Strange question, but..........

At a party a while back, I met an Air Force flight instructor. He told me that one thing he's been noticing with young aspiring pilots is that those who have grown up playing video games have an excellent hand/eye coordination. They learn doing multiple, simultaneous, tasks quicker than those who have never played video games.

Personally, I think that the games may be addictive and interests in other things may suffer, while being so focused.............but hey, if they enjoy it, are not annoying others, let 'em have at it!

It's funny you mentioned that. I spent all my time in highschool playing on various flight simulators *Particularly Microsoft Flight Sim/Combat Flight Sim*, instead of focusing on what I was supposed to be doing. When I graduated, I began working at a local airport, being my only aviation experience was with the sims and RC aircraft, I used that as a chatting/reference point. My soon to be flight instructor used to call me Simboy out of jest, that was until I began flying with him. After the end of the first flight, I never heard him refer to me as that again.

I still mess with FPS and flight sims, but not as much as when I was in school. Mostly because of my making flying a job, it's kinda pointless to go home and fly more! As far as first person shooters, I replaced that with 1:1 combat using blank-adapted firearms, Mortyrs, vehicles, the occasional tank/halftrack and groups of people portraying different sides of the battle. It's much more fun that way and holy hell is it good exersize! *despite being sore for a couple of days afterwords!* :bigrin:


Oct 26, 2009, 1:22 AM
I've been playing video games since I was 4 years old. It is the greatest art any society has ever created, from a well written story and expert voice acting to hand painted backdrops and orchestral music so many games are simply beautiful to the senses. And the best games, like BioShock or Beyond Good & Evil actually make you question the world you live in and how it's run. Collecting video games (http://www.gamespot.com/users/brendan_o/games_table?mode=own) has become my biggest hobby because all of these games are unique worlds, and I want to visit them all. I also want to do things I couldn't do in real life, like run at 700mph, fly an F-15, travel through space and time or swing from a skyscraper, it's the most liberating feeling ever.

I'm now 19 (going on 20 in November). My father is in his 50s and we play video games together at least every week, me and my bff do the same. Hell, even my grandmother who is in her 80s will play my Atari 2600 with me when she visits. My favourite series is Sonic the Hedgehog, I feel like he's been my brother through thick and thin, I even still watch the original Power Rangers at my age. You're never too old for the things you love.

You don't stop playing because you get old... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJ0EAsc_Rjg&fmt=18)

Annika L
Oct 26, 2009, 11:10 AM
Never played, not interested in the least........I've got REAL stuff to do!

Oh my! How superior! Real stuff, like posting on forums on a bisexual site? Online chat, maybe? I'm impressed!

Oct 26, 2009, 4:08 PM
49 years old here. Never too old to play. I love "God of War"

Oct 26, 2009, 4:30 PM

That did sound a little superior, didn't it? Sorry about that, but each of us have our own interests and abilities. I really didn't mean to indicate that what I enjoy doing is the only thing anyone else should do.....just that for me, spending time with games is not an interesting, or a rewarding, skill, to me.

If you read above, I did acknowledge that it has helped hand/eye coordination and has been shown to improve fighter pilot's reaction times and manual dexterity.

I like working with my hands and seeing what I feel are concrete results that mean something to me. If it's not "your thing" that's OK. I really don't care what you do with your time and am not one to harass anyone for being different than me.

As for the time I spend here: It's relaxing, interesting, and some of it motivates me to be a better person.....and I didn't intend to hit a nerve.

...Peace, OK?

Annika L
Oct 26, 2009, 5:27 PM

That did sound a little superior, didn't it? Sorry about that, but each of us have our own interests and abilities. I really didn't mean to indicate that what I enjoy doing is the only thing anyone else should do.....just that for me, spending time with games is not an interesting, or a rewarding, skill, to me.

If you read above, I did acknowledge that it has helped hand/eye coordination and has been shown to improve fighter pilot's reaction times and manual dexterity.

I like working with my hands and seeing what I feel are concrete results that mean something to me. If it's not "your thing" that's OK. I really don't care what you do with your time and am not one to harass anyone for being different than me.

As for the time I spend here: It's relaxing, interesting, and some of it motivates me to be a better person.....and I didn't intend to hit a nerve.

...Peace, OK?

Peace of *course*! Always that at a minimum.

Your clarification is appreciated, but it's ok...I wasn't offended so much as I just found your comment ironic.

The nerve that was touched that convinced me to post my reaction had little to do with you: I am becoming increasingly distressed by how many people here *do* feel that everyone should be just like them...have profiles like theirs, be at the same stage of "being out" as they are, have the same motivations for being here as them, etc. I'm not accusing you of feeling any of these ways (in fact, I don't think you do), but your comment touched that nerve in me.

I don't actually care much for the "skill" aspect of videogames, myself. My interest is in stories and finding new and interesting ways to tell them and involve people in them...videogames definitely have something to add there...at least certain ones (certainly not all). I also appreciate the way the technology is used to enhance the story or the player's involvement in it.

As for time spent on this site, LOL, of course I would never actually criticize or question anyone spending time here...from me, that would be *so* hypocritical! :tong: But in terms of "realness", I honestly don't see it as any more admirable or real than videogames. Interesting that your reasons for being here (it's relaxing and interesting) align nicely with many people's reasons for playing videogames!

Anyway...no offense taken (at least not by me).

Oct 26, 2009, 8:00 PM
I have avoided video games since that night in 1983 when playing "Centipede" until the wee hours of the morning left me unable to use my right arm the next day. LOL!

Oct 27, 2009, 1:12 AM
friend of mine is about 28-29 years old and loves playing video games, i told him if he ever wanted to get a date he would have to put hold on the video games. so he got a girl friend that likes video games. now they sit at their house when they arent at work playin video games.

my question is do you believe that you can get to old to play video games?

if no, do you play them yourself?

if yes, why do you thin people should stop playing video games after a certain age?


I really didn't quit but I still play with friends and I gave away all my old systems and haven't bought any of the new gen ones. it mostly so I can focus on school and my career. I know if i had the games a step away I wouldn't get as much done!

Nov 13, 2009, 10:21 PM
Relationships come in all shapes and sizes. A bisexual forum is a good example. My wife and I are both thirty-years-old, and we love playing Xbox 360 together. We both grew up playing Nintendo and the like. We have some friends who actually met each other playing a video game. She ended up moving to the state to be with them. They have been happily married for years.

You can help guide a friend to new and exciting activities, but in the end people should be themselves.

Jul 14, 2010, 12:29 AM
I love video games, they are great. I think of how much money I've saved when I chose to stay in and play video games, as opposed to going out to spend money to entertain myself.

Jul 14, 2010, 3:11 AM
ya im 45 and still play the vids,,, :bigrin:

Jul 14, 2010, 3:14 AM
LOL I met my man on an online game and couldn't be happier. I plan on not just moving states but moving countries to be with him. We currently play Diablo2 right now but no console games. A couple browser games for fun. But there is no limit to the age that you can be and still enjoy playing games of all varieties.

Jul 14, 2010, 7:45 AM
im 42, still play video games, have all 3 of the systems,, I play BFBC2 everyday on the PS 3

Jul 14, 2010, 4:39 PM
I play a lot of video games, mostly COD. Anyway, no i don't think you can be too old to play video games. Its what makes you happy

Jul 14, 2010, 4:57 PM
I grew up playing Atari, Conseco, Nintendo and the like - as well as computer games - back in the 80's.......but now, with spending all day on my computer for work (I type medical transcription/doctors' dictation) the last thing I want to do is stare at the screen for more hours (after staring at it for 8-12 hours for work) playing games, even though I do enjoy some of them. My b/f (Bisexualnewbie) loves to play games, Call of Duty World at War on his computer as well as others on his PS2 and we are talking about getting a Wii (which I might actually enjoy playing). I think as long as it doesn't interfere with your life, it's fine - but once it starts coming between a couple, something needs to give (from either side). :)

Jul 15, 2010, 5:10 PM
I'm 31 and my hubby will be 20 next week. Before I met him, I didn't play video games at all, but now that we are together...I've turned into a gamer, and he absolutely loves it! He thinks it's hot!!! And I don't think you can get too old to play games!!!

Jul 15, 2010, 6:33 PM
video gamers do not = datless, i've had plenty, many gamers date within the circle

i was born just about the creation of the NES, realizing my sexuality at a young age i wasn't exactly the happiest kid, living in concervolland SATX and going through a religious private elmentry school, with a military trained captain for a father, Games drew me away from the harshness of reality

im 25, i don't play games as prolificly, but i still do

games are just another form of entertainment, im not going to say there as good as reading a book, but htey envolve more brain power than drooling at any tv program all day.

Jul 20, 2010, 9:37 PM
You can never be too old for video games!
All my siblings are older than I am, & they still play. :)

Jul 21, 2010, 2:01 AM
Naw... never too old.
Hell, me and the Mrs. play spider solitaire daily on each of our computers; a game on our video screen.
Although... I think if I/we/she plays too much... there might be a problem.
Although I do love to play (1982) Donkey Kong at the bar while she socializes with our friends!
Sometimes I like Galaga or Ms PacMan.