View Full Version : to shave, or not to shave ??
Dec 10, 2009, 6:25 PM
hey i'm new to this site.....i've noticed most gay, bi men shave their junk, i do also, but when i date women, it always seems to be such a weird thing to them......what's up ladies??
Dec 10, 2009, 7:43 PM
Wrong ladies!
Dec 10, 2009, 9:38 PM
Wrong ladies!
You have that be sure. Love a nice trimmed and smooth private parts.
Dec 10, 2009, 10:47 PM
My totally straight wife loves that I am shaved, since it keeps her from worrying about getting hair in her mouth during oral sex.
Those straight women that are bothered by it don't know what they are missing out on.
Dec 10, 2009, 10:54 PM
I keep it trimmed but don't like it shaved. The wife wont admit it but she thinks it's sexy too. She likes to play with my cockring too. Ok, maybe that's too much info. LOL
Dec 10, 2009, 11:18 PM
My wife very much prefers I keep the pubes trimmed (fairly short) and my balls shaved. Like others have said, she likes it better for oral sex. For me the sensations are pretty incredible with so little between her skin and mine.
roy m cox
Dec 11, 2009, 1:12 AM
i can't help it that my goody's get smooth a lot of time my hair falls out cuzz of a bad skin problem i have and so i do end up shaving the parts that don't fall out to keep it all smooth or i end up looking like i have mange :eek:
and that's not very good looking :(
i was dating a girl this one time just before i stared having this problem, and when she and i started having sex more every thing went bad cuzz she started give me oral and it did feel good till she started gagging and and she just pulled a bunch of hair out of her mouth, i was so embarrassed about it and did not know what was going on why my hair was falling out like that i tried to get her to under stand that but she ended up leaving and would not come back so i just let her go for the night i took a shower that night a more hair fell out and i was starting to get worried some thing was wrong with me i went to doctor the next day the doctor just told me it was nothing that some times that happens to men , but i started to notices that my head hair was staying put but just my body hair was the only hair falling out i was stumped but till other problems started showing up then it made scene that i was having a real prob ,, oh and i did try calling her and more but she would not have any part of me :( .. but now i have wonderful boy friend that duzz not mind it at all fact is he like it that i don't have hair on my goody's and i do have better orgasms with out hair their so i don't mind it any more to
Dec 11, 2009, 8:24 AM
I absolutely love LDD's cock, he shaves it normally but at times when it's just down to soft stubble that can be as erotic as anything as well. Some women just don't understand why guys shave, but for me.... well as long as the cock is nice I don't care if it's shaved or not.
Dec 11, 2009, 2:06 PM
I learned how to shave bare while I was single. I'm still single, but I had a friend with benefits that LOVED my shaved cock. I think most women appreciate the smoothness
Dec 12, 2009, 8:00 AM
have been shaved for so long I do not even think about it. Knowbody I have been with ever seems to care and quite frankly Male or Female most I have been with are shaved now days.
Dec 12, 2009, 9:07 AM
I guess I'm just a weird-o but I think that I prefer things natural. For starters, a completely smooth Land Down Under makes me feel like I'm with someone who is in the pre-puberty stage. Secondly, some people just look down right hysterical shaved! My husband, for instance, has hair on his legs that kind of just keeps going to about the top of his asscrack, front and back, and if he shaves that area it just looks like the odd ball in a hairy situation. All you see is this smooth triangle and then hair. LOL. The only way it works is if he shaves EVERYTHING which is way too much maintenance. I actually like feeling his pubes rubbing against my face as I go down on him. Maybe I'd feel differently if his pubes weren't so soft, or if he had a lot more than he has. In either case, I've never minded anyone's pubes.
Don't get me wrong though. In the end I like crotches no matter what haha.
Dec 13, 2009, 4:27 PM
I shave because it makes me feel cleaner and my cock stands out a little more (I'm not well-hung). A long time ago I used to just shave my balls but when I would shower, I would shampoo and condition the rest of my public hair. Sounds a little weird, I know, but then my bush was really fluffy, looked nice, and was clean.
Dec 13, 2009, 4:38 PM
personally i am moderately hairy and i prefer and no one has ever had a problem with short trimmed pubes and shaved balls . . . i have one of those norelco body groomers and it makes it so easy
Dec 13, 2009, 11:36 PM
smooth is very hot to me,, I recently started shaving and I love how if feels,,, I shave everytime I play:bigrin:
Dec 13, 2009, 11:37 PM
I had a very hairy ass, groin, balls, and the base of my cock. It's all gone now. I keep just a little over my cock.
The smooth and clean feel is great. It looks and feels sexy. My toungue likes the taste of smooth clean skin.:tongue:
I prefer both genders to have their intimate areas be clean shaven. No hairs caught in my mouth or pulled and pinched during intercourse. :female::male:
Hairy men (or women) are not appealing to me. :female::male:
To each their own. For those that like hair, let them have hair.
For those that like smooth, let them have smooth. :2cents: