View Full Version : sex or not

Jan 13, 2010, 10:20 AM
Ok i have seen on here where men are called pigs. With all that aside basically being true for alot of them maybe me to dont know how people see me. If you are with someone and you want sex with them and they dont.since you are not suppose to choose sex over love than is it feasible to allow someone to have sex with other people but not with you because you love them dearly and if so when does what you need from the relationship come into play.

Jan 13, 2010, 12:26 PM
In my humble opinion ... sex and love are two separate things.

You can have love without sex and you can have sex without love. Both are grand on their own.

But, when you combine them ... WOW ... you have the best combination there ever was.

The way we humans are made, it seems most women want love first, then sex. For most men it is the opposite. I guess women are in charge of selective breeding. It's just the way it is.

Jan 14, 2010, 11:26 AM
Lmao! You guys :rolleyes:.

Women don't think men are pigs. Gosh even Lesbians don't lmao! There are men that are pigs but thankfully its easy for anyone to distinguish between cute. sexy. funny and nice men (I see one every morning in the mirror :bigrin:) and muppets who view women/men as some kinda toy :rolleyes:.

Why does everyone assume women aren't interested in sex? It annoying for us guys and its sure as hell annoying for the poor girls who feel they have to live up to some idea about women not being kinky or sexual :(.

I think that's why Bi/Lesbian girls are fantastic! They have already said "fuck you" to the world and its stereotypes and can be the way they want :bigrin:. Grab the strap-on deb's..... :flag3:

Jan 14, 2010, 2:14 PM
I guess my question is not worded right so lets try again.How many of you would allow the person that you love have sex with other people and never touch you?

Jan 14, 2010, 3:01 PM
My GF and I have no restrictions on each other, but have a policy that we must meet and approve of lovers, whether or not we're going to be involved.

She, or I, may see something that we don't trust about a new love interest, and will discuss our opinions, but will not dictate to the other. We may play alone, or share, it's up to each of us.

So far, however, in the little over year that we've been lovers, neither of us have felt pressured to find another to join us. If it happens, it happens, if not, that's OK, too. We're happy.

Jan 14, 2010, 3:15 PM
Well, in my experience its hard for someone to distinguish a man who is a "pig," or a genuinely descent guy. If a girl likes that guys company, she may feel reluctant to have sex with them if they haven't already. For fear that their relationship will change, so she just waits until she feels more comfortable around that guy before she indulges in the more physical side of a relationship.

I myself like to be friends with a person before I move into a more "serious" relationship and just let things happen "organically."

I guess my question is not worded right so lets try again.How many of you would allow the person that you love have sex with other people and never touch you?

I don't mind my lover having sex with other people, but I am a very physical person and I would be very unhappy if they never touched me.

Jan 15, 2010, 1:08 AM
I guess my question is not worded right so lets try again.How many of you would allow the person that you love have sex with other people and never touch you?

nope, never, cant think why i would? never in my life would i want to be a part of something like that! in all my relationships, never has that been true. in university, even when the three of us were together, the only others included were ltr friends. all intimate with each other, toghether, but someone a part of your intmate life, off having a whatever, with whomever? nada, nyet, no, nope!

Jan 15, 2010, 7:56 PM
Even though my wife has told me she would like to watch, but not participate in, a man taking care of me, I don't think I could do the same for her with another man. I could join in, but couldn't be on the sidelines. I would respect her wishes if she wanted to be with another woman though. Guess it's the same attitude as hers, as she would not want me alone with another woman. Gets confusing after a while.

Jan 16, 2010, 9:37 PM
there are definitely men that are pigs and opportunistic. :eek:
There are men that are not! :tongue:

There are definitely women that are pigs and opportunistic. :eek:
There are women that are not! :tongue:

We're none of the same. :three: