View Full Version : A silent reel, ...

Feb 13, 2010, 10:01 AM
Lots of folks claim to be experts or highly educated. I really don't
mind them so much. Many times, I feel like a three piece tuxedo must
be worn constantly so as to avoid appearing under dressed for these

Some of these penguin types spout all sorts of hilarious things, too.
One group will tell you a guy is queer because he was born that way.
Another tells you she's a dyke because her father molested her. And
those who want to be free to be the opposite gender, well these groups
really can't answer for too easily.

I am a pretty simple person. I know what I know and to hell with the
rest. If I'm found ignorant on something, yes, I do try learning more
about it. That means I'm not stupid because stupid folks won't bother
learning. I have always been one to learn, and always a bisexual man.

In the conclusion of it I've adopted, nature versus nurture doesn't
matter. You are who you are and that's all there is to it. Don't let
someone pour their shit down your throat and try to make you, them.
That ain't correct by no account, and yes ain't is a word, look it up.
And while there look up the Scottish term "by damn!"

It is by damn I come here today. The damn actually has turned out as a
blessing. Thank you Drew. :) In my neck of the woods, if you stand up
and say "hey, I'm a little queer", you might get strung up in a tree.
There's places like Anytown Smalltown, USA all over so, I know lots of
folks will understand the kind of fear that gnaws at you.

"Well by damn!"

I have on this site a means to communicate with someone loved. He is
very dear to me. I miss him like mad at this point in time. I don't
quite get all he says about things being better or alright. But I do get
him when he says he loves me, has faith in me.

I don't agree with him that we should remain locked away in a dank
cellar somewhere, merely to appease others. But I do understand why we
need to be polite. Yes, I can be polite. Don't make me wear a monkey
suit though, it just clashes with the roughed country boy. Here we can
let go and swing that cellar door wide open.

Here you go honey.

If you were here no sleep would be had. You would be lost in me and me
in you.

If I were there you'd have supper of an evening. I would tuck you in
and keep you safe in my arms.

If we were together, nothing else would be of consequence.

If you were here, I would tremble like a wind blown leaf.

If I was there, you would hold me and say everything is fine.

If, all of these ifs, and it's here and now!

I love you, my husband. Yes, I can say it. Yes, I can say it in
public. I just did. The fools might try hunting me down. They likely
could. Do I care? No. I love you still.

So, by damn, you have a blessed Valentine's day. You're loved more
than you know. My wife says you need to come visit, soon. It breaks
her heart to see me missing you. And yes, I love her as well.

I know you both love me. Sometimes I do have something needing said.
Sometimes, you do need a handy rooftop and bullhorn. It helps you
focus on the message, knowing it may be the last. Love coming through!

Feb 13, 2010, 2:24 PM
Oh Void...that was beautiful. Touched my old cold heart, made a tear spring to my eye. :}
Big peck to your cheek Darlin. Happy Valentines day to you, too!

Feb 13, 2010, 5:27 PM
I enjoyed reading VD's post, too.

As one who'd had the privilege of being in a plural relationship, it's a magnificent thing when 3, or more, can get together, and be on the same track like that.

I too, felt my heart strings being tugged upon!

Feb 13, 2010, 7:47 PM
That is not true at all.

I've also lived in medium sized towns and big cities in the south and again it's not a hell on earth for GLBT people where we're going to get "strung up in a tree" in the south or even the rural south like you are describing.

Also there are now federal laws which protect GLBT people from hate crimes like you are describing. At least they give people a reason not to stay closeted and live in fear like you are describing.

Not for yourself at least, and fair enough, we both have seen different things.

I have been out as a gay man in the rural south since the late 70s and I have NEVER been bashed or had death threats, harassed, or been beat up at all.

I've lived in small towns in the south the middle of nowhere that had such a small population where there are less than 1,000 and people have always been kind and accepting to me and are fine with a gay man and and his partner living there.

Well, in our case it's not just me living with a male partner. It would also involve me having a female one too boot. Also, having lived in the South yourself I would figure you can attest to all the 'God fearing, brought up right, good old boys'. Nobody really wants to talk about them but they still exist. I happen to know two in the form of my brothers. Even my mom who recently admitted her bisexuality, hides.

You just don't live out loud around some folks. At least that's what we see. You've seen different and I can understand, respect that. Just relaying things as I see from here.

"In the absence of law, guns rule." And frankly, there wouldn't be any law to convict these 'good old boys' around here. In fact they would probably get a hero parade. Federal law or not, if someone wants you dead and gone it'll happen. No, that's not being pessimistic, illogical, upset, flawed or anything, it is seeing life for what it is, realistic. So, yes I'll err on the side of caution. I'm glad you saw another view, I really am. It is a shame we all can't have that same view. I would like to.

Feb 13, 2010, 9:27 PM
Dude, as I told you, absolutely brilliant.

Good luck to you and yours. It can work. I know. And when it does, it is the most amazing thing you can imagine. Congradulations.

Feb 14, 2010, 12:39 AM
Also there are now federal laws which protect GLBT people from hate crimes like you are describing. At least they give people a reason not to stay closeted and live in fear like you are describing.

Ahhh, there's that word again.....Closeted

Perhaps HUR, you are/werent In the same small towns that Void and others of us Were in the South. Predjeducial insecurities run deep in many of those towns and being "Queer" was a dangerous thing for a Gay or Bisexual man. I know place Still where its hazardous to ones health to admit this factor. Just because it works for you doesnt mena it works for Everyone. And, a baseball bat or worse in the dark isnt going to be stopped by some Federal Mandate saying its a Hate Crime to hard a Gay man or Lesbian woman. A law or little piece of paper isnt going to stop some narrow minded, tight assed, individual from harming or killing someone over their sexual preference.
Again, just because its never happened to you doesnt mean its not Going to happen to someone else, elsewhere.

Feb 14, 2010, 12:42 AM
Oh Great. Another one that needs a cookie.

Feb 14, 2010, 11:05 AM
Void honey, I miss you too and you know that I love you. If you can hold on just a little longer the days will be getting warmer soon. Maybe until then you can keep wifey warm? I'm not entirely thrilled to be spending V-Day alone myself ..

<curses as the weatherman predicts another 3-6">

I've heard both - that folks in rural area have to fear for their lives, and that folks in small towns sometimes have it easier - there are so many variables that at times I think both statements are true.

Lots of folks claim to be experts or highly educated. I really don't
mind them so much. Many times, I feel like a three piece tuxedo must
be worn constantly so as to avoid appearing under dressed for these

Some of these penguin types spout all sorts of hilarious things, too.
One group will tell you a guy is queer because he was born that way.
Another tells you she's a dyke because her father molested her. And
those who want to be free to be the opposite gender, well these groups
really can't answer for too easily.

I am a pretty simple person. I know what I know and to hell with the
rest. If I'm found ignorant on something, yes, I do try learning more
about it. That means I'm not stupid because stupid folks won't bother
learning. I have always been one to learn, and always a bisexual man.

In the conclusion of it I've adopted, nature versus nurture doesn't
matter. You are who you are and that's all there is to it. Don't let
someone pour their shit down your throat and try to make you, them.
That ain't correct by no account, and yes ain't is a word, look it up.
And while there look up the Scottish term "by damn!"

It is by damn I come here today. The damn actually has turned out as a
blessing. Thank you Drew. :) In my neck of the woods, if you stand up
and say "hey, I'm a little queer", you might get strung up in a tree.
There's places like Anytown Smalltown, USA all over so, I know lots of
folks will understand the kind of fear that gnaws at you.

"Well by damn!"

I have on this site a means to communicate with someone loved. He is
very dear to me. I miss him like mad at this point in time. I don't
quite get all he says about things being better or alright. But I do get
him when he says he loves me, has faith in me.

I don't agree with him that we should remain locked away in a dank
cellar somewhere, merely to appease others. But I do understand why we
need to be polite. Yes, I can be polite. Don't make me wear a monkey
suit though, it just clashes with the roughed country boy. Here we can
let go and swing that cellar door wide open.

Here you go honey.

If you were here no sleep would be had. You would be lost in me and me
in you.

If I were there you'd have supper of an evening. I would tuck you in
and keep you safe in my arms.

If we were together, nothing else would be of consequence.

If you were here, I would tremble like a wind blown leaf.

If I was there, you would hold me and say everything is fine.

If, all of these ifs, and it's here and now!

I love you, my husband. Yes, I can say it. Yes, I can say it in
public. I just did. The fools might try hunting me down. They likely
could. Do I care? No. I love you still.

So, by damn, you have a blessed Valentine's day. You're loved more
than you know. My wife says you need to come visit, soon. It breaks
her heart to see me missing you. And yes, I love her as well.

I know you both love me. Sometimes I do have something needing said.
Sometimes, you do need a handy rooftop and bullhorn. It helps you
focus on the message, knowing it may be the last. Love coming through!

Feb 14, 2010, 10:56 PM
Awww! Sweet. Void and Elian sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes.... oh, wait,...never mind. Just enjoy yourselves guys, for however long it lasts.

Feb 14, 2010, 11:53 PM
Pasa, I just have to laugh when someone named cum sloppy hole feels the need to lecture on other's ethics. It really is quite comical to hear the stupidity he spews. The best verbal crap I've heard in ages. Him and GayAZN. It reminds me that without people like them, we would appear half as smart as we think we do.:eek:.


Feb 15, 2010, 12:37 AM
Guys, he's all part of the same Hydra, thinking he can pull the wool over people's eyes. :rolleyes: Dont pay him any mind and treat him like a case of mind over matter. You shouldnt mind, cuz people like him really dont matter..lol

Feb 15, 2010, 12:55 AM
Beautiful post if only the troll didn't come along and start huffing on it.

Feb 15, 2010, 7:12 AM
Beautiful post if only the troll didn't come along and start huffing on it.

The huff of a troll can never detract from the beauty of human love and thought. It merely detracts from the troll itself, and makes it look to be what it is.. thoughtless, selfish, vindictive and stupid.:):rolleyes: