View Full Version : Is it wrong for me to prefer white men? over black?
Feb 26, 2010, 12:33 AM
Is it wrong for me to prefer white men over black men? like i like black girl and white girls just not black men .... i dont know why but i do ! alot of my friends and family say its weird because im black , and they say it make me soun racist but im not its just im not sexually attracted to black men ! so i just wanna know what you guys think!? do you think this makes me like a bad person? because im really not trying to be! its just i dont ever feel a attratction towards them , so its not a i HATE black men cuz i dont im just not sexually attracted to them !? make sense , is anyone with me or is it just me?
Please give me your input:2cents:
Feb 26, 2010, 2:36 AM
Your preference is yours, Hon. If you dont want to date black men, thats your perogitive. Do what makes You the happiest. :}
Feb 26, 2010, 5:56 AM
Your preference is yours, Hon. If you dont want to date black men, thats your perogitive. Do what makes You the happiest. :}
Thank you cat this ! helped bunchs so really thanks!
Feb 26, 2010, 5:59 AM
Common, Poison,
I'm white, but the only two black men I've been with (and one more great friend of mine -who- we never had sex) all preferred white men.
Yes, it is by definition racist because your sexual preference is narrowed by race, but for sexual preference, racism/sexism is okay.
C'est la vie.
Thank you as well ! for helping i never thought of it that way and it does make sense !
Feb 26, 2010, 6:18 AM
No doubt you have noticed the sheer numbers of black celebs as well as ordinary black people who marry or are partnered to white people.. I have several black friends who have white partners and a couple who are foot loose and fancy free, and white is their preference. We have often discussed why this should be such a common thing in black peeps.. and its caused some right argy bargies I can tell you.. for I have a theory. I have no evidence as such for it other than my reading of history, and my knowledge of human beings. I know of no studies done on it so it is but a theory...
.. what I believe may be the reason is a deep down inferiority complex among many black people which has resulted from centuries of repression, slavery and imperial domination by Europeans on the continent of Africa, and the enslavement of millions in the Americas. Consequently many black people prefer to find acceptance among society at large by becoming almost white by proxy through having a white partner. Such is the predominance of white culture in the west, and the images they see as beauty and acceptability it would be unsurprising if at least some black people would not be persuaded that white is the way to go in relationships.
As an adjunct to my theory, is the additional possibility that deep down in resentment to the appalling racist treatment by whites, that some blacks by taking a white partner, and I think this is especially true among males, they can in some way hit back at the race which subjugated them for so long, deprived them of their basic humanity and the rights to which all human beings are entitled. It would be surprising indeed if at least in small part this was not so.
I have been slagged off many times for this little theory of mine, but it makes sense to me. I do not criticise anyone for having a partner not of their race, and think multi racial partnerships are wonderful things. Many never think of why they have preferences, but Ivy has and good for her. Whether my theory holds up I cant say, but it does have at least a germ of truth from my observations of humanity.
Feb 26, 2010, 6:22 AM
No doubt you have noticed the sheer numbers of black celebs as well as ordinary black people who marry or are partnered to white people.. I have several black friends who have white partners and a couple who are foot loose and fancy free, and white is their preference. We have often discussed why this should be such a common thing in black peeps.. and its caused some right argy bargies I can tell you.. for I have a theory. I have no evidence as such for it other than my reading of history, and my knowledge of human beings. I know of no studies done on it so it is but a theory...
.. what I believe may be the reason is a deep down inferiority complex among many black people which has resulted from centuries of repression, slavery and imperial domination by Europeans on the continent of Africa, and the enslavement of millions in the Americas. Consequently many black people prefer to find acceptance among society at large by becoming almost white by proxy through having a white partner. Such is the predominance of white culture in the west, and the images they see as beauty and acceptability it would be unsurprising if at least some black people would not be persuaded that white is the way to go in relationships.
As an adjunct to my theory, is the additional possibility that deep down in resentment to the appalling racist treatment by whites, that some blacks by taking a white partner, and I think this is especially true among males, they can in some way hit back at the race which subjugated them for so long, deprived them of their basic humanity and the rights to which all human beings are entitled. It would be surprising indeed if at least in small part this was not so.
I have been slagged off many times for this little theory of mine, but it makes sense to me. I do not criticise anyone for having a partner not of their race, and think multi racial partnerships are wonderful things. Many never think of why they have preferences, but Ivy has and good for her. Whether my theory holds up I cant say, but it does have at least a germ of truth from my observations of humanity.
i like how u explained that ! it dose make sense but i think it has to do for me like even thoo im black one whole side of my family is white i feel more comfertable arount white people to me it also feels better to have sex with a white gut rather than a black! but this isent intended to be racist in any way
Feb 26, 2010, 7:36 AM
i like how u explained that ! it dose make sense but i think it has to do for me like even thoo im black one whole side of my family is white i feel more comfertable arount white people to me it also feels better to have sex with a white gut rather than a black! but this isent intended to be racist in any way
Never dream of thinking your preference is racist.. the question you are asking is why its as it is.. and that hun is something we should all ask ourselves about many things.. sadly all too many fail to even think of it, far less ask the question...:)
.. me theory is but a part of the answer for I believe many people.. probably even the minority of people.. their are a million reasons for why we like or dislike.. you have an inkling in some ways I think because of you family.. that will have an influence.. maybe if all the men were shits on the white side and all the men on the black side were amazingly nice, sexy and gorgeous, you would have another preference.. who knows.. but you have asked the question of yourself and thats always good..
Feb 26, 2010, 9:11 AM
i dont know if it was a color thing, but back when i was single, i had a black friend that woudl cum over to my apartment on a saturday or sunday morning. and he woudl explore all different angles sexually with me, ( he as a bottom). and after he milked me dry 2-3-4 times, then he'd go back home happy! this went on for quite a while. i can still visualize him sitting on top witht his hugh grin the whole time i was in him. maybe part of his motivation was that i didnt mind what he was doing, or why. it was just fun
Feb 26, 2010, 9:45 AM
Barring a person having racist feelings, a sexual preference does not make one racist. If it only applies to sex it's just a preference, like curvy or skinny, smooth or hairy, blonde or brunette.
Feb 26, 2010, 9:48 AM
Although my initial reaction is somewhat along the lines that others have posted about it being a personal preference and don't let it bother you, I wonder why this is an issue for you?
There is a reason why you have doubts about this or otherwise you would not have posted the question.
Is it too close to the bone (so to write) that it reflects not accepting yourself (self loathing)? I mean you are attracted to both black and white chics but not black men. Do you enjoy the friendship in a non sexual way with other black guys?
Feb 26, 2010, 10:06 AM
Barring a person having racist feelings, a sexual preference does not make one racist. If it only applies to sex it's just a preference, like curvy or skinny, smooth or hairy, blonde or brunette.
Allbi is right.. in itself who we are attracted to does not make us racist.. the reasons sometimes may be, or at least the reason why we are not sexually attracted to a person with a particular skin colour.. but for most of us it is no more than we just fancy someone.
I am particularly attracted to eurasian women who I find are just about the sexiest and most beautiful on the face of the earth. That I am attracted to them and have in my life made a play for them, or invited them to to make a play for me is no slight on anyone else of any colour or race. I just think they are the most beautiful creatures on earth, and they are a preference for attraction sexual or just physical. Yet my partner is white, and most of the people I have ever had relationships with are white, as much from circumstance as preference. I love my partner more dearly than I have anyone in my life. Because we have a preference does not necessarily preclude people of other races or colours from our lives and our beds.. a preference is simply that.. a preference.. it is not a prohibition from which no other type can be included..:)
Feb 26, 2010, 10:20 AM
A few years ago our local television station sponsored a televised forum on racism. One thing that stands out as so reasonable and well-considered is the statement of a black gentleman about comfort levels in people. "It's natural," he said, "that when we're seeking someone we might often go to people that we perceive to be more like ourselves."
He used an example of someone whose car was broken in a neighborhood. Given an idealized situation where all other factors were equal, he said a white person would probably choose a white person for help and a black person would probably choose a black person. "That's not racist," he said, "it's just being human."
I'm glad that ya'll are able to talk here so openly and honestly without throwing a slur at one another!
Feb 26, 2010, 10:58 AM
I know you are a guy who is attracted to black GUYS, but I read something years ago that if people mated with other people of different races, there would be less genetic disabilities in the world.
DB :bipride:
Feb 26, 2010, 11:28 AM
I know you are a guy who is attracted to black GUYS, but I read something years ago that if people mated with other people of different races, there would be less genetic disabilities in the world.
DB :bipride:
Im not attracted to black me as i said ^^^^^
Feb 26, 2010, 11:29 AM
Im not attracted to black me as i said ^^^^^
Uh, oops. Sorry about that.
Well, you get the general gist of what I just said.
DB :bipride:
Feb 26, 2010, 11:30 AM
Although my initial reaction is somewhat along the lines that others have posted about it being a personal preference and don't let it bother you, I wonder why this is an issue for you?
There is a reason why you have doubts about this or otherwise you would not have posted the question.
Is it too close to the bone (so to write) that it reflects not accepting yourself (self loathing)? I mean you are attracted to both black and white chics but not black men. Do you enjoy the friendship in a non sexual way with other black guys?
Well its just That Idk y i jjust like never really ever think about black men rarely crosses my mind and if i get confronted by one that wants to hook up im just like no sorry never think about
Feb 26, 2010, 11:32 AM
Uh, oops. Sorry about that.
Well, you get the general gist of what I just said.
DB :bipride:
Oh yes i do! :D
Feb 26, 2010, 1:27 PM
I am particularly attracted to eurasian women who I find are just about the sexiest and most beautiful on the face of the earth. That I am attracted to them and have in my life made a play for them, or invited them to to make a play for me is no slight on anyone else of any colour or race. I just think they are the most beautiful creatures on earth, and they are a preference for attraction sexual or just physical. Yet my partner is white, and most of the people I have ever had relationships with are white, as much from circumstance as preference. I love my partner more dearly than I have anyone in my life.
I am so glad that you added the last sentence or we may have had a tiff!;) But where is the "she is the sexiest, most wonderful and beautiful woman I have ever known"? No tiff, but a good talking to I think hmmmmm?:rolleyes:
Feb 26, 2010, 2:01 PM
I am so glad that you added the last sentence or we may have had a tiff!;) But where is the "she is the sexiest, most wonderful and beautiful woman I have ever known"? No tiff, but a good talking to I think hmmmmm?:rolleyes:I think you should spank her anyway. Let me know when, I'll bring the cam.:bigrin::bigrin:
Feb 26, 2010, 5:04 PM
I think you should spank her anyway. Let me know when, I'll bring the cam.:bigrin::bigrin:
A televised SpankAid for Haiti is a good idea since its Fran's current cause celebre. I'm sure lots of people would love to see that and pay a fortune for the privilege.:bigrin:
Feb 27, 2010, 6:25 AM
A televised SpankAid for Haiti is a good idea since its Fran's current cause celebre. I'm sure lots of people would love to see that and pay a fortune for the privilege.:bigrin:
U lil cow!!! 'Tween u an Allbi yas seem determined 2 hav me arse flashed round the planet.. ooo luffly.... tee hee... an yas'll b glad 2 kno Naggy is suffrin from afta effects a excess a inkahol.. that'll teach 'er...:bigrin:
Feb 27, 2010, 11:03 AM
U lil cow!!! 'Tween u an Allbi yas seem determined 2 hav me arse flashed round the planet.. ooo luffly.... tee hee... an yas'll b glad 2 kno Naggy is suffrin from afta effects a excess a inkahol.. that'll teach 'er...:bigrin:
Beauty and truth should be shared among all people.
Feb 27, 2010, 5:06 PM
I am attracted to most races. But I am not attracted to all wowmen or all men. There are black and white men or women I am or could be attracted to. And many more that I am not. Race is not the issue. What I like in a patrner is the issue.
:2cents:Your preference is yours and yours alone.:three:
Feb 27, 2010, 8:29 PM
Beauty and truth should be shared among all people. jus cos me bootie is a bootie don mean me wonts it shared wiv whole planet... but as booties go ther r less bootiful booties.. so mus admit as booties a bit of a bootie.. an if truth b told.. shared a bootie.. it is a bootie... an ne 1 who had a bootie as much as me has a bootie of a bootie..wud truly hav a bootie of a bootie...;)
..ya reckon the cognac is tellin 'ere allbi?? tee hee... ;):bigrin:
Feb 27, 2010, 10:55 PM
we like what we like and that is that! it sexist that i dont care for straigts over bi's? hell, no! its my sexual preference! straights can do with others as they want, and i do with other bi's as we wish, and so the world turns!
Feb 27, 2010, 11:17 PM
Is it wrong for me to prefer white men over black men? like i like black girl and white girls just not black men .... i dont know why but i do ! alot of my friends and family say its weird because im black , and they say it make me soun racist but im not its just im not sexually attracted to black men ! so i just wanna know what you guys think!? do you think this makes me like a bad person? because im really not trying to be! its just i dont ever feel a attratction towards them , so its not a i HATE black men cuz i dont im just not sexually attracted to them !? make sense , is anyone with me or is it just me?
Please give me your input:2cents:
No it is your body and you have the ability to decide what turns you on and what you need to enjoy your sex. When you say i hate or do not like you just becuase you are purpole and i cant stand you then you are wroung,
Feb 28, 2010, 12:07 AM
Forgive me, if this sounds racist. I don't like Mexican, nor most Asian food. Am I racist? I prefer women with some meat on their bones, am I anti-anorexic? Lighten up, enjoy what you wish. Don't let other people dictate your opinionsr preferences.
Feb 28, 2010, 8:58 AM
Forgive me, if this sounds racist. I don't like Mexican, nor most Asian food. Am I racist? I prefer women with some meat on their bones, am I anti-anorexic? Lighten up, enjoy what you wish. Don't let other people dictate your opinionsr preferences.
Ok thx you guys kisses for everyone:three: