View Full Version : Was it really that long ago?

Apr 12, 2010, 7:32 PM
It's hard to beleive but 30 years ago today, Apr. 12, a young man stood at the edge of the atlantic ocean in Newfoundland and dipped his artificial leg in the cold water. He then turned west and started to walk. His goal was to walk/run across Canada to raise money for cancer research. To fight the disease that had cost him his leg. About 4 and one half months later near Thunderbay Ontario he was forced to stop. The cancer had returned and was in his lungs. I remember seeing him make the announcement on TV that he could not continue. The look of disappointment on his face was so strong that you could feel it just from seeing his image on the tube. Less than one year after this he died from the disease he fought against so hard. His name was Terry Fox, and although cancer killed his physical body it could not kill his spirit. These days participants in over 50 countries take part in an annual Terry Fox run to honour his memory and have raised over $500,000,000 for cancer research. He is an inspiration. He was only 23 years old when he died.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 12, 2010, 9:17 PM
lest we forget.......

raises a glass to terry fox, and all those that honour him, his memory and what he set out to do.....

Apr 12, 2010, 9:18 PM
wow, thats a sweet story . . . at least his spirit carries on in others

Apr 12, 2010, 9:20 PM
Yes let's never forget what he did, and the total raised so far....that's awesome.

Apr 12, 2010, 10:59 PM
RIP Little Brother. Ya fought the good fight, and did beautifully. :}
Spirits Bless..

Apr 12, 2010, 11:34 PM
Terry Fox was and is one of Canada' greatest heroes.
Here is a video showing him and his story while he was alive (a bit smaltzy but true).


Many, many people run in his name each year to get money to fight cancer. They do this in many countries.