View Full Version : for some its easy, for others its quite scary...

Mar 20, 2006, 1:45 PM
I am looking to have my first m2m experience but wonder if any of you more experienced people can give me some advice. Like how did you get over your nerves, did you go limp or even climax too soon. How would you approach it all if you had the chance to do that 'first time' again? :(

Mar 20, 2006, 2:43 PM
Hopefully you can find a man who is easygoing and isn't so performance intense. If premature or "failure to launch"...just laugh and take it easy. You'll get in the groove sooner than you think.

Mar 20, 2006, 3:32 PM
…. maybe good to know the first, at least a bit!

– a random shag is, i don’t think, the best move – don’t panic it’s not the olympic games – who’s got the longest, widest or whatever, we all know that sometimes bits don’t work as we would like them too, its no real problem, just have an easy goal – a bit of a cuddle or something and see how it goes, and of course have a laugh!

my first time was with a friend i had known for about 6 months - he was a fun, kind guy and must have known i was “a bit odd” – it was a strange evening, we were at a dull bachelors party in the local labour club - we had a few drinks and went off on our own for “one more”, i could feel the sexual tension as we walked down the road, then it happened, he put his hand on my shoulder, and said

“we could have some wine at my flat”

that was it – agreement made, we did open the wine but idon't think it got out of the bottle - neither of us really was sure what we were doing but it all worked well .........

odd seeing him at my wedding three days later – i know, what the fuck was I thinking - getting married!

good luck

tom_uk xXx

Mar 20, 2006, 8:11 PM
I went to an adult movie theater and let a guy, a well hung :tongue: guy pick me up. I wanted to try it with a guy and told him I was new at it...he was a one night stand but a great one...since I was exploring we did everything he suggested, oral, reaming and anal and IT WAS ( as tony tiger says) GREAT!!! Whne he came in my ass I felt so damned pleased with myself I could have purred. I already knew I loved women but this added a whole new deminson to lust that I was positivily thrilled. Later I was back at that movie theater looking for more...and got it :bigrin:

Mar 20, 2006, 9:08 PM
mrplayfuluk...You did not mention if you were a top, a bottom, or versitile...Either way, may I suggest the honest approach and tell your "first time male lover" that it happens to be your first time? I dunno if this person is a known person to you so have condoms readily available. To settle the nerves, talking is always a good way to settle them. Perhaps you can talk about what you are hoping to experience and thus possibly lay down some ground rules so that niether of you have to use the word "NO" or "STOP"...I hope that your first time is an experience full of fun and adventure. And if you are not too, too shy...Would you be willing to tell us how things went??? Have fun, babes, and be careful... :paw: :paw: