View Full Version : Censorship behind the scenes...........
Jul 17, 2010, 1:40 AM
Today I received a rather disturbing personal message from a person on this site that implied that I didn’t need to be posting on this site because I am a heterosexual. It was further implied that my partner is less than a bisexual because he identifies as pansexual. So in a site where freedom of expression (as long as you don’t flame others) is allowed, I am being told that I shouldn’t post as my opinion is somehow, less valid because I am heterosexual and my partners opinion carries more weight as he is bisexual and it is best that I do not post supporting his opinion. I wonder what it is about my posts that this person finds so threatening? I have never stated I was anything other than a straight woman who loves the hell out of her bisexual mate. I have had occasion to get into spirited debates on a few issues but they had zero to do with bisexuality. They had to do with this world and how we live in it.
Interesting that as a straight person, I have no problem responding on issues that affect Trans and for the most part am supportive. I am proud to say that one of the most frequent Trans posters I count as a personal friend.
There is more to life than sex; there is more to sexuality than sex. I find it disturbing that it has been implied that a straight person posting on this site might unduly influence bisexuals into thinking that bisexuals being monogamous, is acceptable and people may feel it’s ok to ask for a monogamous relationship with a bisexual partner, instead accepting that bisexuals should not accept the “so called heterosexual norm” and stand up for their right to a open relationship.
What the hell is the heterosexual norm anyway? Am I supposed to be a Bible Thumper claiming everyone is going to hell cause way back in Leviticus it says you shall not lie with a man as with a woman. Or is the hetero norm simply someone with both compassion and intelligence. That can look at things both clinically and emotionally and not apply any religious values to anyone’s sexual orientation?
I have never hidden that I am straight. I have never hidden that I am a follower of Wicca. I have never hidden that I have my thoughts and my feelings. I do not post just to support my partner, I often argue with my partner. It’s more a case of did you see this and we’re off. We might be talking the whole time but he doesn’t know what I will post until it’s posted and I don’t know what he will post until it’s posted.
I will not post the person’s name that sent me that private message, but I will publicly state that I have no reason to change anything, not my frequency of posts nor my opinions. I’m sorry if it somehow threatens the PMer’s bisexuality or masculinity in any way but it has nothing to do with me. It has to do with an internal struggle in himself.
Jul 17, 2010, 1:52 AM
Bravo. About time.
Jul 17, 2010, 1:57 AM
Bravo. About time.
Don't let the sexuality nazi(s) get you down.
Jul 17, 2010, 2:04 AM
okay, let 'em have it! stomp on them, damn cypernazi's!! let us at them, we've got your back!!
ignore the damn bastards, and post away; you provide great insight, a talent to express, and offer some very fine advice!!! ...and all others, no matter where you are in your journey of life, jump in and make a statement!
give them a black eye for me, ducks!
Jul 17, 2010, 2:39 AM
Good for you :)
If they try to stop you posting on this site as a heterosexual - what chance have I got being Gay?
But I guess I shouldn't wade in on a debate I know nothing about - though I have been a member of this site for quite a while (at least 45 mins so far :bigrin:)
Jul 17, 2010, 5:47 AM
It was me. :rolleyes:
She is trying to play the victim card and is full of ca ca:eek:
I posted publicly on one of "their" monogamy threads my concern. She challenged me to prove my point. Instead of doing this publicly, I private messaged her with the details as to how she and her partner had treated me previously. She and her partner told me that how I felt as a bisexual was wrong. A hetero telling me that my feelings as a bisexual are wrong? She denies that as a hetero that she has not tried to tell me that I was wrong about my perception and feelings as a bisexual man. .... That she knew how I felt and had the same feelings. She frequently posts advice and comments that supports her "partner" perspective. They post frequently right after each other on threads supporting each others view.
What a frick'n manipulator.:rolleyes:
I never said that she should not post. Post less right after your partner. Post less often with advice for bisexuals. Let the bisexuals speak on this site and speak less as a hetero partner of a bisexual. Other hetros do not post as frequently as she does. I posted this publicly first before giving details privately. I had received a private message complaining of how these two poster behave on this site and gang up on other posters. I agreed and posted my comments after this "couple" created three threads on monogamy.
Enjoy your stay on your victim pedestal you poor little dear... You're
application forms for victim of the year are in room 101.
Jul 17, 2010, 5:51 AM
It was me. :rolleyes:
She is trying to play the victim card and is full of ca ca:eek:
I posted publicly on one of "their" monogamy threads my concern. She challenged me to prove my point. Instead of doing this publicly, I private messaged her with the details as to how she and her partner had treated me previously. She and her partner told me that how I felt as a bisexual was wrong. A hetero telling me that my feelings as a bisexual are wrong? She denies that as a hetero that she has not tried to tell me that I was wrong about my perception and feelings as a bisexual man. .... That she knew how I felt and had the same feelings. She frequently posts advice and comments that supports her "partner" perspective. They post frequently right after each other on threads supporting each others view.
What a frick'n manipulator.:rolleyes:
I never said that she should not post. Post less right after your partner. Post less often with advice for bisexuals. Let the bisexuals speak on this site and speak as a hetero partner of a bisexual. Other hetros do not post as frequently as she does. I've received private messages complaining of how these two poster behave on this site and gang up on other posters. I agreed and posted my comments after this "couple" created three threads on monogamy.
Enjoy your stay on your victim pedestal you poor little
I should so post the PM Tenni.. but which one... the one you sent after the first and edited to leave out your messaging to someone else? You are so full of yourself. I challenged you to prove something and you proved nothing just another thread where you disagreed with me. Big deal. I have never told you how to think or feel and people can check post history. Of course they will also check yours and find a history of misogyny, distaste of trans, dislike of anyone posting other than bi's and your oh so obvious hatred of the US.
Next? :)
Jul 17, 2010, 6:03 AM
Get help.
Jul 17, 2010, 6:12 AM
Yesterday , 2:52 PM
Some Kind of Super Member
Canada, Ontario
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 1,055 Re: show me
The point remains that I felt that you were telling me about my bisexual sexual urges/drives whatever and I am bisexual. You were telling me about my bisexual feelings and I remain that they are different from your feelings.
Your partner has stated that he is pansexual with is not quite the same as bisexual or my type of bisexual from what I can tell. It is up to him though as to what he calls himself. Added to that his condition and I suspect that his perspective is coloured somewhat some distance from other bisexual men.
Continue to be insistent and forcing your views as a hetero if you wish.... Just be a bit more cautious. Reject my example if you wish but you are smarter than that. Take a few minutes. I was writing about myself as a bisexual. I've received at least one message about how the two of you behave on this site. I'm not saying that the other person was correct but I'm probably not the only one to notice how you work in tandem with him with your posts. You probably did not mean it to be seen that way.
Originally Posted by DuckiesDarling
Originally Posted by tenni
Quite some time ago, you had posted an opinion on bisexuals that I did not agree with. I think taht your partner had started the thread or certainly was posting. Unfortunately, I do not remember the specifics. I posted my opinion. Both you and your partner began countering me. You were telling me what a bisexual feels and it had something to do with sexual drive/urges of a bisexual. I just knew that you had no idea about how I was feeling as a bisexual man. Now, how you might think it appropriate to comment about my bisexual urges is a bit of a mystery. However, rather than get into a major argument with both of you. I backed off and said of course what LDD said was true. I certainly didn't after thinking about it. There ya go. A rare moment that I backed away from a confrontation. You were telling me about being a bisexual. I think that has nothing to do with common sense. Your partner has some variance on sexual drive and you are both telling me about my own sexual feelings?
I vaguely remember a thread about desire being like a rollercoaster. That was sexual desire period not about being bisexual but sex period from the opening post. You disagreed, fine. But the fact remains that desire can fluctuate.
I do not comment on your sexual status, because quite frankly, it's none of my business. Just as it is no one's place to tell me that I forced a bisexual male into being monogamous. Or that his being monogamous to anyone makes him any less a bisexual.
He is fully bisexual. He has had sexual relations with both genders. More than that he is capable of loving both, it's just the person he found that he could spend his life with just happens to be of the opposite sex. His commitment to me doesn't make him any less bisexual and I really resent the inferences that hetero's have no place here.
The thread in question was
Now Tenni anything else you want to accuse me of doing? Please do it in the forums for all to see and not hide in pms. I am done playing nice. You will get as good as you give from now on from me.
And the thread where I demanded he show proof.
His only proof was well this one time you posted something.... is that like one time at band camp?
Jul 17, 2010, 6:17 AM
To Void, Zwitter and City and Asian thanks :)
Jul 17, 2010, 6:20 AM
I HAVE SPOKEN!!!!!:soapbox:
The above views are that of Jackofalltrades and do not express the views of or any of their affiliates, advertisers, or any members here in.
All views appearing in this post are non-fictitious. Any resemblance to the views of real persons, living or dead, is purely not coincidental. Great minds think alike. :tong:
Long Duck Dong
Jul 17, 2010, 6:49 AM
ok there was 2 threads started by me, as I was curious about a couple of issues, so I asked for clarification
one was not to do with monogamy but with unfaithful women .....
the second, was questioning how monogamy is forced.... when a relationship and marriage is generally entered into by choice......not forced.....
DD did the monogamy thread cos of the heated opinions in the site to do with monogamy and the remarks of some people
I am not sure what your issue is with that tenni, but I was posting and seeking feedback.... its what you do in a forum........
as for the " their " and " couple " remarks in your post in this thread.... I am sure that the site has ip logs, and if reviewed, will show that I log in on a nz dsl account with a fixed ip..... and that DD logs in from a usa cable account....
neither are proxies.... and a comp tech would be able to use a simple program to show that the OS are two different versions....
hence DD and I are two different people, logging in from two different ip's in two different countries on two different computers using two different OS...
as for the fact that DD's country is listed the same as mine... shes stated in the forums, she has it that way cos she is looking forward to returning to nz...
please bear that in mind, that if you have a issue with DD.... it doesn't become my issue or my fight.. its between you and her.....
as for working in tandem and supporting each other..... roflmao..... we share the same opinions..... so do a lot of the site, share the same opinions.....
the fact that we post at the same time.... has everything to do with the fact we are mostly on at the same time and viewing the same threads and commenting on posts and opinions.....
I just question peoples thinking and how their stance differs on different issues, if the same thinking is applied..... DD is the more sociable, chat loving and less likely to tolerate fools, than me......
Jul 17, 2010, 11:37 AM
"I am sure that the site has ip logs, and if reviewed, will show that I log in on a nz dsl account with a fixed ip..... and that DD logs in from a usa cable account....
neither are proxies.... and a comp tech would be able to use a simple program to show that the OS are two different versions....
hence DD and I are two different people, logging in from two different ip's in two different countries on two different computers using two different OS..."
Void chuckles in the distance. Remember Windows 3.11 for Workgroups?
I had that bitch tuned out and was smoking Unix mains back in the day. And all I had was a Crapard Bell p.o.s. 486 -sd. Even back then it was fun to call up shopping lists of folks, just to prove the point.
"Oh let me see, user name is ____ okay, gimme a few seconds, click ...password is ____ hm, lets see the eyes behind the ISP ... Name, Social Security #, DOB, Residence ... call up a listing of groceries in a 50 mile radius ... check the shopper cards for a __Name__ ... gimme their shopping list from last week ... open chat window, post list, if they're really obnoxious add in the gedcom info (name DOB, SS, Res) "
Would almost be afraid to do that sort of thing now. Seems what with an act of war everyone has gotten really pissy about security & privacy. Sorry dahlings, privacy is dead. Unless you keep it off the net, it's gone in a nanosecond, disbursed globally. Look at the posting of AT&T Bell Labs Unix source code as an example, or more recent the new Windows 7 source that got leaked two weeks prior to roll out. *lol* As if it matters, anyone brought up to hack 'stead of think, uses Linux or better. Windows is pure shit, and can't be fixed, won't be. 3.11 was about their best. After that it went downhill. They ought to have been the Open Source vanguard instead of the corporate black heart they are. Oh well .... *sigh*
But yes I agree, you can find out that DD an Long are two diffs, easily. And me the wife often stumble on completing each others sentences. We share lots of like views. But then we can be night and day on other things. It's part of being human. If you think/feel it, someone else has already or does as well. *sigh* Tired, need to work ... out.
Jul 17, 2010, 12:11 PM
Ya know this site is for everyone,bi, str8,gay,trans, all of us. It pisses me off that we as agroup of people think we can censer each others comments, thoughts and the like..If ya gotta something to say to someone do it in the forums not pm. All that shows is you haven't got the balls for a face to face ,or more correctly word to word show down.
I will tell you right to your face if I have a problm, not in a pm. I expect the same courtesy from everyone here,if you have a beef with me do it the open not behind the like a whinny little bitch. So says the WOLF:2cents::three:
Jul 17, 2010, 12:45 PM
So what business was it of yours to tell her Anything?? What she does in her private life is Her business, and busy bodies like you have no rights to tell her she cant be here, or anywhere else! The fact that isnt Bi is between her and Duck, and not up for public inspection or speculation. Her opinions are her own, and you have no say in the issue. You spout off Your opinions often enough and dont expect anyone to speak up against them or counterdict them, but people do. Welcome to the real world. And what do you care what she does, or the frequecny of her posts?? That is what this forum is For...for people to voice their opinions in an adult, open manner. If you dont like her, or her posts or Duck's, then theres a simple solution: Dont Read Them.
Her views here are valued just as much as you feel that your's are, so deal with it.
Waiting for it.
Jul 17, 2010, 2:41 PM
Well first let me say that I feel all opinions are welcome, even the crazy ones that say I am not a real bisexual or call me hetero-phobe and gay-phobe. It just part of the scene. Of course I wish we "could all just get along" but that is never gonna happen. I do wish we could have a bit more decorum in HOW we disagree. I welcome the debate, that part is fun for me. But I can't completely ignore the attacks and have to jab back from time to time.
I think a major problem here is the concept of "in-group and out-group" simply some are (or feel they are) part of the "in crowd" and others feel blocked and part of the "reject" crowd. Seems to me that Tenni might be saying he feels ganged up upon when DD posts so quickly to LDD. Lots of water under the bridge with Tenni and a few others I see here. Goes back to my "why we fight thread"
But I say all are welcome, there is no limit to the amount of posts and you can always ignore the ones you FEEL are not valid in their reply's.
Just my :2cents:
Jul 17, 2010, 2:57 PM
This thread is the reason I gave up on this site months ago. Petty bullshit and nothing of substance but personal attacks. I don't know why I bother reading the threads anymore.
Jul 17, 2010, 6:03 PM
Shy-honey, dont give up on all of us, or on the site. Just give up on people who think they have the right to stick their noses into other folk's business.
Jul 17, 2010, 10:04 PM
The more things change the more they stay the same. I take a break from this site and people start taking pot shots again from jerks. It's the reason I went away, Darling, to avoid seeing these people do this kind of chickenshit stuff behind the scenes. I'm sorry about them putting the thumbscrews to you.
Jul 17, 2010, 10:18 PM
Who's Wicca?
Jul 18, 2010, 1:25 AM
Wicca is a religion, Hon. Several people on this site are, and Pagan also. I'm not, but I respect all religions except Assholism.....:bigrin:
Jul 18, 2010, 2:31 AM
tenni, tenni, dude, the very thing that you preach against, in your world view, is the very thing that you do and have done to the citizens of this website.
DD, LDD, Riby, Cat, and a great many others, have given free of themselves to the people of our bi-world, and those opinions, open discussions, helpful suggestions are highly valued; i speak as one that has been helped, on many occasions by that frank ability to offer uplifting and insightful personal views!
you are like several on this site, a great orator; your ongoing reporting of the econ conference in toronto was very welcome, and am happy to have drawn much useful information from that; political journalism is one of your strengths, that is for certain... like everyone here is welcomed to post at will, to express freely your opinions, assesments, etc. it is one of the great freedoms we enjoy in our respective societies...
...however, to go cybernazi on someone elses honestly offered expressions, well it is nothing but childish, infantile, boorish, low-life bullying...huh, just the sort of things that you go on about, infinitum!!! well, well, look who needs to take a good long look in the mirror!!!
now this is where for me personally, you have gone too damn far in this personal assualt!!! you need to now back off from DD; she was able in a PM to me, help me understand something very serious that has troubled me for a great number of years. i also know that it could be offered from a pov as a hetero woman, in an intimate and ltr with a bisexual male. so the very thing that you attack her for, is one of the great things that make her presence so highly prized, especially by me!
dude, others have left or may be considering leaving this site, on the basis of your type of attacks; is that how you see yourself??? an unwanted troll??? actually repugnant to others, especially bisexuals???
you can display great talent, but you need to damn well back off on the personal b.s. attacks, :disgust:
make us your supporters, or make us your enemies, its up to you! :cool:
Jul 18, 2010, 7:25 AM
I think DD and LDD should start their own website, they could invite Falcon to join them. Neither seems to understand to simply let it go, but have to argue till the bitter end, and then start again.
Jul 18, 2010, 7:48 AM
Wicca is a religion, Hon. Several people on this site are, and Pagan also. I'm not, but I respect all religions except Assholism.....:bigrin:
I said to a guy, "Tell me, what is it about cocaine that makes it so wonderful," and he said, "Because it intensifies your personality." I said, "Yes, but what if you're an asshole?" - Bill Cosby: Himself (1983)
Jul 18, 2010, 7:56 AM
Hey Darling - You might think that people who are discriminated against for simply being who they are in loving those of the same sex would want to demonstrate empathy, tolerance and an open mind - sadly there are intolerant, prejudicial bigots in EVERY class of people.
Anyway, keep posting.
Jul 18, 2010, 8:40 AM
Thanks, City and Elian :)
Jul 18, 2010, 11:35 AM
And Dayummmmmm. :soapbox: Who says that intense, overly-dramatic, soap opera style activity exists only on daytime TV!?!?!? :soapbox:
This site is a makeup of male and female folks from around the world. A person told me one day that there is at least one of every kind in this world. Imagine that!!! Why there may be even more than one in this world, why there may be even someone like,,,,,,, YOU ,,,,,,,, Now that should scare the shit out of you, and for some folks, if they truly had the shit scared out of them, then they would disappear. :yikes2:
Actually at work there are always "rumors" going around about everything and everybody and sometimes they turn up to be true, sometimes they don't. I always say that "if you don't like today's story, then wait till tomorrow. Maybe tomorrows will do you better". :rolleyes:
Ah yes, just another day in paradise, HUH?______ Your friend, :doggie:
Jul 18, 2010, 1:06 PM
Thank you City-Honey. Like we dont have enough censorship in our lives, we have to have those that feel They have to do it too in the Bisexual world. :rolleyes:
Peck to yer cheek,Sugar.
Jul 18, 2010, 2:53 PM
This thread is the reason I gave up on this site months ago. Petty bullshit and nothing of substance but personal attacks. I don't know why I bother reading the threads anymore.
Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul, that sings the tune without the words and never stops at all. Emily Dickinson ;)
Jul 18, 2010, 6:20 PM
Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul, that sings the tune without the words and never stops at all. Emily Dickinson ;)
Oh, was THAT was that was? [shakes head] Tastes like chicken...
Jul 18, 2010, 6:33 PM
I know I dont know anyone here yet except for Mama Cat, but I have to chime in here. It looks like there is plenty of room for everyone to have a voice here, and for them to say whatever they like unless it is rude, uncouth, and insultive. Its wonderful to have an opinion about a topic, but it just a view. People have the right to speak up and be heard, but not to degrade and belittle Anyone.
I do not know Tenni, but I have read many of his viewpoints and I have read many of Duckies Darling's as well. Both have valid points, but I thought Tenni's comments were to over the top and abrasive. Pperhaps that is just his mannerism, as I have seen his remarks to Cat as well, so perhaps that is his normal nature. As I stated, I don't know.
There is room for all here, and all should be respected equally, and treated justly. I hope this issue between Tenni and DD is rectified soon.
Thank you for letting me air My view.
Kit of Kit and Ki
Jul 18, 2010, 6:47 PM
Ty Kit. I very carefully did not mention any names in my opening post, I just stated my views and my answer that I will not change the frequency of my posts or my opinions.
This is not a popularity contest and thank you so much to Citystyleguy for making feel more valuable to this site. My thoughts and opinions are garnered from years of being a sexually active adult who has always had gay and bi friends. I have changed since I became involved with a bisexual and I feel it was a change for the better.
I have never felt we were some kind of super couple or anything more than just two people in love and able to share what we have learned from that love in a forum where people have questions we can answer.
It doesn't take a certified sex therapist to answer questions about your favorite position or offer tips for blow jobs or other sexual activities I have engaged in. It doesn't take anything more than the willingness to open up to people who might be just names on a screen but are humans asking for advice.
So I thank all of you who have posted in this thread and the ones who sent me personal messages. I have no intention of leaving this site or my friends nor do I have any intention of suddenly becoming someone who only reads and never participates. I had no idea when I first joined this site 2 years ago that I would become as entrenched as I have and feel more at home here than any other place I have been.
Here the uniqueness of individuals is embraced and for the most part not discouraged. We have people struggling with issues and some who just need to talk. And for as long as people want to talk to me, I'll be there to listen and offer whatever advice I can.
Jul 19, 2010, 1:12 AM
lol You better Not leave this site. Who is going to keep me from telling mental pygmies to take an Airborne Fornication if you do? B'sides, Peg, and Kate, and Kit, and City
Hugs Sweetie.
Bad Cat
Jul 19, 2010, 4:47 AM
It is not clear form the extracts below just what the problem has been. That LDD and DD often write in close sequence has not been unusual. All 'oppositions' have tended to do the same thing, be they interest groups, houses of parliament (generic), or boardrooms.
When one is with a person of the opposite gender one is being hetero-. When one is with the same gender one is being homo- (male or female perspective). This can be singly or in groups. There is no mutual exclusivitiy. Is this what pansexual means. If labelling is a must, perhaps the phraseology 'so far' should be added to any declaration. In cases of transient physical presentation, gender identity is a personal concept.
From what is apparent, it would seem that the major bone of contention here is the private messaging. Perhaps the intention was to spare the rest of the group the content of what may have been seen as personal discussion to clear the air? Tenni should be credited for the act of 'owning up' and accepting the ensuing criticism.
Whatever. Perhaps we now go back to savaging each other on more serious issues out in the open?
I'll start one here - Should men go for pedicures, sparkly sandals and jewellery rather than having unsightly hooves? (damn, another a giveaway)
Yesterday , 2:52 PM
Some Kind of Super Member
Canada, Ontario
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 1,055 Re: show me
The point remains that I felt that you were telling me about my bisexual sexual urges/drives whatever and I am bisexual. You were telling me about my bisexual feelings and I remain that they are different from your feelings.
Your partner has stated that he is pansexual with is not quite the same as bisexual or my type of bisexual from what I can tell. It is up to him though as to what he calls himself. Added to that his condition and I suspect that his perspective is coloured somewhat some distance from other bisexual men.
Continue to be insistent and forcing your views as a hetero if you wish.... Just be a bit more cautious. Reject my example if you wish but you are smarter than that. Take a few minutes. I was writing about myself as a bisexual. I've received at least one message about how the two of you behave on this site. I'm not saying that the other person was correct but I'm probably not the only one to notice how you work in tandem with him with your posts. You probably did not mean it to be seen that way.
Originally Posted by DuckiesDarling
Originally Posted by tenni
Quite some time ago, you had posted an opinion on bisexuals that I did not agree with. I think taht your partner had started the thread or certainly was posting. Unfortunately, I do not remember the specifics. I posted my opinion. Both you and your partner began countering me. You were telling me what a bisexual feels and it had something to do with sexual drive/urges of a bisexual. I just knew that you had no idea about how I was feeling as a bisexual man. Now, how you might think it appropriate to comment about my bisexual urges is a bit of a mystery. However, rather than get into a major argument with both of you. I backed off and said of course what LDD said was true. I certainly didn't after thinking about it. There ya go. A rare moment that I backed away from a confrontation. You were telling me about being a bisexual. I think that has nothing to do with common sense. Your partner has some variance on sexual drive and you are both telling me about my own sexual feelings?
I vaguely remember a thread about desire being like a rollercoaster. That was sexual desire period not about being bisexual but sex period from the opening post. You disagreed, fine. But the fact remains that desire can fluctuate.
I do not comment on your sexual status, because quite frankly, it's none of my business. Just as it is no one's place to tell me that I forced a bisexual male into being monogamous. Or that his being monogamous to anyone makes him any less a bisexual.
He is fully bisexual. He has had sexual relations with both genders. More than that he is capable of loving both, it's just the person he found that he could spend his life with just happens to be of the opposite sex. His commitment to me doesn't make him any less bisexual and I really resent the inferences that hetero's have no place here.
The thread in question was
Now Tenni anything else you want to accuse me of doing? Please do it in the forums for all to see and not hide in pms. I am done playing nice. You will get as good as you give from now on from me.
And the thread where I demanded he show proof.
His only proof was well this one time you posted something.... is that like one time at band camp?
Jul 19, 2010, 8:58 AM
LDD and DD have just as much right to post here as you do. The fact that you dont agree with them does not give you the right to shut them up.
This is an open and free site, the only restrictions being that you do not flame other posters.
Jul 19, 2010, 3:59 PM
"Should men go for pedicures, sparkly sandals and jewellery rather than having unsightly hooves? (damn, another a giveaway)"
"Ah, a Nancy boy that watches _Uncommon Valor_, how quaint."
Eh, me feet are slovenly obtuse. Not that I don't care for them. I'm just always on them, working. Pedicures for me? I would probably melt having one done professionally and correctly with full massage. Sparkly sandals really don't appeal to me but tabi ( socks and geta ( do. I'm just a humble and plain bloke.
Jul 19, 2010, 4:30 PM
It's sad that these emotions come up all due to someone's righteous ways. Everybody goes through similar circumstances just with a little difference. This site isn't only for bisexuals and it's a good thing it isn't. Hearing viewpoints from all types of sexuality and minds is the whole reason I even like this site. The petty argumentative attitudes on who knows who best (which is what I'm assuming is the issue) is sad.
Jul 19, 2010, 5:33 PM
The art in listening is to think while hearing. (This can be done while reading too). I have a lot of respect for LDD and DD. I have read many many posts by those two. Bravo to them for actually taking the time to make thoughful posts and start invocative threads. The world needs this sort of discourse. I do not always see the world as they see it, but I respect their place in it. As to stating that someone doesn't belong here because of "their" sexual orientation is ludicrous. I find myself in the rainbow, somewhere. Exactly where on the rainbow I am can be a matter of what time it is, what day it is or what year of life I am experiencing. I have a straight partner from whom I have learned so much about sexuality including my own. We have shared our bed with a man a few times and look forward to doing so many more times. We enjoy that. We are somewhere along that "who do we and who do we not have sex with" continuum. Others that are further along one end are open to experiencing sexual encounters without their partner. Something I thought I might be into until I met and fell in love with my partner. I am not forced to be only with her whenever I have sex, (re: "forced monogamy"). I only WANT to be with her when I have sex. DD, I can feel your frustration. There are those in all circles of life that are regimented in their world view. Sexuality is not something that can be sorted into neat little boxes or slots. It is a continuum that can be, for some, extemely fluid. You have a perspective I do not. I am bisexual and you have stated you are straight. (There must be many many more differences and many many similarities too). I can not know your world and you can not know mine. But when you make your statemenrts and ask your questions it causes a ripple in mine. I appreciate that ripple, it opens the world to me.:rainbow::flag2:
Jul 19, 2010, 5:40 PM
"Should men go for pedicures, sparkly sandals and jewellery rather than having unsightly hooves? (damn, another a giveaway)"
"Ah, a Nancy boy that watches _Uncommon Valor_, how quaint."
Eh, me feet are slovenly obtuse. Not that I don't care for them. I'm just always on them, working. Pedicures for me? I would probably melt having one done professionally and correctly with full massage. Sparkly sandals really don't appeal to me but tabi ( socks and geta ( do. I'm just a humble and plain bloke.
Even plain blokes deserve to be pampered now and again...
Jul 19, 2010, 6:16 PM
"Should men go for pedicures, sparkly sandals and jewellery rather than having unsightly hooves? (damn, another a giveaway)"
"Ah, a Nancy boy that watches _Uncommon Valor_, how quaint."
Eh, me feet are slovenly obtuse. Not that I don't care for them. I'm just always on them, working. Pedicures for me? I would probably melt having one done professionally and correctly with full massage. Sparkly sandals really don't appeal to me but tabi ( socks and geta ( do. I'm just a humble and plain bloke.
Tabis are the basic big toe separation. I have seen socks and shoes where every toe is individually catered for. One ownders if there are variants for different shaped feet.
As for Getas, they are just small planks of wood with a strap. People buy these?
There is a move to sell men high heels now - one wonders where it will all end as these are supposed to induce a feminine wiggle.
Jul 19, 2010, 7:33 PM
LOl Hey, if Void and a few other of our men on here were going to be "wiggling" I'd buy a front row center ticket to watch! And that way I could oogle at the ladies too..:} I wanna see Marie and some of our other beautiful ladies struttin' their stuff. *Evil grin and leer inserted here*
Silly Cat
Jul 19, 2010, 8:40 PM
Eh, me feet are slovenly obtuse. Not that I don't care for them. I'm just always on them, working. Pedicures for me? I would probably melt having one done professionally and correctly with full massage. Sparkly sandals really don't appeal to me but tabi ( socks and geta ( do. I'm just a humble and plain bloke.
Oh honey, I knew you were into WOOD but I didn't know you liked it THAT much. I wonder if they sell those at IKEA?
I have never had a professional massage, I'm afraid I might get addicted - same thing with traveling..I think I would LOVE to travel - there's always that bit about needing money and having to come back home though.
As for the ..umm..full..massage you'll just have to wait a little longer <blushes>.
Jul 19, 2010, 8:42 PM
There is a move to sell men high heels now - one wonders where it will all end as these are supposed to induce a feminine wiggle.
I have never quite figured out how it is that women can endure those highly-heeled shoes - I tried once and just about broke my neck. It sort of reminds me of foot binding - maybe there are certain groups of folks who enjoy the masochistic effect?
Jul 20, 2010, 1:21 AM
I have never quite figured out how it is that women can endure those highly-heeled shoes - I tried once and just about broke my neck. It sort of reminds me of foot binding - maybe there are certain groups of folks who enjoy the masochistic effect?
Perhaps the high heels for men are sponsored by bunion surgeons? How the women around me have suffered for their fashion. So why should men be left out.
Void - A Nancy boy indeed. I see my self more as a sort of Helen. Hephestion did come from the land of the Hellenes.
Oooh, get you Helen. Love the blonde tints and that low cut tunic.
Back at you Helen. What do you think of my navel jewel and gold scabbard?
Jul 20, 2010, 4:01 AM
Perhaps the high heels for men are sponsored by bunion surgeons? How the women around me have suffered for their fashion. So why should men be left out.
Void - A Nancy boy indeed. I see my self more as a sort of Helen. Hephestion did come from the land of the Hellenes.
Oooh, get you Helen. Love the blonde tints and that low cut tunic.
Back at you Helen. What do you think of my navel jewel and gold scabbard?
You make me smile, Heph.
Now those socks which are shaped for toes, I have some and very comfortable they are. :)
High heels....eeek! The highest I have ever had were 7 inches and I needed them, because of the length of the dress. I wore them once and it was like walking on stilts. Never again! :eek:
Don't know about the blond tints and the tunic, but I could really go for the navel jewel and the gold scabbard. ;)
Had you thought about hair extensions? or is that too, too 70s. :bigrin:
Jul 20, 2010, 4:00 PM
You make me smile, Heph.
Now those socks which are shaped for toes, I have some and very comfortable they are. :)
High heels....eeek! The highest I have ever had were 7 inches and I needed them, because of the length of the dress. I wore them once and it was like walking on stilts. Never again! :eek:
Don't know about the blond tints and the tunic, but I could really go for the navel jewel and the gold scabbard. ;)
Had you thought about hair extensions? or is that too, too 70s. :bigrin:
Any hair at all on the apex would be a good move. Perhaps a transplant from the more typically satyr parts of the body?
Jul 20, 2010, 4:29 PM
Any hair at all on the apex would be a good move. Perhaps a transplant from the more typically satyr parts of the body?
Titters (No, not that kind! :tongue:)
Jul 20, 2010, 9:41 PM
The art in listening is to think while hearing. (This can be done while reading too). I have a lot of respect for LDD and DD. I have read many many posts by those two. Bravo to them for actually taking the time to make thoughful posts and start invocative threads. The world needs this sort of discourse. I do not always see the world as they see it, but I respect their place in it. As to stating that someone doesn't belong here because of "their" sexual orientation is ludicrous. I find myself in the rainbow, somewhere. Exactly where on the rainbow I am can be a matter of what time it is, what day it is or what year of life I am experiencing. I have a straight partner from whom I have learned so much about sexuality including my own. We have shared our bed with a man a few times and look forward to doing so many more times. We enjoy that. We are somewhere along that "who do we and who do we not have sex with" continuum. Others that are further along one end are open to experiencing sexual encounters without their partner. Something I thought I might be into until I met and fell in love with my partner. I am not forced to be only with her whenever I have sex, (re: "forced monogamy"). I only WANT to be with her when I have sex. DD, I can feel your frustration. There are those in all circles of life that are regimented in their world view. Sexuality is not something that can be sorted into neat little boxes or slots. It is a continuum that can be, for some, extemely fluid. You have a perspective I do not. I am bisexual and you have stated you are straight. (There must be many many more differences and many many similarities too). I can not know your world and you can not know mine. But when you make your statemenrts and ask your questions it causes a ripple in mine. I appreciate that ripple, it opens the world to me.:rainbow::flag2:
Thank you very much :)
Jul 21, 2010, 9:42 AM
I haven't been following this thread, but just from a quick glance I'd say one side tends to give some well-thought out arguments, while the other one attempts that at first and when challenged just gets snippy.:2cents: I'm not saying which is which...
Sep 26, 2010, 12:51 PM
He said Wood. *drools*
Yes, obviously people buy planks with straps. Even women at times.
Void wanders off to further ponder wood.
Sep 26, 2010, 1:51 PM
All this posturing, (attempted) empire building, pontificating, yelling and screaming (in a cyber sense) is just....very sad. It will be the death of; seen it happen to lots other wonderful sites.
Nobody seems to notice that most of the fun people who founded this site....the "old guard" have left here, or rarely visit anymore. I don't wonder why.
Sep 26, 2010, 8:08 PM
I was wondering why this old thread got bumped up then I read another censorship thread.
Tenni and I may go at it like Cats and Dogs but at least we try to do it without just saying Fuck you, you're wrong. We try to actually answer each other and, at times, *shock and horror* we actually agree on somethings. So please just let this thread die and don't give into the other threads regarding censorship. It has no place here unless you are talking about sex with children or animals or non consensual sex...that's in the rules ya know. Thanks.
Sep 26, 2010, 11:05 PM
lol Tenni and I have the same love/hate relationship too, DD. We disagree at times, and used to throw barbs and spears at each other, but that is what makes us human. We can agree to disagree without being assholish and down right nasty and vindictive. Grown mature Adults dont do this like ignorant trolls Do, do. I think we can all agree to keep things civil now, and debate our points of view without going over board and becoming ignorant savages. And if we wish to continue a debate/argument, ect we can take it off board and discuss it in private. That way it isnt cluttering up the board and kicking a dry feces to keep a stink going. I had a young man recently become nasty and borish, so I contacted him privately, and he didnt even have the gall to respond, and thats how some people go about it. But, life happens.
Sound like a plan, ya'll? We can disagree without becoming assholish about it. :}
Sep 26, 2010, 11:44 PM
I doubt it, but I'll be glad if I'm wrong. I'm just so tired of the bickering. I really don't wanna visit here anymore. It seems that every thread devolves into a cheating thread or an intellectual clusterfuck. It really is getting tiring. :(
Sep 27, 2010, 12:01 PM
A most excellent, well-reasoned, and skillfully crafted post. My sincere compliments!