View Full Version : OMG! This is Horrible!

Aug 3, 2010, 9:06 PM
Words fail me...

RIVERSIDE, N.Y. (WPIX) - A man is accused of fatally striking a 17-month-old infant he was babysitting Sunday night on the Shinnecock Indian Reservation on Long Island, according to New York State police.

The suspect has been identified as Pedro Jones, 20, of South Hampton. He has been charged with first-degree manslaughter after allegedly hitting the boy "several times throughout his body with close fists" and grabbed him by the neck, according to the felony complaint filed by police.

Authorities say Jones also told them, "I was trying to make him act like a boy instead of a little girl. I never struck that kid that hard before."

The infant, Roy A. Jones, was reportedly found in cardiac arrest and was rushed to Southampton Hospital where he died around 8:30 p.m.

"I just found out my Grandson died last night that's all I know," Donna Collins Smith.told PIX 11 News.

Police said Jones, who is not a member of the Shinnecock nation but lives on the reservation, is the boyfriend of the baby's mother.

"He infiltrated my family through our trust, through the heart of my daughter and then stole the life of her child," said the baby's grandfather Daniel Collins. "I hope the justice system turns around and steals his."

Jones pleaded not guilty during his arraignment Monday at Southampton Town Justice Court. He is currently being held without bail at Suffolk County jail.

Additional charges or the current charge could be upgraded pending the completion of the investigation, police said.

Aug 3, 2010, 9:10 PM
Sighs, that is truly horrible. Kids are the future of our world and it's beginning to look like they might be a finite resource.

Aug 3, 2010, 9:19 PM
Two parents of three little kids/toddlers, were arrested here recently because they were zoned out on drugs, for days, while their kids went hungry and were running in the streets. I don't know what can, or should be done, to the parents, but I hope their children will never see them again. What in hell is wrong with anyone who would treat helpless kids like that? It's sickening.

Aug 3, 2010, 9:27 PM
another link

the part that kills me is

Jones, not a member of the Shinnecock Nation, pleaded not-guilty to the charges, and said, "I never struck that kid that hard before. A one-time mistake and I am going to do 20 years."

So he thinks hitting the kid not that hard would have been fine? The kid was in cardiac arrest so he hit him hard enough in the chest to stop his heart.

I have seen pics of this guy, he is huge... a 17 month old child is small....I feel like crying now.

Aug 3, 2010, 9:35 PM
I watched him. He desrves to be in prison for a long long time.

Weld the doors shut and never let him breathe free air again.

No child deserves to be treated like that.

Question for the legal scholars: Since this is on an Indian Reservation does that make this a federal crime?

Aug 3, 2010, 9:44 PM
Unfortunately, Marie, that will probably not happen in this case. It is a great tragedy but there is no indication so far from what has been posted on the net that he intended to murder the child, so it will be manslaughter and he will be eligible for parole and we can only pray that he never again is put in contact with children.

Aug 3, 2010, 10:41 PM
Unfortunatly this happens on a all to regular bases here in San Antonio. The two most common scenarios are ~15 year old parents that just arnt fit to raise a child and people coming down off a week or so on meth flipping out and killing the child because it wont stop crying.

Aug 3, 2010, 10:46 PM
hello fellow who also lives in the land of neocons :P

hows the 100* heat treatin ya?

unfit parents would really have a home here in san antonio, many seem to migrate here, and no i dont mean from across the border, there was a story not too long ago about a lady who came down around san antonio with her child and then texted her bf (or was it hubby?) that she "got rid of him" she stated to police she came to SA for an illegal adoption exchange, saying she gave him to a couple (but didn't know the couples names or wereabouts)

i do not know if they ever found the kid dead or alive or if he's still missing

Aug 4, 2010, 1:59 AM
This just makes me sick...Stupid bastard doesnt deserve the 20 years, he deserves worse, but I wont get that thread started again. He's lucky though. The relitives on that Rez would know exActly what do do with him.......
Cat, shutting up now...

Aug 4, 2010, 7:00 AM
Yeah...the part that kills me is that he actually had the nerve to say that this one time mistake was going to get him 20 years...seriously...a small child is dead because you attacked it and you're really gonna sit there and say that...? Gah...he's lucky that it wasn't ME who was the mother cause they can't put a man in jail when you can't find his body...

Aug 4, 2010, 7:03 AM
What really gets me, Rissa, is the way it was worded he has struck this child before just never that hard. The grandparents seem outraged but I have not yet seen anything about the child's mother. I do wonder if any previous abuse was not noticed by the family or what.

And I'm with you, if that had been my child... well they sell lime here and it's great for covering decaying animals and what is a man, just a larger animal.

Long Duck Dong
Aug 4, 2010, 7:18 AM
solitary confinement is most likely what they will do to the guy if there is any risk to his health and wellbeing in prison...... and solitary confinement is no picnic....

he may have been trying to * toughen * up the child, in his eyes, but he is about to learn that when it comes to being tough.... he is about to find himself in a place where being tough is not about being a * man * its about surviving
and in prison, if you are not the boss, you are somebody elses bitch....

so put the guy in a cell with me, and I will happily teach him about being a man and toughening up..... I reckon he would last about a week before I have him cleaning the toilet with his tongue

Aug 4, 2010, 7:43 AM
Damn, I just read about a mother scalding her little daughter, with boiling water, to "discipline her"!

Would it be outlandish to have the same done to them?

If a parent can't, or won't, care for a child in a loving, tender way, they can easily find others who would love to have that child, so why don't they adopt the child over to them?

Anything's better than abusing a child!

Aug 4, 2010, 8:18 AM
Damn, I just read about a mother scalding her little daughter, with boiling water, to "discipline her"!

Would it be outlandish to have the same done to them?

If a parent can't, or won't, care for a child in a loving, tender way, they can easily find others who would love to have that child, so why don't they adopt the child over to them?

Anything's better than abusing a child!

A girlfriend has adopted two children who were the victims of a mother who had Münchausen by proxy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%BCnchausen_syndrome_by_proxy) - trully horrifying. Poor kids.

Aug 4, 2010, 8:50 AM
Sighs, that is truly horrible. Kids are the future of our world and it's beginning to look like they might be a finite resource.
I hate to tell you but this kind of stuff, neglect and abuse, has been going on for a long time. there are only two differences between then and now.
One, the internet and satellites give us the ability to know in seconds what is going on around the USA and the world. Our access to information now is almost infinite compared to just twenty years ago
Two, stories like these are not "hushed" anymore. The media grabs every one it can and throws it at you. In a small town, if a young girl had a baby out of wedlock, beat the baby and was on drugs, nobody talked about it. It was/is a horrific thing and was NOT considered "news worthy". But now? Misery sells people, misery sells.:disgust:
twntexas said:

Unfortunatly this happens on a all to regular bases here in San Antonio. The two most common scenarios are ~15 year old parents that just arnt fit to raise a child and people coming down off a week or so on meth flipping out and killing the child because it wont stop crying.
IMHO Yes drugs like meth, have definitely risen the number, but just remember the between the late 1800's and the early 1900's, cocaine was used and abused. Opium, although around for much longer, had a similar stint as the drug of the hour in the U.S. But again, where as the "drug epidemic" was taken on by news papers, individuals, were for the most part spared the limelight. And(save large cities) when someone fell into the pool of neglecting their kids because of drugs, folks helped, families helped, folks that went to the same church, HELPED.
15yo's have been having kids for a long time and back in the day friends, neighbors, families were more inclined, and were able, to get involved then now.
Here in Jersey we have The Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS). It is New Jersey's child protection and child welfare agency. And for a bit if you heard you neighbor beating his kid, insted of confronting them or getting in touch with a family member that could help, you called DYFS. So many folks were put through hell trying to prove that the bruises WERE just from playing, and that they were well with in their rights as parents to smack their "potty mouth" kid across the chops , that the pendulum swung the other way to NOBODY wanting to get involved at all.
My grandmother in-law told countless stories about when folks would look after children that were not theirs until a "problem" could be fixed. No one had to ask "permission" from a government agency.
A great example of the incompetence of DYFS is;
My neighbor has a nephew that has a child molester for a dad. When he got arrested for trying to fondle one of his son's friends, DYFS came in and told her she could not have temp. custody because her household did not fit "their" requirements and her house did not pass for housing codes.
SOOOOO, she and her hubby did not make "enough" money to support a 14yo for up to 1 year, and they had a space heater in the room that he was to be put in. And when she asked for an appeal they said,"too late, he is already at a half way house(with kids who for the most part are "delinquents")" and to remove him would, " cause him to be emotionally harmed"
So they HAD to leave him there with folks that he does not know, with "bad" kids, with his dad in jail and his mom dead(died two years before) and his closest relatives, that he lives across the damn street from, only able to console him during "visiting hours"
(i do not need to say more on that point):disgust:
:soapbox:The end all is;
YES I hope this bastard gets put in jail and has his ass beaten with-in an inch of his life, and then a foot more.
We need to stop letting the GOVERNMENT do more harm then good!
We need to get involved and stop just "watching from the sidelines" of our nightly 11oclock news.
:soapbox:JACK HAS SPOKEN:soapbox:
So I will get down off my soap box and make like a tree and leave.

Aug 4, 2010, 1:32 PM
We have had a rash of such cases around my area for the past year or so---you really have to wonder what gets into someone's mind when they think that a small child can take being hit or shaken hard by an adult, but then again--I think that far too many people just don't think too much about their actions before they do them.

Apr 3, 2011, 12:00 AM
well they sell lime here and it's great for covering decaying animals and what is a man, just a larger anima

WOW, from a sick bastard killing a kid to man hating? What the hell did the rest of us guys do to deserve that?

Back to the topic. It seems this is a growing problem in this day and age. Idiots are left with young children and just don't know how to handle it. A child crys, so they smack the kid to shut it up. First hit didn't do it, hit harder next time!

A55hole should be thrown into general population in preson. It won't take long before he is no longer among us.

Apr 3, 2011, 1:25 AM
WOW, from a sick bastard killing a kid to man hating? What the hell did the rest of us guys do to deserve that?

Back to the topic. It seems this is a growing problem in this day and age. Idiots are left with young children and just don't know how to handle it. A child crys, so they smack the kid to shut it up. First hit didn't do it, hit harder next time!

A55hole should be thrown into general population in preson. It won't take long before he is no longer among us.

Pardon me, but before you go off the deep end with your remarks about man hating, read the thread in it's entirety. A "man" hit the child, that person was what I was referring to.

Apr 3, 2011, 5:09 AM
It is horrible.. but sadly such instances as this are all too common in our societies... human beings are fragile creatuires, a human child more so and a human baby without question the most fragile of all.. it doesn't take much to seriously injure a human child and less a baby. Yet the law of both our countries allows us to assault them in the name of "discipline". Of course it is meant to be gentle chastisement, and thereare limits to what the law will accept, yet it takes very little for that chastisement to get out of control and for a human baby or child to have her or his life ruined or as in this case, ended..

We do not allow in law the assault of human beings in our society.. except of course, upon our children..

Apr 3, 2011, 5:12 AM
Pardon me, but before you go off the deep end with your remarks about man hating, read the thread in it's entirety. A "man" hit the child, that person was what I was referring to.

Not nice being called manhater is it Darlin' darlin'? Trouble with peeps is they are often very selective in what they pick out of what we write.. o well u ole mysandrist u.. join the club...;)

Apr 3, 2011, 5:37 AM
Not nice being called manhater is it Darlin' darlin'? Trouble with peeps is they are often very selective in what they pick out of what we write.. o well u ole mysandrist u.. join the club...;)

LMAO, Fran. It's amazing out of everything in this story he picked one part to come after me about then said the person should be killed themselves. Never fails to boggle the mind, now does it? ;)

Besides he could have quoted properly and then people would know the entire remark

What really gets me, Rissa, is the way it was worded he has struck this child before just never that hard. The grandparents seem outraged but I have not yet seen anything about the child's mother. I do wonder if any previous abuse was not noticed by the family or what.

And I'm with you, if that had been my child... well they sell lime here and it's great for covering decaying animals and what is a man, just a larger animal.

Apr 3, 2011, 6:47 AM
At the age of 7, I was hospitalised when my grandfather slapped my face far too hard. The force of the slap was unintentional but it is an example of how we often are not able to properly control our own strength.The force of the blow dislocated my jaw. He was not a cruel man nor was he a drunkard, but did believe that to spare the rod was to spoil the child. He was a man of his time.

We may believe it right to smack children or physically discipline them, but too often such discipline does go awry. We may restrain ourselves when hitting children, but we cannot guarantee that blow will not cause a child serious injury, however slight we believe it to be.

I have no children yet, but if lucky enough ever be so blessed, I will never hit or allow to be hit any child of mine. Darkeyes is right. We do not allow adults to assault each other with impunity. What gives us the right to allow adults to do so upon the weakest members of our society?

Apr 4, 2011, 6:57 PM
"WOW, from a sick bastard killing a kid to man hating? What the hell did the rest of us guys do to deserve that?"

It was meant as gender neutral, at least that was how I read it. "Man is but an animal." Meaning mankind, human beings. It was not long ago that using such a pronoun was considered standard in grammar. Yes, we now are admonished to use more genderless pronouns, but people can and do think for themselves. That might surprise you a bit. Sorry if it does.

Apr 5, 2011, 1:35 AM
Authorities say Jones also told them, "I was trying to make him act like a boy instead of a little girl. I never struck that kid that hard before."

... is the way it was worded he has struck this child before just never that hard...
Yeah, DD that was the first thing I noticed, the qualifiers... and the manipulation.
"THAT kid THAT HARD before"; what other kids has he hit that hard? How many other times has he hit THIS kid?
He's relying on social conformity against homosexuals to manipulate his way out of consequences for his actions. Precisely how does a 17 month old baby act effeminate?
His unintentional and intentional verbiage condemns him.
Pedro had probably been practicing harm on little animals and got tired of them. I'm guessing it was time to move on to the more exciting sport of harming or killing humans.
This fellow is pretty clearly a socio/psychopath, with a taste for blood; worthy of death.
If the police reports are correct...