Aug 22, 2010, 4:16 PM
That you think they don't.
For the bi guys in this forum in successful relationships with women, what do you think your straight male friends don't know about women that you feel that you've learned because of your unique perspective?
I'm going off the experiences I've had with bisexual men (they're limited, I know :rolleyes:) and contrasting them with the straight guys, and I do feel they are distinctly different, with the advantage going to the bisexual men. I don't know what it is. Is it the inherent sensual nature of exploring both sexes? Is it the tiny extra dose of estrogen that supposedly lurks within ya'll?
While it's true... not all straight or bisexual men are the same, give me your observations on what IN GENERAL you think your straight compadres are missing.
Let me toss one out here to get the party started:
1) Affection. Not just affection as foreplay, but be affectionate, period. Nothing makes a woman forget what an asshole you can be by just putting your arms around her in bed, or a kiss on the cheek in public. Now, you don't have to be all over the girl, just move beyond the hand holding and just touch her. The right amount of affection can turn every moment into foreplay and her willing to watch the game or even take it up the ass. :p
So... anyone else?
Aug 22, 2010, 4:34 PM
I think bi-guy can be liked (or loved) by both guys and gals (LOL). But it is real, I found myself easy to make friends with both guys and girls, when we talk, I can be considerate easily (or this is just my personality:))
Aug 22, 2010, 5:48 PM
*just because i don't want to fuck this other girl you know that might be bi.. and just because i don't drool over drew barrymore because she is.. Doesn't mean i should be misunderstood as a bisexual woman. My bisexuality could possibly take you deeper into your own sexuality that you never understood. The depths of sexuality and rawness. that you have only fantasized about in porn. Just give us room to breath in our life's blood. love us and reap the rewards*
Aug 22, 2010, 8:46 PM
Here's another one.
It's okay to like wearing a little jewelry.We're not talking Chandler's bracelet, rapper sized necklace, and a mobsters pinky ring. A tasteful bracelet or necklace does not make you gay, it makes you look a little more polished. If you like it, some of us are turned on by it...like that St. Francis of Assisi medal. Or your dog tags. Keep those on.
That's hot.
Aug 22, 2010, 11:26 PM
Women love control.
So, a bit of a game can be played. "Oh gee, I'm such a bad ass guy you got to do all I say." But actually when the doors are shut, the bad ass guy is a plush old comfy teddy bear catering to her every whim. Sort of reminds a person of _The Honeymooners_.
Women don't like trash.
Sure, you might be the most ragged out scoundrel and take pride in being the unholy pirate. Don't bring it home. She doesn't want to know, see, hear about your testosterone induced coma of whiskey and cigarettes. Clean it up there rough necker.
Women love, love.
May be one of those cow killing obvious ones, but you never know. Everyone loves being loved. Don't bite? Bet you love being loved. And you have to love yourself first, then love with pure blissful abandonment. Make her rotten.
Aug 23, 2010, 1:57 AM
...thank god, a thread that actually deals with bisexuality, and joy, for joy, about bisexual guys, with the women in their lives!!! my heart be still!!! ...or at least i think so? the other respondents seem to go off into other tangents, like that doesnt usually happen here! :rolleyes:
so you state that we bi guys have some resevoir of estrogen, if only a little! some theroize that gay/bi males assume the same roles that hetero couples have, thus making one of the males, assume the feminine role of the wife. all in order to explain why a bi male can be more aware of the needs of the woman. all interesting concepts, but more of a rationale than a truth.
can't say that i have the answer, and in contrast to the many men here who say that there bisexuality only extends to the sex side of the relationship, and thus can only have emotions for a women, i find that what i do seems to resonate with my partner, male or female.
i cannot understand the lack of emotion in a relationship; i want that one, who is so damn important in my life, to feel like they are walking on clouds! for woman, i got some pink roses, broke the petals off, sprinkled them leading form the bed, to the dining room, where i had a small, for her alone pink cake decorated with those silver balls, a big two dozen red roses, in a vase, with a pink velvet case, holding a tennis braclet of pink stones, took her to a play that evening, with a champagne dinner, then made love to her as she was the only woman that lived, and held her before, during, and long after. for the guy in my life, he was a avid furniture maker, so i dogged any and all sources to find some guy in the middle of nowhere, that created hand-made and forged carpenter tools, gave it to him after a night at a local pub, great brit food and beer, and this guy was mr macho, thinkg of jake gyellenhaal type, the dude cried crocadile tears, and then we fucked like hell, then stayed in each others arms for hours after.
i rented and went to more chick films, made dinners, went on shopping trips to last a life time, held her when someone hurt her, made sure the damn toilet seat was done, hung the tp the right way on the spool, cleaned up the bathroom after i used it, the nights dinner plates, et al.; for him went to more dodger games, played basketball pick-up games, learned what tool did what, the difference of one wood from another, endured that damn broken spring in the seat of his beaten-up chevy 50's truck, so on, and so on!
her boyfriend before me used her apartment as his fuck-center, to go off and fuck his multitude of gf's, and when she raised a complaint, slapped her, fucked her, then took off for one of his rendavours; the wife my guy married took him for everything he had, let him die in a fucking cold river, and re-married her previous ex wthin two months, both are now living off his legacy.
so what should straight guys (and girls for that matter), as well as those here who cannot (or dont want to, i think if more like it) have emotional attachments know about a woman, or a man? what the fuck, dudes and dudettes, is the point otherwise??? i dont believe that i have something someone else does not, but if i dont do what i do, i would be unworthy of the person who entrusts me to expose themselves to me, by loving me in their turn. we are most vulnerable when in the places we seek sanctuary, alone with the loved one, and that is when you want that person know that nothing ever matters except the loved one.
okay, enough for now, hope that i addressed your point of inquiry, or interest!:cool:
Aug 23, 2010, 6:31 AM
That we are available on our terms not theirs.