
All Blog Entries

  1. Sensibilities - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]"Didn't you feel bad about having sex at such a young age?"

    Maybe at first but it didn't last very long; this sex thing was just a lot of fun and the thing that made it more fun was knowing I wasn't supposed to know about it or do it. I had the... advantage, I guess you could call it, of being a very smart and intuitive child; the sex thing just clicked in my head, sparked my curiosity to near-crazy levels and the more sex I had, the more I was able to figure out stuff about it. After I got my first library card, I used to sneak around the library and read anything I could find about sex and that's where I first discovered the word, "bisexual." Sneaking around the library and reading about it made me feel like a spy in a foreign country and it was thrilling to be worried about a librarian catching me looking at those early pictures of both male and female anatomy or finding out that, um, babies didn't show up via the stork and because of the baby-making stuff called sperm.

    And I was learning that we had a very naive attitude about sex and a very weird one at that. Figured out that parents and other adults were trying to prevent us from finding out because they knew we would. Figured out why I could no longer take a bath with my sister, why none of us could see each other in our underwear - even though, at the time, we shared a room. I had questions and I knew asking someone to give me answers would get me in a world of trouble... so I looked for the answers myself at the library and pretty much any of my friends I knew.

    Some of them knew what I knew, many of them didn't - but they wanted to know and we set ourselves on the path to find out even though we knew that if we were discovered, we'd be in a world of hurt and trouble.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. Sensibilities - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]One day, a bunch of us were sitting around talking and the topic of when everyone lost their cherry came up. One by one, the nine or ten of us - both guys and gals - said how old they were the first time they had sex and when it was my turn and I said that I was 8 and told the story of it, man - you should have seen the looks on the faces of some of the people.

    They were shocked, said I was lying, stated that there was no way I could have known about sex, etc., and I had replied to the derision with, "Just because y'all were late finding out about doesn't mean everyone was - and I wasn't."

    In conversations about when one discovered their bisexuality, jeez, people would either be shocked, amazed, and sometimes "jealous" that in two short years, I went from having sex with a girl, having sex with a man, and learning how to eat pussy (although I never mentioned who I had that first lesson with). Some said it wasn't possible while others, well, they understood it since some of the folks I could talk to about this had their first same-sex experience at young ages as well... and some in similar ways, too.

    One woman I was talking to asked, "Why do some people get so weird about having sex when you're young?"

    "Because we're supposed to be innocent about such things," I had said. "It hard for some people to believe that you don't have to be 16 or older to figure out the sex thing; where I lived, shit, adults would hammer not having sex or even thinking about in our heads a lot, like they knew we were gonna find out about it and, I guess, trying to delay the inevitable..."

    Quite a few guys I knew would tell me, "Damn, man - I wish I had grown up with you!" and I'd tell them, without any shame whatsoever that if they had, they would have most certainly found out about sex way before they actually did.

    Another person asked me how it went down for us collectively and I really couldn't answer the question except to say that from my perspective, once I was shown how to stick my dick inside a girl, we all seemed to become aware of sex at the same time. I mean, the day after I had my first experience with dick, it was like three of my friends also learned about it and, um, of course, we had to show each other what we had learned and it just seemed to be contagious; four of us knew something about sex, then six of us, then ten of us and all inside of almost two weeks. In another week, there weren't too many of us who'd talk about and want to do the nasty with somebody... and there were a lot of us in my neighborhood.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. Being a Shameless Whore About It - Part V

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]I had an amazing childhood although there are those who would feel otherwise about all the sex I had and how I was doing it. And it isn't like I'm not totally and completely aware of those things and every implication that went along with it; I was then and I still am. Do I feel bad about it? No. I did it all, loved doing it all and even my grown up logic says there is no point in feeling bad about doing something I knew I loved doing. If anything - and as I already mentioned - the adult version of myself looks back at the younger version... and it's embarrassing knowing how easy it was to get me to have sex. I'd suck your dick or let you fuck me until your dick wouldn't get hard again. If you were a girl, I'd eat your pussy until you couldn't take it anymore and then fuck you in whatever hole you wanted to be fucked in until you said, "Enough!" or I couldn't do it any more.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]Huh? All you want to do is suck my dick? Okay... but can I suck yours, too? And, yeah, I'd get... mad if the other guy didn't want me to suck his dick... but I got over it... kinda. Today, if you're not gonna let me suck your dick, you're not gonna get to suck mine because why should you have all the fun? You wanna fuck me? Not gonna happen unless I get to fuck you, too. I grew up. I learned a whole lot of shit about this sex thing and more than the average person. I'm still not that picky; chances are I'm not gonna be "into you," probably not gonna be interested in being your "boyfriend." If I like you enough and you wanna do something, okay - we can talk about it. But I'm never, ever, gonna ask you to so something I wouldn't do.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]And the most important thing is to remember that I am a man. I do "girly" stuff but do not make the mistake that I'm anything other than a real-deal, honest to goodness man. I ain't wearing panties for you. I am not submissive in any sense of the word. You will not ever cum in my face; to me, that's the same as spitting in my face and disrespectful and do not tolerate being disrespected. You get your dick in me? Cum in me. None of that pulling out shit and spraying it all over me. Homey don't play any of that shit. You don't have to swallow my cum if you don't want to and to that end, that face-fucking shit? Don't even try it because you think it's hot to make me choke and gag because I guarantee you that you're not going to like what I'm going to do to you.

    I'm not your baby. Not your bitch. Not a "good little girl." And I make that clear with anyone right up front and if you got a problem with that, too bad. I learned some shit being a shameless whore about sex. You wanna spank me? I wouldn't if I were you... because I hit back and with evil intent. You wanna play rough? I'm not the one so get that shit out of your head and don't think you're gonna bullshit me or sneak some shit past me because I've had nearly a whole lifetime of experiences in this.

    But, if you wanna do it, we can because I still love having sex. Man, woman, both. Didn't matter then, doesn't matter now and I'm still pretty easy to have sex with... but with those "conditions" I mentioned.[/FONT][/SIZE]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. Being a Shameless Whore About It - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Anyone. Anything. Anywhere. Any way and any time. You just want us to suck each other's dick until we shoot? Okay! Girl wanted her pussy eaten but not to be fucked? Okay! Just wanted to suck my dick? Okay! Wanted to jerk each other off! Okay! Big dick? Okay! Little dick? Okay! Want to shoot your stuff in my mouth? You'd better! Can't get it in but can shoot it between my butt cheeks? Okay! Got it in but it really kinda hurts? Okay because I knew that at some point it would stop hurting and start feeling good... most of the time.

    It didn't matter because I was not only having sex but having sex in a way a lot of boys and girls were very afraid to. Still, you get older and wiser; you learn who you can do it with and who you should avoid at all costs, like those guys who wanted to stick it in... and pee inside you. Yuck! I learned to say stuff like don't pee in me or don't be so rough and, yeah, sometimes they'd not do those things... and sometimes they'd do it anyway... and we'd have to fight, stop being friends, don't even ask me again if we can do it or I'm gonna punch you in the face again.

    But before I learned to be more in control? Straight up whore about it. You wanna do it? Fine by me - let's go somewhere and do it and if we can do it more than once, that's even better. Nothing - and I mean nothing - bothered me about doing it with anyone and, believe it or not, it should have bothered me. It. Just. Didn't. Someone would say, "We shouldn't be doing this!" and I'd say, "I know - keep doing it!" but I had to learn to not get mad when someone would want to stop for some reason and I had to understand that just because I wasn't afraid to do it didn't mean someone else wouldn't be afraid. And sometimes, they were. Okay. At least we tried and that was better than not trying.

    One on one. Orgy style. Pulling trains on each other (gang banging) either sucking dick or fucking or both. Didn't matter. We were doing it. Making each other feel good and shoot our stuff. Every fucking chance I got. And I got a lot of chances and don't forget: I had a brother and a sister who loved doing it with me as much as I loved doing it with them. And, in the rare situation where I couldn't do it to somebody, I could always jerk off and sometimes, instead of using a towel, sock, or toilet paper to clean up, I'd just lick my fingers clean and, yeah, the first time I did that it felt very weird... but it tasted pretty good if I had to say so myself.

    Besides, it kept me from having to explain some stuff I didn't want to explain like what happened to that whole roll of toilet paper and other such evidence that, if you were smart like I was, you just learned not to leave behind.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. Being a Shameless Whore About It - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Like everyone, I'd find out that somebody would want to do it to me but they didn't really like me... but I'd find that out after the fact (but sometimes, I knew it before the fact and did it anyway) and I'd feel... used. Dirty. Sick to my stomach sometimes. But the kid logic would kick in and ask if I had fun having sex before knowing they really didn't like me and I'd have to say that I did and because I did like it, I learned not to let someone not really liking me bother me a whole lot but I learned that it was true that when you had sex with somebody you liked and they liked you, it just felt better.

    I loved to suck dick with or without sperm. Loved to eat pussy even more even if I didn't get a chance to fuck it. Loved to fuck... and had a love/hate relationship with being fucked and the "hate" part was getting as much dick i my ass as possible... because it did often hurt going in but I even learned to not pay too much attention to that and especially when the occasional adult would do it to me. Was that a bad thing? Sure it was. Just made it more exciting to me and as strange as it sounds, they'd often do it to me better than my friends would since the adults wouldn't ever try to get more dick into me than they could manage; if nothing else, they'd get the head in me so they could shoot their stuff in me and not so much on me and since they going out of their way not to damage me, well, it was bad... but still good.

    See, I was learning some stuff about that, too, that probably should have freaked me out but didn't, not like it did some kids I knew.

    I got fucked a lot and 99% of the time, it felt wonderful to be lying on my belly with a guy on top of me and humping away until he got that "good feeling" a lot of times or, if he could, shoot his stuff in me. It would feel so good and be so comfortable that sometimes I'd nod off or even forget a guy was doing it to me. Some guys would shoot before they got it in me... and I'd get mad. Some would barely get it in me and shoot... and I'd get mad. Some guys would "take too long" to shoot it in me and I might not be mad... but I'd be uncomfortable enough for it to bother me and now I'm wishing he'd either hurry up and shoot or just stop.

    But I'd learn that this stuff was just a part of the whole thing and the kid logic said that if I didn't like any of that, then I should stop letting guys do it to me... but since I liked it so much, I just learned to get used to it, just as I learned what it was like for girls when I - or any boy - did it to them and I can't begin to tell you how fucking important a lesson that was... and still is.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. Being a Shameless Whore About It - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Anyone. Any time. Anywhere. Anything. If I knew you, you could get me and sometimes you didn't even have to ask if I wanted to do it unless to just take care of that bit of formality because you knew I would say yes. If I didn't know you, well, I really would think for a moment... before saying yes anyway and it took me a little bit to figure out that people I hadn't known before were asking to do it to me because the kids I did know were telling people they knew that if they wanted to do the nasty, I was the guy they needed to find.

    And I welcomed them all. I still feel kinda stupid today to think about my aversion to uncut dicks, those really ugly motherfuckers. I wouldn't suck them but, yeah, stick it in me and shoot your stuff! My kid logic said that if it was in my ass, I couldn't see it and if I couldn't see it, I couldn't get freaked out over it.

    Easy, huh? I'd say that at the height of my sexual insanity - and depending on the time of year - I would have sex with someone - anyone - no less that twice a day and almost every day - very convenient to have both a brother and sister who were your secret lovers. Did I ever not feel like doing anything? Sure... but it didn't take a whole lot to get me in the mood and it was so "bad" that sometimes all you had to do was pull your dick out and I'd go from not wanting to be bothered to wanting to do it faster than I could blink.

    I kinda hated myself for being this way... and didn't. This sex thing was amazing. Nasty. Kinda scary but in a good way. Sucking on a dick until its owner shot that warm, salty/sweet stuff in my mouth or licking and sucking a girl's pussy until she screamed for me to put it in her and shoot my own stuff. Having a guy on top of me, his dick going in and out of me and just relishing how good it felt as I waited to hear him cuss or something, feel his dick grow and start to twitch - then feeling his stuff shooting into me and basking in both the good and bad feelings that would wash over me and the bad feeling being, "He's doing it to me like I'm a girl!"

    But, of course, I wasn't a girl. I wasn't even like my friend Charlie, who was gay or, as we said back then, a sissy. He always did it with boys, loved sucking dick, loved being fucked even more... and girls, well, they were just people he wanted to be like and if you thought it was easy to get me to have sex with you, if you were a boy, getting Charlie to do it was even easier and when I'd think about that, I'd feel less of a whore about it... but not a whole lot less.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. Being a Shameless Whore About It - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Yep. That was me. Once I'd been bitten by the sex bug and had my first experience with pussy, I was off and running to do that weird, scary, but wonderful thing again and with any girl who'd let me. Then I learned about dick and that was the cherry on top and I was out of control and, today, embarrassingly so.

    If someone wanted to have sex with me, they could and I wouldn't put up a fuss about it. Boys. Girls. The occasional adult. Didn't matter. We couldn't do it fast enough to make me happy. Sucking cock. Wallowing in the headiness of eating pussy. Being sucked. Being fucked. You wanna do it? Okay! Where? Right now?

    Did being "a whore" about it bother me? Yes... and no... and mostly no. While some kids dove in but would shy away from it, well, I wasn't that kid even when, sometimes, the sex wasn't a whole lot of fun but since it mostly was, that pretty much erased the things that weren't so much fun. The other thing was that since I was a very intelligent child, I was also learning a lot about what sex really was so being willing and able to experience all kinds of sex was not only fun but I was learning a whole lot of stuff about it and especially why grown ups were all funny about it. Later, of course, I'd understand completely why they were the way they were about it but until that happened, it was full steam ahead and damn the torpedos.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. Does He Have to be Good At It? - Part VI

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]What, ya thinking about age or other shit like that? Why? I mean, aren't you old enough to have sex? Works for me. Our skin ain't the same color? Our body types different? Why should that matter when, to be real about it, we both have dicks and I know, even if you don't somehow believe it, that any dick can be sucked. Any dick.

    And ya still don't have to be "good" at it - you still gotta want to do it, have the desire to do it, be willing to do the best you can and accept the best the other guy can do. What's that you say? You're a submissive cock sucking bottom and you think your job is to suck and not be sucked? Okay... but what can I say to you that could change your mind about that because I'm kinda old school in that if you suck my dick, my honor says I can do no less than to suck yours that and I don't believe in asking a guy to do something that I wouldn't do.

    It's dishonorable. And, to be honest, the only thing that will make me not suck your dick is your strict and inflexible unwillingness to suck mine. That's the only real deal breaker for me and, to be honest, I don't like being that way but, shit, I have no choice. Cock sucking should be a mutual pleasure and not just for one person's pleasure or benefit.

    It's an honor thing. Give as good as you get. Doesn't get any simpler than that. Yet too many of us make it harder to enjoy a simple and even basic pleasure we can share.

    Ya don't have to be good at it. You just gotta want to do it... because I sure as hell want to do it to you.[/SIZE][/FONT]
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