
All Blog Entries

  1. Why Suck Cock? - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Sucking a dick can strangely make you feel good and bad at the same time. You "hear" that voice in your head screaming at you and say you shouldn't be doing it - and you know you shouldn't - but damned if it doesn't make you feel good having that dick in your mouth and feeling and hearing him moaning and groaning with pleasure and practically begging you to not stop and keep going.

    But damned if it doesn't make you feel... girly, too. Why? Because only girls are supposed to suck dick, right? Um, nope! We can get into all that "who does it better" crap but the bottom line is that guys can suck dick and they can love the shit out of sucking dick because, if nothing else, it really does feel good to have a dick in your mouth and if you've acquired the taste, so much the better; there's something... deliciously nasty about swallowing another guy's sperm that's hard to put into words. Yeah, some guys would rather not swallow it but spitting it out is proper etiquette or one can, if the want to, get a facial or it's okay to unload the spunk any place other than their mouth. Whatever works, right?

    Yeah... guys worry about catching something nasty and I'm here to tell you that it can happen if the other guy somehow managed to catch something. Guys are squeamish about swallowing it and fearful that by doing so, they're gonna catch something when, in fact, the moment that dick slipped past your lips, you already put yourself - and him - at risk and, no, not gonna get into the science behind this at this time.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. Why Suck Cock? - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]At first, a guy will certainly be of a mind that they wouldn't like it or, really, they're not sure if they're gonna like it since they do, for the most part, like it when a woman is sucking their dick. A lot of guys are so unsure about this that they actually believe having a guy blow them is very different when, in fact, the only real difference is who's sucking their dick... but, at the same time, having a guy blow you is one thing.

    You being the one sucking the dick is something else. Some guys are just naturals at it while others have to learn how to do it and like it... but I don't know of too many guys who have sucked a dick for the first time and didn't have a sense that doing it felt strangely normal and for reasons they can't explain.

    Or, classically, "That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!" Well, um, that's because it isn't bad but, yeah, some guys do manage to fuck this up when they have their cock in your mouth. The sperm thing? Yeah... there's a reason why it's said it's an acquired taste but it's probably more of a mental acquisition since, you know, sperm is only supposed to go somewhere in some babe and, sure, it's okay to shoot it into her mouth... and the thought of some guy shooting it into yours is, well, unimaginable... even thought we know it happens and it's even an expectation, to be honest.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. Why Suck Cock? - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I get asked this question a lot and probably because there are a lot of people who don't believe that a guy should and could have a reason to do what women do and more so since there are women - somewhere - who live to suck cock.

    I get asked and I tell them that, for one, if there's something that fascinates the shit out of us, it's wondering what it feels like to do it and more so when we've watched women sucking us and, of course, see dicks being sucked in porn. Another thing is that of all the things guys can do, this is usually the first thing a guy learns about; I call it an "entry level" thing and while a lot of guys' first experience is sometimes "mutual masturbation" or even getting screwed, the one nearly constant thing is cock sucking.

    It looks easy... but for the first time? Eh, not so much since one has to overcome some shit that's telling them - screaming at them - "Don't do it!" Some guys do and they hate it... many, many more do it... and now they can't stop wanting to do it and, yeah, comparatively speaking, it's easier than getting a hard dick into one's butt.

    I've said that it can be done anywhere, doesn't usually take a long time to do it, and has minimal preparation before the fact other than washing between your legs... if you can in that time and place. Otherwise, the dicks come out, go into a mouth - or both - and they get licked and sucked until nuts get busted and swallowing is always optional.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. IDIC - Part VI

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]About a month or so ago, I ran into a man at the mailbox who has having a problem getting his box opened so I helped him with it; the postal worker had jammed the mail in and got it tangled up with the lock, preventing it from easily turning so it could be opened. No biggie although a piece of mail got kinda torn up. As I worked to open his mailbox, he told me about himself: Recently widowed, sold the house they lived in because it was too big for one person. The man was white, six years older than myself, new to the complex and when he said he wanted to show his appreciation for my assistance by giving me a blowjob - something he had learned about when his late wife first got sick with cancer - I didn't say no to him, both out of compassion and, um, I was kinda horny anyway.

    We went back to his place and got to it; he sucked my dick and he got his sucked. Didn't matter whether he was "good" at it or not and while he had what I'd call a nice dick, that didn't matter to me one bit although, before we got started, he was under the impression that I would think his size would matter. He even said, "I might be too old for you..." and I said, "A lot of people are older than I am - so what?" The only thing that mattered is that he wanted to do this and I was game for it. We sucked each other, made each other cum and we both swallowed without giving it a second thought.

    And that's the only thing that mattered. I was pleased and he was, I thought, more than pleased. He said, "I've never sucked a black cock before... and I thought it would be different."

    "Why?" I asked him.

    "Well, I've heard some stuff," he said as I gently used my hand to see if I could get him up again.

    All I said to that was, "Hmm, okay..." And what do you know? He got it up again (so did I) and we made each other soft once more. For me, it wasn't a big deal but, then again, I've experienced the diversity but for him? I think he had his eyes opened a bit more since he said, "I think I'm going to be sucking more different cocks now..."

    What really mattered? The desire. The need for both the release and the human contact. He was my type: Healthy, clean, of legal age, and not my kind of an asshole. We've gotten together a few more times since that first time and he's quite an interesting guy, as it turns out. He still says that he didn't think I'd be agreeable because he's older, white, and all that... and I keep telling him that none of that matters to me. He wants and needs to suck cock and I'm more than happy to have him do it and to suck his, which he didn't think I'd want to since he doesn't have a long, thick cock.

    "You have one. I can suck it. What else is needed?" I asked him - then sucked him dry again.

    He just shrugged. And I get it. We're all kinda like that and in ways that prevents us from experiencing the diversity that exists within our bisexual box.

    So my questions to you all - and I don't expect anyone to answer - is why aren't you experiencing the diversity? What's holding you back from stepping outside of whatever preferences you have?[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. IDIC - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]When a guy tells me he doesn't want to have sex with me and starts pointing out how different I may be from that which he prefers, wow. Seriously, dude? Let me see if I understand this. I want to suck your dick. You want your dick sucked... and you mean to tell me that we can't spend some time doing that because I'm Black? Too old? Dick not big enough? Hairy? Not hairy enough? Not built like Mr. Universe?

    When a guy who's two years older than I am tells me that I'm too young for him, hmm, is that a problem? I think it is but the problem in embracing and rejoicing in the diversity is that when one has preferences, they should never be questioned and many guys get pretty bent out of shape when their preferences get... questioned or otherwise offended because it's their right to want what they want and the way they want it.

    While totally disregarding the fact that any guy can suck a dick. Any guy can get it and keep it up long enough to slide it into your ass and, likewise, there probably isn't an ass you couldn't get your dick into. Or a mouth. Or a pair of hands to pull on your pud until you pop your cork. Can't find a guy to do anything with? It's probably because you're not of a mind to explore the diversity more than an actually lack of guys who like dick. Any guy who isn't your type is disqualified out of hand. I don't have a type and because I've experienced the diversity, there's really only one type of guy I like: He's clean, healthy, of legal age to have sex... and he's not my idea of an asshole.

    And I continue to wonder why it seems like I'm the only one who has such an approach to sex with, well, anyone.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. IDIC - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I've had sex with guys across pretty much all of the boundaries we tend to put in place. From all walks of life, almost every ethnicity, age, physical build, profession, education and even mindset and personality. Gay men. Crossdressers. Transgender. Tops, bottoms, submissives - you name it, I've probably had sex with them at some point in my life. Some of it has been glorious and some not so much. Taste the rainbow? Yeah, I've done that because to not do it - and rejoice in the diversity that is there to be had - doesn't make a lot of sense and, important, I think, I don't learn anything else about what it means to be a bisexual man.

    That guy over there? Hmm, apparently, he wants us to go somewhere and suck each other off... but he's not my "type" and in whatever way that means... and the question I've yet to find an answer to is why, if the guy passes whatever test you use, we won't just go and suck that dick and get sucked since, duh, we are agreeable to busting a nut with another man.

    It's because we somehow cannot find it within ourselves to embrace the diversity. One can say that if you had one dick (in some way), you've had them all... but that's not really true. We develop our likes and dislikes, of course, but we also make a mistake in this, i.e., if something was bad with that guy, it's always going to be bad with any other guy. And, sometimes, we let our fear of the other deprive us of the sex and even emotional comfort that, in fact, we do crave.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. IDIC - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I think we tend to pick a place and stay in it or we get out of one box - heterosexuality - and get into another box - bisexuality - but once we find a happy place, we have no interest in exploring what else is in the box. We get preferences in place which isn't really a bad thing... but they also can be a deterrent and one that keeps us from exploring how truly diverse we can be in this. Not our type. Age is wrong; body type is wrong; too hairy, not hairy enough, dick is too big or not big enough, has foreskin or doesn't. Not the right skin color; not literate enough or maybe too literate for our liking.

    Okay. I get it. I have a thing about really effeminate men - they drive me insane and I know they do... doesn't stop me from having sex with one because no matter how he behaves, he's male (even if he doesn't think he really is) and he has a cock and such a guy is quite willing to have access to my dick and in whatever way we can agree on. After a lot of years of being fucked by a lot of guys, eh, I'm not that much of a fan these days... doesn't mean that I won't fuck a guy or want a guy to fuck me but if we can agree on these things, sure - why not and, importantly, as long as he's not my idea of an asshole.

    His race doesn't matter. Other than his personality and demeanor, nothing else about him matters except we can, if we can agree, have sex in some way. Health stuff? That's a given to be concerned about and taken into consideration but other than that, if we can do something, why not? The size or lack of where his dick is concerned means nothing... because it shouldn't mean anything.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. IDIC - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I got into a rather deep discussion with my protege about diversity the other day and how he - and a lot of other bi guys - tend to frown on our differences instead of rejoicing in them. He's a white guy with a taste for Black and Hispanic men and if they physically resemble the kind of guy who'd play in the NFL, so much the better. Intelligently, he understands and sees the value in experiencing the men not in his wheelhouse and tends to always point out differences that, in the grand scheme of things, shouldn't make a difference.

    There's a guy who wants to have sex with you. He's male. He has a dick. Doesn't really matter if the guy is wholly gay or not; he wants to do something, is equipped to do it and you, in fact, want to do something as well and are, duh, equipped for the job at hand. Now it's just a matter of negotiating what, where, and when. My protege knows this because I've made it a point to pound this into his head every chance I get and the one thing he does that annoys the shit out of me is that while he is aware of the diversity, he never wants to embrace it, let alone explore it.

    And the sad part is that there are a lot of bi guys who are like this. My protege often gripes about having to deal with the same kind of guys - he has a knack of coming across a lot of guys who tend to behave in ways that makes him bat shit crazy and I've asked him time and time again, "Why haven't you checked out the guys who aren't in your wheelhouse, guys who aren't even close to that which you prefer?"

    And he can't answer me except to say that he knows that this is exactly what he should be doing which, of course, doesn't answer the question at all. That "twinky" Asian guy wants to get with him; he wants to suck his cock and take it in the ass, both things my protege, who is a top, just loves. The Asian guy is ready, willing, and available right now which is good since my protege is one of the horniest motherfuckers I've met in a long time.

    And my protege will diss the Asian guy in favor of the same old thing he confesses he gets very tired of. Why? Because the Asian twink is too different. Same for white men and he has a lot of contempt for white men that he can't explain either.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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