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  1. Have you fantasized doing (or done it with) a plumber, handyman, yard guy, etc?

    There are videos of men and women coming on to a plumber, pizza guy, etc. Have you had a service person come to your place and you fantasized about doing them? Or even better, have you actually done something with one? Or maybe you are a service person with a true story?
    Tags: blow job, fuck, sex, suck
  2. One of the Things... - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]And, yes: I have handed out a few very bad beatdowns on those who thought they could, first, bullshit me and then try to flip the script on me and make me do what they wanna do.

    By and large, I tend to ignore these kind of guys... but it still gets on my nerves. I am by no means a submissive bottom and, no, I am not saying anything bad about anyone who is. But, um, what part of, "I'm a top, too!" don't they understand? Am I speaking a foreign language when I say, "Nope - you're not gonna fuck me" and you didn't understand it? Why do some of these guys think I'm the one who's fucked up when they tell me how they're gonna make me get on my knees and suck their cock and get my throat fucked... and I've made it clear that they're gonna be on their knees sucking my cock?

    I have been of a mind that one should never ask a man to do something that they, themselves, are unwilling to do. You want me to blow you... but you don't suck cock? See ya later and thanks for coming. You wanna dump a load of cum in my ass... but you're not gonna submit to having the same thing done to you? Ain't gonna work, homey.

    Yet, there are a lot of guys who really believe that it should work like that and without exception and because they said so. I just can't think of any way guys like this can be more disrepectful and it continues to amaze the fuck out of me when they get offended and feel disrespected after they've offended and disrespected me.

    Like the one guy who "made it clear" that he was gonna make me suck his dick, bury it in my ass for a few, pull it out, and make me suck it. And I "made it clear" that if he even tried to make me suck his dick, he just might wake up in a hospital bed and wondering how he got there. Such shit not only disrespects me as a person, it disrespect me as a man.

    Homey don't play that. Ever.
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. One of the Things... - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I've been trying to get my head around this for a long time now... and I'm no closer to being able to explain why this happens other than there are a lot of guys who just believe that they're the man in this and all other guys are just their bitches to take any way they fucking feel like it and you have no choice but to comply to their demands.

    It's even assumed that all guys into M2M suck dick and get fucked which, of course, isn't true at all. Like, one guy told me that when I come over - and I never even implied that I would - the first thing I was gonna do was to eat his sweaty asshole. I said, "Nope - ain't into that and ain't doing that." And he went off on me, telling me what I'm supposed to do and some other shit that, if we had been face to face, I would have hurt him badly and, as it was, the whole time he was bad mouthing me, I was thinking of the many ways I could fuck him up.

    Which, of course, is why I have an "asshole test" and why guys who behave like this always fail it. Many seem to forget that I'm just as much a man as they are and many tend to find out that I have a really nasty temper when it gets riled up. What, you really think you're gonna make me do something I don't want to do? Oh, I'd love to see you try it... and I hope pain is something you enjoy."

    Actually told a guy that once and he actually had the nerve to tell me, "That's not the way this shit goes!" Really? It reveals what can be a fatal flaw in the thinking some men have about this and often tells me that they don't know as much about this as they think they do. Many think they're so alpha and macho that any other man has no choice but to comply and submit to them... but I'm not one of those guys. I know how to say no... and I have the muscle, skill, knowledge and very evil other side to enforce it.
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. One of the Things... - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]My protege tells me about the number of guys who, nicely or really rudely, tell him to get his ass to them so they can fuck him good and hard... and my protege is a top. I can count on one hand the number of times he's bottomed for someone and I don't have to use all five digits. Sometimes he ignores them or, like me, he'll come back with, "Sure... I'd love to feed your ass my cock!" and the other guy gets ghost in a hurry.

    He shows me profiles - and I've seen my share of them - where guys arrogantly let you know that they're gonna fuck you and they pretty much don't care if being fucked ain't your thing and some have gone as far as to question how manly he - or I - ain't because, um, I'm just as much of a top as the asshole demanding that I have to bottom for him or I'm not really a man.

    It's the thing that has made me wonder, "What happens when two tops try to hook up?" and then answer my own question: "Nothing..." and more so when the roles of top and bottom have been so rigidly defined and adhered to. "Everyone" knows that tops don't take the dick - they give the dick. A lot of tops do not and will not suck dick - that's the bottom's job and even if the bottom in question doesn't suck dick.

    And I've gotten those guys who go on and on about how I'm gonna suck their dick for a long time before taking it in my ass... and I'll say - again - "Is that before or after I do the same thing to you?" And, oh, my goodness, do they ever get offended! And what really bakes my noodle is that even after I make it clear that I'm just as much of a top as they are, they insist that I can't be what I know myself to be - I have to be what they want me to be.
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. One of the Things... - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]...that gets on my nerves are those guys who just assume that our whole reason for talking is so they can shove their dick in my ass... and then get all pissy when I don't "jump at the chance" to get dicked down. The whole top/bottom thing has gotten... shit, I can't even think of the right word. I remember when I first and really encountered the top/bottom thing when some guy asked me if I was a top or a bottom... and he actually had to explain it to me because I'd never heard such a thing before that moment.

    After he explained it - and I thought about my own behavior in this - okay, I was very versatile growing up and remain conditionally or situationally so but if "forced" to choose one or the other, okay - I'm a top. What gets me shaking my head is when another top gets told I'm a top... and he still insists on me being a bottom for him and when I tell him that ain't gonna happen, well, ain't I all kinds of fucked up? Some dude will start telling me how good he's gonna fuck me (yeah, uh huh, right) and then he starts feeling some kind of way when I ask him, "Is that before or after I fuck you? Because if you think you're gonna get away without getting fucked, you got the wrong guy."

    And they get really pissy and vanish into the night, never to be seen or heard from again. And I really don't know why there are so many guys who think they can fuck any guy they want to and regardless to the other guy's preferences.
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. "Making" Someone Bisexual - Part VI

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]After a while, I just gave up trying to figure this one out. I came to the conclusion that people go from straight to bi because they want to but it's easier on their minds to think that they were "made" to be bisexual and trying to get to the bottom of things was pretty much a waste of time since a lot of folks who did this couldn't really explain why other than, "It seemed like the right thing to do..." or something along those lines.

    We were with a couple one night and the other woman was sucking me and I said something like, "Yeah, suck my dick!" and the next thing I knew, her man was sucking my dick! Later, his excuse was, "Well, you told me to!" and I had said, "But I wasn't talking to you!" Miscommunication? A misunderstanding? Heat of the moment? Or did he do what something inside of him told him to do?

    I didn't know. But I was still pretty sure that you can't make someone bisexual unless they want to be... even if they're not aware that they wanna be.
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. "Making" Someone Bisexual - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]What was really going on in this? I reasoned that, okay, you could "make" someone do it - still very uncool but, yeah, it can happen. What you can't do is make someone like it and while some really didn't like it - and took the "appropriate" revenge on being made to act in this way, uh, many were "made" to do it... and they just fucking loved it.

    And I couldn't figure out why except to think that in that moment, they had their "inner bisexual" awakened and now they're off and running making the transition from straight to bi.

    I remember another couple who "suddenly" turned bi... and they were happy... and unhappy. Of course, they blamed it on us and we couldn't figure out how we did that since neither of us did anything to them in that way. Indeed, I was happily eating the other woman when I felt a mouth on my dick... and I knew it wasn't my wife because, um, she was being "manhandled" by the other woman so that my wife wound up sitting on her face.

    The couple left a few hours later and we talked about what happened and couldn't figure out how what they did was our fault. Even I said that I could see one of them going for it... but both of them? At almost the same time? But, yeah - they accused us of making them bisexual and - get this - even came to our place to accuse us to our faces; they even "demanded" that we have sex so they could prove that they were really straight and what happened was a fluke...

    Yeah, right; sure it was. In the first round, they pretty much wasted us in their attempt to prove the first time was a fluke. The other woman had my wife squirting so much we had to stop to change the bed... but what got me was they were both "angry" with us for making them bi.
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. "Making" Someone Bisexual - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I didn't think so then and I don't think so today. I mean, you can force someone to do it - which is totall uncool - but I've been of a mind that if a "straight" person "suddenly" dives into this, there some latent potential, maybe some early exploration that got set aside and is now being revisited or, sometimes, a person just says, "Fuck it - why the hell not try it?" and they go for it... and find it to their liking.

    In similar settings, I've heard the other couple say stuff like, "It was the heat of the moment!" as their excuse for doing something they said they'd never do... and it's plausible, at best. And while this is kinda valid, it didn't explain why, on one night, this guy and I were watching our women go at each other and, oh, maybe two minutes in, he turns to me and says, "I think I'm gonna suck your dick..." and before I could respond, um, he was sucking my dick. It just reminded me that when you think you really know someone, you might not know them as well as you thought you did.

    He's blowing me and it was so shocking that the girls stopped to watch; his lady said, "I didn't even know he was into that!" and, between sucks and coming up for air, even he was saying, "I don't believe I'm doing this!" Shit... I didn't believe it either. Was it a heat of the moment kind of thing? Or was it more of a "being in the moment" kind of thing? I didn't know but what I was learning that people usually don't do stuff like this if/when they are dead-set against doing it.

    It's one thing to have someone "confess" that they always wanted to try it; something else when both people involved are surprised that it happens and "out of nowhere."
    Inside My Bi Mind
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