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  1. Sexually Frustrated

    I am in a wonderful relationship with a man, however I have known I am bi for many many years. I have had a couple of girlfriends, but no longer with either one for different reasons, mainly cuz they either moved a way or got married. So after putting my bi side away for a few years, I've been having major urges to find another girlfriend. Finding the right person is hard. I created my profile on here to at least have a place where I can put my true feelings out there and hopefully gain some advice or just meet some nice ppl to talk with about it. It seems too much to ask to find myself a girl. I'm a cool gal and I feel I am easy going and easy to get along with. I am very loving and from what I've heard from past female lovers..I got skills. Not bragging but that's what the last girl said to me. My man knows about my bisexuality and he said I can have a girlfriend, should I find one. Sometimes I feel awful for having urges for girl/girl sex, especially since I love him so much. I really do, I would die for this man. But honestly I find women so damn attractive and I can't shake it.
    I would especially like to hear feedback from anyone who reads this blog. You can friend me or reply to the blog...whatever..I'd just like to have other's advice on how to deal with my feelings. I feel frustrated and not sure what to do.
    Tags: biwomen
  2. A few more thoughts...


    What was the purpose of this? To ignite a discussion about what constitutes free speech and what the boundaries may be.

    Sure, I could post on mindless threads about rimming or eating spunk that have been done to death. I prefer to bring something more stimulating to the table.

    I don't really care if anyone is offended. Noone is forcing you to read it. I suppose in the future I'll save it for a different fora if that be the will of the "community". That said, I make no apologies.

    Furthermore, if you turn a blind eye to recent world events you are doing so at your own risk.

    I feel that radical muslims are using our "political correctness" (a term based in Marxism) against us. As for me being paranoid, I already volunteered that possibility.

    Calling me a troll? Don't care. I certainly have been in the past, but that is not what I am doing here.

    Curtailing freedom of speech is a VERY slippery slope. It's also how totalitarian regimes get kicked into high gear. This is the objective of groups like CAIR.

    That being said, I bid you all good night.

    BTW- I'm not imagining this- am I?
  3. Perils of live theatre....

    So as I was saying, things have been going well. At the starting point I should state that I'm on bloody mary number four, so advance apologies if this post is slightly disjointed, Aside from the state of the show I'm working on, I have a few other things on my mind.


    So, first things first. The show. It has gone quite well. Much thanks to those of you who have been so incredibly supportive and encouraging.

    The show goes well, despite hitting a major snag opening night. All was going well at first. I was focused and psyched. However, that changed.

    In the middle of 'Slap that Bass" I'm standing there with an upright and dicking around as dancers (male and female) twirl and swirl all around me.

    Here's where the problem began: as one of the follies girls got a little too close, I got clocked upside the head. Enough to put me in a state of borderline delerium. I finished the song, went backstage, took some water and aleve and hugged the wall.

    Sadly, I hadn't much time to do so. I went out to do 'I got Rhythm" and ran into the worst error I have ever committed in my short theatre life. I carry a mining pan to the front of the stage for the male lead to dance on. I placed it upside down. Damn near had a coronary when I realized. Thankfully, a kid in the cast spotted it and saved the day.

    Noone gave me any crap because I had just taken a decent blow to the head. It still bruised my ego.

    C'est la vie. I haven't made the same mistake since.

    On a side note, in spite of a foul up in the beginning, the response we have been getting from the crowds have been nothing short of incredible.

    Everyone in the cast has taken a beating in one way or another making this show happen.

    Wouldn't trade it for the world. I have officially found myself and I refuse to let go.

    The rest is context/details/irrelevant/crap.
  4. Just when you want to flush humanity ...


    Someone redeems it.
  5. An Inner Calm

    Life these days has its stresses and must admit to feeling them at times... 'tween one thing and another it seems one drama after another.. sometimes even melodrama.. me 8s are right drama queens... k.. me too.. don't deny it at times..

    Woke up after being out..banging head.. jippy tummy.. not feeling too clever, yet oddly felt really well disposed to the world.. it happens sometimes... every so often I just feel so good life passes me by and just allow it the go on its weary way and nothing upsets me.. I even smile sweetly at people normally who would get short shrift.. today is just such a day.. isn't life fucking frantabulous??? Infinitely better than the alternative I can tellya!!!

    Why this sudden calm? Why have the normally turbulent seas of life and me very existence suddenly gone still? I have no fucking idea.. but on the occasions it happens, I lap it up and am just a nice, if somewhat boring person in whose company to be... no tantrums.. no screaming.. no drama or melodrama.. no hectoring and no lecturing about the rights and wrongs of the world...just the calm of a nice autumn day. Even the sure knowledge that before long the glassy ocean of peace will break, just as the weather is forecast to break, will soon kick up again and the mind will suffer the torments of a rather wonderful yet shitty old world.. and beaufiful if shitty old species of rascals called humanity. And me m8s will once again drive me to rant hysterically as they act like dummies... but today?? Not a bit of it...

    I have one sure calming influence in my life... in so many ways she is as I am now most of the time.. smiling tranquilly as my more stormy normality stirs our lives and those of our children into frantic disturbance.. she smiles sometimes in exasperation and her normal inner calm keeps me from going overboard.. not always but most of the time.. and in these moments of Fran's own internal peace she feels almost redundant.. happily so, because that's how she is.. the kids are enough hassle to be going on with.. and when I am as now she doesn't have to worry about me making waves... although if it goes on too long she gets a tadge edgy.. for the life of me I just don't understand why.

    I missed France this year.. I traded it for the US for me hols so I've now traded it we are off to Paris Kate and I, me best 8 and her partner on the 13th of next month. Its only 4 nights, but 4 nights in gay Paree are like 4 months anywhere else... no kids... they are off up to the cottage with me mum. 4 nights in the queen of cities... can't wait.. no wonder I feel so good right now.. it's getting close.. and 4 nights when we come back, will join mum and the kids to finish off the mid term break.. well the poor old cow will need the relief.. *laffs*.

    Don't fret tho.. I will have long since lost this feeling of calm well before I get near to Paris.. work tomorrow and gangs of fractious kids will soon see to that.. but for now let me enjoy the still mind of peace and love and thoughts of well being. And I hope that u lot feel just the same this frantabulous sunny if cool Autumn day..:):kiss:
  6. Has anyone had sex on pulic transportation?

    i did it once on Am track train at night.A young stud sitting next to me.
    It was exciting feeling knowing some one could catch you.:yikes2:
  7. preparing for anal? ( advise )

    [QUOTE=boca.openminded;203513]by now you should have all your answers.

    I never had anal sex (receiving) but I have had toys inserted and you prepare the same way.

    You do need to clean yourself. Even if ...[/QUOTE]

    I concur. Because it won't be so good if it's not so clean.
    Likewise, I've never had anal sex before [B]butt[/B]...I do like m'toys and I won't play around unless I'm clean as a whistle.
  8. Crazy For You

    My first performance in front of a packed house. I was pretty relaxed up until five minutes before the stage manager called places. I checked my costume, drank some water and became aware of a sort of knot in my belly. I looked at my buddy Kurt (one of the leads) and said "Fuck it. No turning back now. Let's do this thing.".

    It went as well as anyone could have hoped for. The response we got from the crowd was nothing short of amazing. During the finale, we got a standing ovation. I couldn't believe it. When the applause started roaring and the lights engulfed us, I literally had tears in my eyes and a shit-eating grin that I couldn't contain.

    I mean, that feeling, it was like an orgasm times a thousand. Words can not describe how overwhelming it was. All those months of frustration, sweat, massive amounts of caffeine and being constantly scrutinized finally came to fruition.

    Hi, my name is Tom and I have a problem. I officially have the theatre bug :impleased
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