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  1. A few thoughts on music I like

    Sometimes I can be a bit snobby when it comes to things I'm really into. I don't mean to be a dick, I can just be a little annoyingly picky. Like with beer. I know what I like (mostly stouts and porters), and I try to avoid most of the watered down knave-swill that a lot of my friends drink.

    Same goes for the music I listen to. I've managed to find some pearls in the slag heap, but a lot of "modern" music doesn't really impress me. I prefer to stick to the classics as a general rule. This especially goes for Metal, where old school is always the best. So much newer Metal is just boring in comparison.

    Same blast beats with way too much wierd sappy sounding snare and obviously triggered digital sounding double bass? Check. Same incredibly downtuned guitars with way too much reverb? Got it. Obnoxiously low gut-puking interspersed with hissing and or/shrieking? Uh-huh. Partying now.

    Metal is still very special to me. A lot of bands I like do some or all of those things at times. But I've become a lot more discriminating about the Metal I choose to listen to. For one- sick of all the satanic/occult schlock. Tired of one dimensional "Metal Bands" hiding behind computers and keyboards and shit. Do I have something against keyboards? Not at all. Rick Wakeman is freaking amazing. My problem is these guys like Alexi Laiho who use so much in the way of effects that their shit ends up sounding less like Metal riffing and more like fucking nintendo music.

    I'm sick of pointlessly convoluted "technical" stuff that guitar students drool and get hard over. I have nothing personal against Steve Vai and Joe Satriani and Yngwie Malmsteen and John Petrucci et al. They are very talented people. But frankly, to listen to them or see them live is like being jacked off upon with a guitar. Either that, or it's completely sterile and has no [B]soul.

    [/B]That said, I had a lot of fun during my heavier years of concert going. Here's as complete a list of every band I've seen as I can muster.

    The Melvins
    Circle Jerks
    Lower Class Brats
    Napalm Death
    Morbid Angel
    Today is the Day
    Tiger Army
    Reverend Horton Heat
    Hank Williams III
    Koffin Kats
    Benedict Arnold
    Flogging Molly
    Hate Eternal
    Arch Enemy
    Paths of Possession
    Cannibal Corpse
    The Faceless

    That's most of em. Slayer damn near destroyed my hearing. I was front row for 2 and a half hours of feral madness. A twisted contorted churning sea of sweaty bodies screaming with delight. Quite primal, really. Lost hearing in the right side for 3 days. I was about to see a doctor when my hearing thankfully came back. Tom Araya was staring me in the eyes as he played the later breakdown in 'At dawn they sleep'. Every word his eyes got a little wider still.

    The most violent show by far was Circle Jerks/Lower Class Brats. Punk shows are not for the faint of heart. My shit got whipped good at that show. The next morning I was sitting outside in my car before work and I noticed my black flag shirt I wore to the show had a bunch of blood on it. Upon inspecting my wounds I determined that only about half the blood was mine.

    These days I've mellowed out a tad. Been big on Iron Maiden, Swans, Liszt and Handel. Still love death and thrash metal, but totally lost taste for black metal. Never had much of a taste for rap or at all. I don't care how jaw droppingly innovative people try to tell me it is. I just don't go for it. I like some electronic and/or industrial, but like anything else I'm picky as all hell.

    My main goal as a listener is to not be one dimensional. If it makes me come off as a tad snooty, well, whatever, As I said, I just have a pretty good idea of what I like.

    If you were bored enough to read this I hope you found at least some of it fun and/or entertaining.
  2. But seriously....

    Things are getting better. Little by little, I keep peeking a little further out of my shell to see what's around me. I owe this in particular to my friend A. She was in a musical a few months ago at the local Playhouse. They needed someone to work the curtain, pull the drops and move scenery. Somehow, a few months later I'm about to make my stage debut as Moose in 'Crazy for You'! For the life of me I never thought I would be any good at singing and dancing.

    Before my theatre adventure I was depressed, sleeping too much, smoking way too much herb and just being a bum in general. Also, I got a really nice bicycle for my 30th birthday. I blew the engine on my pickup truck about a year and a half ago, so I'm thrilled that I don't have to necessarily take the bus everywhere I go. Granted, my current lifestyle is not without it's limitations. I can only get what I can carry in one shot shopping. Also, people drive like fucking maniacs in FL and I've very narrowly avoided getting run over a few times.

    Aside from that, my life is full of blessings, from my little tuxedo cat to my fiancee who I've known since high school.

    La vie est belle. I knew one day I'd be able to not only say it but mean it as well :suave:
    Tags: life, theatre
  3. An amusing song....

    The South Park bits fit pretty nicely. The guitar solo is my current ringtone :bigrin:
    Tags: music, south park
  4. Songs to make love to

    Kate and I often make love to music... some songs just do it for us and enhance the joy and the ecstasy no end.. this is one of my faves and with this there is a silly gobby goose u know not a million miles away who luffs being well and truly bumped...:impleased

  5. Les Triplets de Belleville

    I like this song a lot.


    - Drew :paw:
  6. Anyone served in the military?

    Can you debunk this photo? Or is this photo authentic? The person who is anti-LGBT says it's fake and this person thinks he knows everything about military. Take a look at the picture and read his comment:


    His comment:

    [SIZE=2]It's really pretty easy to pick this one apart. The interior of military helicopters are not painted white with plastic trim. Trim burns,plus lite colors and reflections from instrument lites affect nite vision devices. Then there are problems with the things worn by the fair skinned flight crew person allegedly.He/she is not wearing a Nomex flight suit and the helmet is not a current crew helmet.The helmets currently have two visors,one dark,one is a bronze color HD ,and some even have three with a clear wind guard. Current issue helmets also have the integral nite vision module molded in and the intercom microphone is also molded into the helmet and is made of part kevlar and part carbon fibre.
    At the least this person might be trying to get his/her point across by wearing a standard military blouse/shirt and posing in a Jet Ranger helicopter which the state of NC has for use by officials.My estimation is that he/she is either a gay wannabe,or mad at NC for not letting he/she in the national guard. Then there are those who simply love posing and writing stuff for social web sites. Too bad both his/her name and face is obscured. Not so brave after all is he/she?
    No need to call to see if this is real,sorry.Trust but Verify. I prefer to verify.[/SIZE]
    Tags: lgbt, military
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Images
  7. A little bit of music to break the monotony


    This lovely lady is Viktoriya Yermolyeva.
    An accomplished graduate of the Franz Lizst Academy of Music in Weimar.

    Check out her channel. Her original pieces are quite delicious in addition to some amazing covers.
    Tags: music
  8. Background stuff

    Hi. This is Tom, one of the old-schoolers from days long past. First registered here in 2004 or 2005. I'm not sure which. I'm back from an extended hiatus which mostly involved lurking and trying to salvage the wreckage of my life.
    As some of you are well aware, I'm bipolar/ADHD. Type one, the more batshit manic 'I'm so happy I could kill myself' variety. This led to some pretty fucked up stuff in the last decade of my life. I'm now attempting to make some sense of it by consolidating my thoughts to a single few blocks of text to be carefully scrutinized.

    First, a bit of IRL back story:
    Was working in kitchens for a few years. Did a stint at culinary school. Burned out hard plus had a falling out with my former Chef. Got back into heavy opioids in a bad way. Took a job at the most shady(scamming the elderly and doing subpar work) AC company in the Bay area. Everyone there was on either coke or oxycontin. Both for some.

    Seemed to be getting by despite a horribly destructive and stressful work environment. Went off my seroquel because I was being threatened with terminaton for being too slow on the job. Everything was fine the first few weeks.

    Car accident. Totaled my jeep in a no clear fault situation, Boss docks 20 hours of overtime. I was highly pissed about this. Played it cool and finally walked when it became abundantly clear I was not getting my money. So there I am- no car, no job and I lost my place to live.

    I should also mention that I used to know Eppigy, one of the trolls from Encyclopedia Dramatica. The boy has been fucking with me (death threats and the like) off and on for a few years. Could still be, though I imagine he's forgotten me in favor of more amusing prey.


    A bunch of bad stuff happened in a short period of time. Plus I found out a former best friend killed himself. I never got to make up with him and it still eats at me.

    I stopped sleeping, didn't eat much- just lived on coffee and cigarettes for a couple months. Started living in a warped space of nihilistic moral relativism.

    Then as some of you know, I started getting paranoid. I honestly don't remember a lot of it. I found notebooks after the fact with all kinds of passwords, handles and cryptic notes to myself about breaking some sort of code.

    For a brief instant I felt sucked into some sort of trippy universal consciousness with my computer.

    I became convinced my friends were trying to kill me.

    I spent every fucking minute in a state of cat-like readyness.

    Started with the intention of counter-trolling, but got totally lost in a mad rage and went rather postal.

    I won't name drop, but a few people from here were in contact with me when I started coming unglued. One girl just told me to keep smoking more weed. Did I let them influence me or get inside my head? Sure. But I thought they were friends.

    Much love to those who were actually trying to be there for me, even if I wasn't having it at the time.

    So then......
    Flew to DC, got hospitalized twice. Didn't take very long to get my head in order. Thank you zyprexa, even though you made me a bit pudgy.

    Got back with my old girlfriend long distance. That in itself helped keep me grounded.

    Came back to Florida. Fell back into the kiss of death (opioids) really hard. Went to a doctor, did the suboxone detox and haven't looked back.

    So what is the point of me telling you people all this?

    To give some insight into the current state of things.

    My purpose with trolling was to stick up for myself, but I got lost in the fury because I happened to be going completely fucking bonkers at the time. I have attemped to atone for my wrongs, and wish to lend what understanding I can to the situation.

    Several handles here can be attributed to maybe 3 people. Diamonddog and I used to IM chat a lot. He sent me a message telling me he ripped Aeon (joan) apart not long before I stopped talking to him. I know 'beserker' was DD because 'beserker' knew stuff that I only told to DD.

    The subject of infoterror is resurfacing. I should explain. I was paranoid and sought an ally. Seemed like the logical thing to do at the time. Dick move? Sure it was. I never said I was perfect. If anything, use the resources there to better understand the enemy.

    Some of this could be adamkadmon43. I'm not sure.

    All one really needs to do is take a handful of inflammatory users and pick at their sentence structure and points they repeatedly bring up. As they become more passionate the veil begins to slip.

    Hope this proves useful to someone. If not- at least I got some shit out of my system.
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