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  1. Feels So Good - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]That was about the time when I first started to wonder what my jizz tasted like. I knew I liked tasting someone else's jizz, well, most of the time; I also knew that those who tasted my jizz either liked it or they didn't and while the thought about what mine tasted like would flash through my mind at times, my current problem really had me thinking about what it tasted like and, being the smart kid I was, it was easy to put it all together and realized that if I tasted it after I shot it, problem solved.

    That's also when I found out that it's kinda hard to taste your own stuff after you shoot it. I couldn't wait to try it, hid out in the bathroom and jerked myself furiously and - pow - here comes the stuff; it's all over my fingers and all I had to do was to suck it off my fingers... and it was making me want to throw up just thinking about doing it but I made myself do it. It was warm, kinda salty, kinda sweet on my tongue; I swallowed... and threw it up and, shit, got my mom's attention when she asked me why I was throwing up and was I okay. I lied my ass off and said that my spit went down the wrong pipe and I was okay but I was both disappointed and determined to do this and, later that night, I went to the bathroom, jerked off, shot my jizz in my hand and on my fingers, took a deep breath, and licked it all up, swallowed it... and it stayed down.

    Success! Doing that felt good and nasty; not quite the same when I'd suck a guy's dick and he'd shoot jizz in my mouth and not really that easy to do but like my music teacher would say, the more you practice, the better you get... and I was practicing a lot.

    One day, the fellas were hanging out and we were wondering where "Sammy" was and one guy said that he had heard that one of his parents had caught him jerking off and grounded him, which led to us talking about how to not get caught or leave any clues that we were jerking off... and I told them how I figured it out. Of course, they didn't really believe me so off we went to one of our hideouts so I could show them. It's me and five other guys and the five of them just sat there watching me jerk off like it was a good movie and when I shot my jizz and made sure I got it on my hand and fingers - then licked it all up and swallowed it - wow, you could have bought them all for two pennies. Some of them said, "Ew!" which surprised me since there wasn't one of us there who didn't suck dick and greedily swallow jizz but, yeah, this was different but, yep, all five of them tried it. Three threw up right away and the other two guys didn't and said that I found a great way to not leave any clues that we were jerking off.

    As much fun as that was, it wasn't as much fun as doing it to each other and we spent the next hour or so in our hideout sucking each other's dick and swallowing jizz; we determined that swallowing each other's jizz was easier than swallowing our own but if I could do it, they could, too... and it was better than getting caught and punished in some way.

    Jerking off just felt so good and I'd eventually grow up and there would be no need to get the evidence off my hand and fingers by licking them clean... but it was now just a part of me jerking off and, if nothing else, I didn't have to explain why there was no toilet paper in the bathroom. I'd eventually figure out that I could give myself a blowjob and, holy shit - that was better than jerking off even when, after sucking myself off, my body would feel almost the way it did when I got hit by a car years ago... but it was all about making myself feel good and it has always made me feel so good.[/SIZE][/FONT]

    Updated Apr 19, 2021 at 4:25 PM by KDaddy23

    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. Feels So Good - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I found myself working on a problem and especially when, after coming out of the bathroom after yet another great time making myself shoot jizz, my mom looked at me and said, "I know what you're doing in there and you'd better stop it!"

    Oh, shit! If I could have turned invisible, I would have! I was so embarrassed it wasn't funny and I realized that when I thought I was being slick and sneaky about it, yeah, no, I wasn't. Even more embarrassing was the lecture I got from her about how it was normal for boys to play with themselves and make themselves feel good but it was a very bad habit and one I needed to get out of right now... and the "or else" was implied even if she hadn't said it.

    I had just said, "Yes, ma'am..." because what else could I say? I wanted to say, "But, Mom, it feels so good to do that!" but knew that if I did, the lecture I'd gotten would be mild compared to how she'd react to me saying such a thing. Kid logic kicked in to remind me that I didn't actually promise her that I wouldn't do it but now my problem was how to do it when at home and not leave any evidence that I was doing the thing she said to stop doing. One part of the solution was to be able to jerk off as fast as I could and be able to do it in the time it would take for me to poop and, yeah, if it took a little too long, I could always say that I was, what's the word, constipated - yeah, that's the word for when you have a hard time pooping.

    The down side to that excuse was me winding up all bent over with that nozzle stuck up my ass and connected to that damned red bag and feeling some kind of way to feel that warm, soapy water squirting in my butt which, um, actually, didn't feel that bad - but there was nothing worse to be getting an enema when the truth was I didn't need one. But to be able to make myself feel good and not be suspected of doing what I wasn't supposed to be doing, it was kinda worth it... but not an excuse to be used a whole lot.

    I figured that part of the problem out and now on to the second part of the problem: What to do about the jizz I'd shoot? I tried standing in front of the toilet and trying to shoot it in there... and was dismayed to find out that it didn't work like peeing did. I tried sticking my dick in the toilet before I'd shoot, you know, like a guy does when pooping but, um, wow, that's when I found out that when your dick is hard and you're trying to shoot and trying to do it in the toilet while sitting down, well, it hurt! And then, sometimes, I couldn't try to shoot that way because the moment I thought that I was about to shoot and I need to somehow shoot in the toilet, it would be too late - and now I gotta clean it up from wherever it went. And, yeah, the last time I tried to do that, I missed some of it and, just my bad luck, my mom saw it; she didn't scold me but the look she gave me made me want to pee on myself.

    What to do?[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. Feels So Good - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]One of the other things I learned about jerking off - and because me and the fellas would get together and talk about it - was to not make the same mistakes my friends who could shoot were making, like, putting a sock on their dick and shooting inside the sock or using a bath towel to shoot into or clean up the mess; or don't hump your pillow and shoot because whoever did the laundry in your house would see the crusty mess left when the stuff got dry and there would be hell to pay.

    It made sense to me to jerk off in the bathroom and use toilet paper to clean up the mess I'd make and more so when you could flush the sticky paper right down the toilet... but never occurred to me that I was jerking off so much and using a lot of toilet paper to clean up that one of my parents would notice it. And, yeah, when my mom asked who was using up all of the toilet paper, she had looked right at me and I had felt a jolt of fear stab into me because the look she gave me told me that she knew I was responsible for the toilet paper use... and she knew why I was using so much of it. She didn't come out and accuse me but, yeah, she knew. Another thing I learned was to not spend too much time in the bathroom doing it. Our apartment only had one bathroom and there was nothing more annoying - and nothing that would ruin what I was doing - than having someone yelling, "What's taking you so long in there?" Again, I was sure my parents knew exactly why it would take me a long time to use the bathroom but, again, neither of them said anything... but the looks I'd get? My father would just kinda grin at me and my mom would give me one of her patented mother looks that would make my stomach feel watery and queasy.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. Feels So Good - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Since we were both standing there naked from the waist down - and his dick was hard again - it was the perfect excuse for us to do it to each other. I knelt down and started sucking his dick and knowing that he was going to shoot his stuff in my mouth and thinking about the day he surprised me by doing just that and him proudly proclaiming, "Now you're not the only one who can shoot the stuff!"

    We sucked each other off, waited a couple of minutes, then fucked each other and it was so good and as usual. We got done and now it was clean-up time and I knew that I had to clean up the stuff we'd both shot and was puddled on the floor. He left and I wanted so badly to go outside with him but I couldn't... but that really meant that until my parents got home, I'd been taught a new thing I could do to occupy my alone time!

    As you might imagine, I spent a lot of time jerking off in between having sex with the neighborhood boys and girls. Ah, man, I'd be jerking off, my eyes totally fixed on what my hand and fingers were doing, making it feel so good and - pow - that breathless moment of pleasure to see and feel my prick twitching and lots of stuff coming out and getting all over the place and the bad part was having to find it all and clean it up and then hope that I didn't miss any of it and more so when, one day, my father took me to the side and started talking about something called a wet dream that would make me "do something" in my sleep... and I was able to figure out what that something was and I was very embarrassed and I think he knew I'd be because he told me that it was normal for a boy my age to have certain dreams that would make me do... something. Then he sternly told me to not do anything to make that happen and to stay away from girls and even told me about going blind and growing hair on the palms of my hand.

    It wasn't the first time he'd said that... but now I knew why and, believe it or not, when he said it, I actually looked at my hands and thought how silly what he said was because I wasn't blind and I couldn't see any hair on the palms of my hands. Silly adults...

    Now that I knew that I could make myself feel good and didn't need anyone else and could do it almost any time I wanted to, I was off and running with it without a care in the world, well, until one day my mom had came out of the bathroom and hollered, "Who's using up all of the toilet paper?"

    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. Feels So Good - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]It was, oh, maybe a week after I busted my first nut when the next guy to do so was banging on the door and practically yelling for me. I'd only recently had my stitches removed from where I'd been hit by a car a couple of weeks before so I was still stuck at home and not allowed outside so much.

    I went to the door and he almost knocked me over barging inside and asking if I was there by myself; I said that I was and asked him why and what was wrong. You would have think that he was on a sugar overload or something because he couldn't stand still and so excited.

    "You can shoot the stuff, right?" he asked and making me look at him funny because I knew that he knew that I was since three days after my first official nut, I had shot it both in his mouth and his butt.

    "Yeah, so?" I asked.

    "Watch this!" he said. We're standing in the living room of the apartment we lived in and he just pulls down his pants and underwear and I'm thinking, okay, he wants to do it and I've seen his ding-dong before. He's grinning like he just stole something and I'm confused and got more confused when he started pulling on his ding-dong with his fingers until it got hard. I'm switching between looking at his face and looking at him playing with himself which, actually, I didn't find to be all that unusual since, ah, I was sure that, like me, he was told to never do that... like any of us listened to that.

    Looking at his face, he started getting this dreamy look on his face; his eyes were closed, his mouth kinda open and, I dunno, he was playing with himself for about a minute or two before his eyes flew open; his body started shaking and he was playing with himself as fast as he could - then my own eyes bugged out when a big shot of the stuff flew out of the head of his dick! I hadn't been standing that close to him but it shot out so far that it landed on my calf and even more of it was coming out and landing on the floor.

    What the hell was this? I'm looking at his stuff on my leg and the puddle of it on the floor; then I look at him and, at first, he looked... sleepy but then he was right back to being highly excited and smiling so much that I really thought his face had to hurt.

    "Did you know you can shoot the stuff like that?" he ask, literally bouncing in place.

    "No!" I said and I was very intrigued.

    "Try it!" he said; I guess that he thought I wasn't moving fast enough for him because he yanked my shorts and underwear down, grabbed me by the wrist and put my hand on my dick and said, "Go on - play with yourself!"

    I knew that if I played with myself, my dick would get hard and, um, watching him play with himself had gotten me hard already but, okay, I started playing with myself. It felt good but it had always felt good... then it started to feel even more good and then it felt [B]really good[/B] and I had already learned that when it felt that good, I was going to...

    It was like a bomb went off inside my head and, as it happened, my eyes were open and I had been watching what I was doing to myself so I saw a big shot of my stuff fly out... and hit my friend in the face! I hadn't even been aware that he had knelt down to get a front row seat to watch me play with myself and make the stuff come out.

    Now we're both grinning like idiots and he told me that what we'd both just done was called jerking off. And just like the other things I learned about sex, I was instantly hooked on this jerking off thing I just found out about. He had said that this is what a guy could do when he wanted to do it but there wasn't any around to do it to or, really, anytime he wanted to as long as he didn't get caught doing it.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind

    So you can read my previous about what my wife and I talked about.

    Throughout the rest of the morning, she was acting kinda weird and making some off-hand comments.

    At one point she went really dom on me and told me to only talk when I was asked to or spoken to, okay, kinda weird I thought.

    We had to take off to the pharmacy to pick up some stuff and I just came and asked why she was talking to me like that, her answer was since I was a bottom she thought I would kinda like being bossed around, not gonna lie I did kinda like it.

    This lead to a longer conversation where I basically spilled all the beans on what I would like to happen.

    Her biggest concern is that I may find that I enjoy the company of men more than her, I should also add she has some attachment issues from childhood she is not quite over.

    I explained that my bisexual motivations would not be anything that I would leave her over and that I truly believe that she and I are meant to be together.

    So all and all it was a very good conversation with a lot of things let out into the air.

    She still has no sex drive but will be talking to her medical team to get more information.

    We shall see where this goes from here.
  7. So in other news.

    So today my wife told me she does not want me making any references to sex or anything else of the sorts. Kinda a hard blow but there is a back story.

    A few years ago, my wife was diagnosed with a fairly severe degenerative joint condition plus she is already on a ton of other medications, needless to say, the mix of meds and pain really reduces her libido and her sex drive to the point where it's non-existent.

    Apparently, me bringing up any sex-related topics is really making her feel bad because she has no desire at all to have sex with me.

    So guess I will be here more often talking to other people about having sex, not a bad thing I guess.
  8. "It's Not As Bad As I Thought!" - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]One guy asked me, "Should I warn you before I cum?" and I said, "Not if you don't want to; I want you to cum in my mouth and chances are I'm going to find out the same time you do that you gotta cum." I've actually had guys apologize for cumming in my mouth, something I can't help but to find funny; I mean, really why do you think I was sucking your dick besides proving to you that it isn't as bad as you think it is?

    Some guys, after getting sucked off, can't decide right away whether it was [I]that bad[/I] or that good; they actually find themselves having to think about it and I know that their mind is telling them one thing and their body is saying something very different... and now it's a matter of what part of them they're going to believe. And the part I had to learn to deal with but, to this very day, I don't like doing is watching them get overcome by guilt and understanding that they're feeling guilty and it's not just because they just did something they weren't supposed to do. I could explain that to them but it's easy for me to ask them, "Does it make any sense to feel guilty about something you wanted to do?" And while some guys admit that it doesn't make sense and get over that sense of feeling horribly guilty, yeah, sometimes I have to explain the refractory period of sex in men to them and knowing that it'll probably go right over their head.

    It just does me so much good to be able to allow a guy to find out that having another guy sucking his dick - and doing some sucking - really isn't as bad as it's thought to be and the certain fact that if you believe that it's going to be the most fucked up thing you've ever done, it's probably going to turn out that way because you've convinced yourself that it will be.

    And you don't really have to believe me and I don't expect guys to believe it... but there is one sure way to find out if doing some cock sucking is, in fact, going to be so bad and horrible: Do it. "Man up" and get a guy to suck your dick and get the cum out of your balls. Wanna know if it's bad to suck a dick and taste sperm? Don't take anyone else's word about that - go suck a dick and decide for yourself. You're either going to find that it's the best thing you've ever done... or it just won't be and if it isn't, the chances are very good that it's not because of what the other guy did. Have it in your mind that you'd not be good at sucking dick? Eh, don't worry about it because even the best of us can only do what we can do... and you're never going to know if you can be good at it or not if you never do it and, to that end, it's important to not let yourself get all fucked up in the head if the other guy doesn't like what you're trying to do - you just can't please everyone every time.

    It really isn't as bad as it's said and thought to be.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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