
All Blog Entries

  1. In the Shower - Part I

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]I've had dicks of all shapes and sizes in my ass and I've had my ass fingered but I didn't "discover" the self-pleasing aspects of fingering my own ass until I wound up with a hemorrhoid situation. I didn't know why my hole was hurting and itching like a fiend and actually went to the ER because I just knew something was very wrong. The doctor comes in - and it just had to be a woman - and I felt a little weird being on my knees with my ass all up in the air and she's spreading my cheeks and poking around with a gloved finger before she announced that I had a hemorrhoid thing going on and it could easily be taken care of.

    She put on a new glove, squirted something on a finger and slid it in me and I could feel my dick getting hard as she moved the finger in and out of me for a moment before telling me that this was being done to cleanse the inner hemorrhoidal tissues so she could put a suppository in there. She even showed it to me and, whew, that puppy was kinda fat and had me wondering how I was gonna get that in my butt... and not even giving a single thought to the fact that I'd had dicks in there.

    Silly, I know. Anyway, her instructions were to stick a suppository up there twice a day and when possible, use a mild soap on a finger to do a bit of cleaning in the area before inserting the suppository. Well, um, I found that giving myself the finger was, hmm, that felt pretty good and I was thrilled to be able to it to myself and because it felt so weirdly good, ah, sometimes it took a minute or two before inserting the suppository.

    The hemorrhoids cleared up and as the doctor had guaranteed they would... but I'd found a new way to pleasure myself which is also how I found out about my own prostate. Now, the doctor had told me not to insert my finger too far in when doing the pre-cleaning part but, yeah, you gotta know that I'd eventually stick a finger in "too far" and the first time I did, I poked my prostate... and it felt like a bomb had gone off inside of me. It kinda hurt... but not really; I felt tingly all over and my vision kinda blurred for a moment and I could feel my anal muscles kinda clamping down on my finger, not a whole lot but enough that it got my attention.[/FONT][/SIZE]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. Bi All Means: An Auto-bi-ography


    So it begins...

    I found this website on a Reddit. I was intrigued by what I read and joined shortly after in hopes of learning more.

    My life was in turmoil as I will share over the course of this blog. But reading through various posts on this site I knew I had found my [B][COLOR=#800080]"tribe!"[/COLOR][/B]

    My desire for this blog is two-fold: create a journal of my unfolding and perhaps help others along the way.


    Updated Mar 12, 2021 at 8:16 PM by Leo Rabbit

  3. Best Worst Day - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]And then he came. Holy shit... did he cum or what? I'm doing my best to not gag and choke on all that dick down my throat and I felt him swell then heard and felt him moaning against my dick and the next thing I knew, I could feel his spunk just sliding down my throat as his dick was pumping really strongly. Since my finger was still in his ass, I could feel his hole squeezing my finger pretty hard every time his dick pumped and it even had the nerve to hurt, too!

    I came - hard. So hard that it made my balls hurt and my asshole hurt even more since he still had a finger in me. I was so lost in all of the feelings that it again seemed like I blinked - and he was pulling his dick out of my mouth and had let go of mine.

    "God damn, man!" he gasped. "Holy fucking shit! You're better than Tyrone said you were! You're even better than he is!"

    I actually felt some pride wash over me but now I was back to being too aware of where we were and my "fear" was screaming at me to get the fuck out of this place full of dead people!

    "I gotta get outta here," I said, getting to my feet and pulling my pants and underwear up.

    "I'm right behind you," he said and I kinda like that we both shared that fear of cemeteries.

    We got the fuck outta there in a hurry and before we split off, I told him, "Oh, when you see Ty? Tell him I'm looking for him..."

    That was on Monday. I didn't run into Ty until Thursday. I knew he was avoiding me and knew why I was looking for him... and it wasn't because I wanted to suck his dick. Well, um, yeah, I did want to but that wasn't the point. I cussed him out something fierce about him telling his boys what we had done and it was all I could do not to punch his lights out. Oh, he apologized... and I wasn't hearing any of it. He offered to make it up to me... by suggesting that I could fuck him and I actually thought about taking him up on that but realized that all that would do was to have his boys running me down so we could fuck.

    "You can forget us ever doing anything again," I said. "And if you tell anyone else, the next time you see me coming, you know what's gonna happen... and ya might not even see me coming." I was so pissed off at him but, at the same time, if he hadn't blabbed about what we had done, I wouldn't have had the day I had on Monday... and a day that, once I had a chance to really sit and think about it, was both the best and worse day I'd ever had.
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. Best Worst Day - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Now, the other guys? I didn't know them that well... but this guy? I knew about him; we had gotten into a small fight during gym and playing basketball and while I got the better of him - thanks to my martial arts training - well, it wasn't by much. I wasn't afraid of him but I sure as fuck didn't want to get into another fight with him.

    "Lemme guess - Tyrone told you, right?" I said.

    "Yeah, he did," the guy said while rubbing the very obvious - and big - erection in his pants. "The other guys said you were good and you got a big dick so, let's do this so I can find out for myself."

    "Where?" I asked, looking around where we were standing... and seeing that the only possible place to go was the cemetery across the street. I saw that he was looking where I was and he said, "Shit... I hate cemeteries!"

    "Me, too," I said, feeling a cold shiver running through me. "But that's the only place unless you wanna wait?"

    "Does this look like I wanna wait?" he asked, rubbing his cock through his pants. "Look... I don't wanna fight you; my fucking arm still hurts from what you did that day... but I wanna suck some dick and want mine sucked, so..."

    Shit... I would have rather fought him or waited until later but I couldn't take my eyes off of the bulge in his pants and I didn't have to see him to know where his eyes were. Fuck! The "bad" part was I wanted very much to suck his dick and the worst part was my "fear" of cemeteries... but off we went anyway. We were on the side of the huge place that was the most secluded and in an area that was well known for kids to go and make out; once there, there was nothing else to be said.

    The guy pulled his pants and underwear down and I heard myself gasp a little as his hard dick sprang free; it was long and fat and I shivered because I could feel my asshole quivering at the thought of having in it me. I was so focused on his dick that I didn't even notice he had undid my pants and yanked them down until I had almost fallen over.

    "Damn, yeah, that's a nice dick!" he said as he fondled my balls; my hand automatically did the same to him and to me it was like I blinked - then we were on the ground and going at each other like our lives depended on it. He was thrusting into my mouth so hard and fast that I couldn't keep up with him and it was messing up my own thrusts into his mouth but, damn, his dick felt so good in my mouth! I could taste his pre-cum on my tongue and there was a lot of it; more sweet than salty and the size of his dick was starting to make my jaw muscles ache.

    In these moments, time always seemed to slow down or just stop; I was aware of my surroundings but not really since I could still smell that "cemetery smell" over the hot and musky scent in my nose. I moaned around his dick when I felt him shoving a finger into my ass... and I didn't hesitate to do the same to him and even thought that I might get "lucky" and he'll want to fuck me... and just thinking about that big dick in my ass made me shiver in a nice way. All my finger did was make him fuck into my mouth even more until I had all of his dick down my throat...

    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. Best Worst Day - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I could have said no but that might have started a fight and getting suspended for fighting, well, let's just say that I didn't want to have to explain to my mother why I got suspended for fighting. I wasn't all that worried about having to fight the guy; I could take care of myself very well in that regard. The next class was gym and it was that guy's next class as well. Once the class was over and the gym teacher sent us to the showers - and the school allowed extra time for showering after gym so being late to a next class wasn't going to be an issue - the guy waited until most of the other guys had showered and left before coming over to where my locker was and sticking his rather big dick in my face.

    "Come on, let's do this before we get busted!" he said, pushing his cock knob against my lips while groping me... and my dick was seriously hard. I opened my mouth and we somehow managed to wind up on the floor sucking the daylights out of each other. I came first and he was a few seconds behind me - and just in time, too, because the gym teacher was coming in to get any stragglers to hurry up and leave. By the time he got to where my locker was, the two of us were finished and getting dressed and as we left, he said that I was as good at sucking dick as Ty said I was - and then he thanked me!

    My fourth period was lunch... and I didn't get to eat lunch, well, food; two more of Ty's road partners had cornered me outside of the cafeteria and made it clear that I was gonna suck both of them off or they were gonna tell everyone about Ty and me. Because we could leave the school grounds for lunch, shit, the three of us wound up in the woods across the street from the school and I found myself lying on the ground with one guy's dick in my mouth while the other guy sucked on mine. I sucked the guy off and they changed places; I felt good but a little scared as the second guy fucked my mouth and shot his load while I shot mine in the first guy's mouth.

    "Damn, you are good at this!" the first guy had said as we made our way back to school. "Ty wasn't lying!"

    I was at the point in my day where I no longer gave a fuck. It wasn't that I really kept being a cock sucker a secret but, again, I knew how nasty some kids got if anyone was even falsely accused of being gay... but that asshole Tyrone obviously told all of his boys about what we had done... and they wanted some, too. On the other hand, I had now sucked off three dicks and at school, too; there had to be something good about that despite the "danger" of being singled out as a faggot and drawing the ire of the real bullies. Then I "fucked up;" I was in my next class with a double load of sperm in my stomach and had said to myself, "What else can go wrong today?"

    Yeah... I shouldn't have said that. I'd made it through the rest of my school day without any further confrontations and had almost put the day out of my mind when, as I was leaving the school for the long walk home, the last of Tyrone's boys caught up with me and simply said, "You know what I want, right? Yeah, I heard all about you so..."[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. Best Worst Day - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I remember the day I learned that guys don't just "kiss and tell" with girls - they do it with guys, too! It was during my junior year in high school and while I don't completely remember how we got to talking about sucking dick, I do remember us talking about it for a few days before we decided to go ahead and do it. Even though he had confessed that it wasn't his first time - but the first time in a long time - for me, it was just another day since, while we talked about it, I had traded blow jobs with five other guys.

    "Tyrone" and I got together on a Saturday afternoon at his house and spent almost the entire afternoon sucking each other off and by the time I headed home, I was sure my dick wasn't gonna get hard for at least a week and I imagined feeling all of his spunk I'd swallowed sloshing around in my belly.

    Monday comes around, back in school and with my afternoon with Tyrone forgotten already; as classes were changing, a guy comes over to me and asks, "Is it true that you and Ty were sucking dick the other day?"

    Oh, my God! I can't even begin to describe how I felt at that moment! It wasn't exactly feeling afraid but I could feel my knees shaking and my stomach was doing backflips. I didn't know the guy personally but I knew I'd seen him hanging with Tyrone at times. I went from being shook up to mortified to being very pissed off and told the guy I didn't know what he was talking about but I guess the dude figured that I was gonna say that because he mentioned the birthmark I have on my left hip... and the only way he could have known about that was if someone who had seen it had told him.

    I was mortified again to be caught in a fib but played it all off by saying, "It was no big deal..." while thinking that if/when I saw him, there was gonna be some shit hopping off!

    The guy said, "Whatever. I wanna know if it was true because I wanna get some of that, ya know?"

    Huh? I'd seen guys who were into this get outed and badly bullied and I expected that now it was my turn in the meat grinder but, no - he wasn't trying to bully me: He wanted us to suck each other off! I'm standing there trying to get my head around this when he said, "Look, we gotta get to class... but meet me on the smoking court after class!"

    I didn't want to meet him but I also had to contain this so I just nodded and headed off to class. I was so consumed by the confrontation that I wasn't really paying attention in class and almost got caught flat-footed when the teacher asked me a question.

    But, yeah - after class an in that 15 minutes the school allowed for us to take a small break before lunch, I met the guy on the smoking court... and we snuck off to the refreshment stand on our football field and once there, the guy pulled his dick out and told me to hurry up and get mine out so we could do this and get back for our next classes. We were in a furious 69 on the floor of the refreshment stand and I'd forgotten all about Tyrone ratting me out as we sucked each other until we both exploded.

    I'd barely made it to my next class on time, having stopped in the lavatory to rinse my mouth out and wash my face. I was still distracted by all of this but by the time class was over, I'd decided to not let it keep bothering me... but I was still gonna punch Tyrone in the face. The bell had rung, classes were changing and, damn it, another guy I knew was a partner with Tyrone rolled up on me and he didn't even bother to ask me if what Ty and me had done was true or not; he just came out and said, "Come on - we're gonna do it, too..." and even though he didn't say it, I heard the "or else" in his words.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. I want to get hammered with big cocks in any position while getting my mouth full.

    by , Feb 27, 2021 at 8:29 PM (Lets be truthful with everything you wish/dream for up front.)
    Im a 43 year old bisexual guy and would love to have a three or foursome with guys, girls, or shemales. I'd love to ride 2 dicks while getting my month full. I would love having fun using whatever toys they have.

    Updated Mar 4, 2021 at 1:36 AM by James4135

  8. Cock size

    I use to think that I had an average size cock growing up but most of my friends all had bigger cocks than mine never bothered me back then but thinking back I sure did want to suck a couple of my friends who had about 6.5 7 7.5 and the biggest friend I had was sporting a 8 inch thick cock. Now that I'm older and have been on this site I think that my 5.25 cock is actually small because most of what I'm seeing are at least 6.5 or larger. A female friend of mine had sex with me and I asked her is my cock small she replied yes but she preferred a cock between 5_6 inches and took me to never think that I don't have enough to satisfy a woman because I do. So tell me is my cock really that small?
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