
All Blog Entries

  1. Zoning Out - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I got up so we could switch places; more of his jizz had oozed out, making it really squishy between my butt cheeks and as he handed me the jar, he asked, "You always do that, don't you?"

    "Do what?" I asked, using the Vaseline on my fingers to put some on his hole and slipping a finger in there, something I knew he liked.

    "It's like you're taking a nap while I'm doing it to you," he said, reaching back to spread his cheeks.

    "I'm awake," I said; I got into place and pushed all of my dick into his butt... because he didn't like it going in slowly and said that it hurt too much for him. "I'm just really enjoying you doing it to me, that's all."

    "But I've seen you do that with the other guys, too," he said - and with a sigh as I started to fuck him. That we were having a conversation, well, that wasn't unusual for any of us to find ourselves doing while doing it to a guy. "It's like you're there but you ain't there!"

    I thought about that for a moment while taking in that nice but nasty squishy sound of my dick sliding in and out of him... and realized that I was doing something that everyone else noticed... but I really didn't so much. To me, it was like he's doing it to me, it feels really good, and just lying there and enjoying it was the thing to do.

    I guess and to illustrate his point, he was pretty active beneath me, doing all he could to move around under me - and as much as he could with my lying on him. We'd stopped talking but he was moaning and telling me how good it felt and that I should do it hard and faster - stuff like that.

    But his words were stuck in my mind - why would I be there but not be there as he said? I didn't know if there was anything about that other than what I knew I was feeling... or maybe it never occurred to me to do what he was doing. I was pretty much on autopilot, fucking into his squishy hole and, oh, yeah, it felt wonderfully nasty to be doing it like this again... but now I'm wondering if, when a guy was doing it to me, I was doing something wrong.

    "You're not even making The Sounds," he said. "Everybody but you makes The Sounds!"

    Yeah, um, he was right about that but I knew that the reason why I didn't make The Sounds was it sounded so silly to hear myself making them that I'd start laughing and that didn't go over well with the guy I was doing it to so much.

    "I know," I said, thrusting my dick into him faster because it was getting to feel [I]really[/I] good, the sign that I was close to shooting my jizz. The next couple of minutes was spent listening to the squishy sound of my greased-up dick in his butt and him moaning and telling me to hurry up and do it. The really good feeling built up inside of me and I gasped to feel my dick swelling - but also being squished - inside his butt... then I was shooting my jizz in him and, yeah, that was feeling really, really good.

    I was barely aware of him saying over and over, "Yeah, yeah, shoot it all in there, yeah, don't stop..." and was barely aware of him shoving his butt up against me. A moment later, I'd stopped shooting and that warm feeling was spreading through me as I raised up so my dick could pop out of his butt and almost laughed when it came out and it really did make a popping sound.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. Zoning Out - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]A friend and I were in one of our hideouts and after spending some time sucking each other until we came (and swallowed, of course), it was time for some fucking. We literally flipped a coin to see who was gonna get it done to them first and he called "tails" and it came up tails... and we were howling with laughter over the obvious "joke" the coin flip provided.

    I was already on my stomach and my heart was beating so hard and fast that I could hear it in my ears; the louder sound of him slathering Vaseline on his dick (that he'd swiped from home) almost had me giggling but feeling his fingers applying the slick but kinda sticky goop on my hole stopped me from busting out with laughter and raised my anticipation level even higher than it already was.

    "You ready?" he asked, climbing on top of me.

    "Yeah!" I said, reaching back to spread my butt cheeks - and a thing we'd learned just a couple of weeks before - and waited to feel the head of his dick pressing against my hole. Even with a lot of Vaseline - and because the head of his dick was kinda big - I knew I was still gonna feel it going in and it was going to hurt, not a whole lot, but enough to have me thinking that this was the part of somebody doing it to me that I didn't like so much.

    I felt him move, felt the head of his dick beginning to slide in and it did hurt but not that much (this time) and once I felt him get past those muscles, I gasped, then moaned as the rest of his dick slide easily into me... then he started fucking me.

    And I just zoned out. Oh, I was very much aware of everything that was going on including all of the sounds that didn't have anything to do with what he was doing. I found the squishy sound of his dick sliding in and out of me so relaxing and along with feeling his weight on me, I was so comfortable and feeling so good that my mind just went... somewhere.

    Ah... his dick felt so good in my ass! Not only could I feel him, I could hear him making those silly sex sounds that I found really funny to hear... except when I was hearing them while a guy was doing it to me. I was so zoned out that I didn't know he was talking to me until he had stopped fucking me and shook me.

    "Hey, are you okay?" he asked.

    "Huh? Yeah, I'm okay - why did you stop?" I asked and with a bit of annoyance in my voice. Really... how dare he stop when it was really feeling good? "Keep going!"

    He started again but with my moment broken, I couldn't get back to what I called my "secret place" and by the time he started saying, "I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna do it!" I had almost gotten back to that place when I felt his dick twitching like crazy in my butt as he shot his jizz into me.

    Yeah... that always felt good; it felt really nasty for a guy to shoot jizz into [I]that place[/I] but also in a good way. He was pulling it out and as he was doing that, I could feel his jizz also coming out, too; one of the thing I liked about him doing it to me was that he could shoot a lot of jizz.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. Consent

    [COLOR=#808080][FONT=Helvetica]In the news this week, a Canadian fashion mogul had his bail rejected. This wealthy, Cis Man is accused of inappropriate sexual behaviour by several women over the years. Some were deemed under the age of consent and some claims of being drugged.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#808080][FONT=Helvetica]“The age of consent, or the “age of protection” is the age at which a young person can legally consent to sexual activity. In Canada that age is 16 years old. This means that as long as someone is 16 years old and the sexual activity is consensual, there is no criminal liability. Sexual contact with anyone under this age may be criminal, subject to a few exceptions.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#808080][FONT=Helvetica]The reality of growing up is that sometimes teenagers will have consensual sexual activity with one another. Our society does not want these teenagers to have criminal records for this activity, so there is a “close-in-age” exception. If someone is under 16 years old, they can have sex with someone within 5 years of their age. So, for example, a 14 year old can have sex with someone up to 18 years old (as long as the age gap is less than 5 years). 12 and 13 year olds can also consent to sexual activity, but only if their partner is less than 2 years older. So, for example, a 13 year old can only have sex with a 14 or 15 year old, but NOT someone 16 years old or older.[/FONT][/COLOR]
    While the age of consent is 16, the Criminal Code still protects 16 and 17 year olds against sexual exploitation. While 16 and 17 year olds can consent to sex, they can only do so when their partner is not relying on their trust, authority or dependency to obtain that consent. Each relationship will be assessed differently, but will factor in the age of the young person, the age difference between the young person and their partner, how the relationship developed, and how the partner may have controlled or influenced the young person. This provision is in place to ensure that consensual relationships are truly consensual. Similarly, 16 and 17 year olds cannot consent to prostitution or pornography, as each of those is viewed to be exploitative.”[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#808080][FONT=Helvetica]
    [COLOR=#323333][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=#808080][FONT=Helvetica]Posting on this site, has rules. Rule 3 deals with consent. “[/FONT][/COLOR][U][I] Sexual freedom is what it's all about, but even it should have limits - discussions of non-consensual sex, violence and sex, or sex involving children are not welcome here, will be promptly deleted, and the poster may be banned.[/I][/U][/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#808080][FONT=Helvetica]
    [FONT=Helvetica]Questions come to my mind when I read about a poster writing about his sexual activity when he was a child(probably under 11?) but the author’s writings are unclear. At one point there was a reference to being 12 years old well under the age of consent being 16. Other reports put the boys as ten. The exceptions dealing with 13 year olds may or may not include a memory of past sexual activity of the author and his young friends. Add to this that these sexual activities involving minors happened years ago. Should there be some form of self censoring if reporting past sexual activity on[/FONT][FONT=Helvetica]
    [FONT=Helvetica]There has been writing dealing with a boy and his father having oral sex. The boy was described as eager to suck his father’s cock. If the boy was under 16 at the time of multiple sexual encounters, can he consent to having sex? In my opinion, the child may not legally consent to sexual activity if they are under 16. On some posts the boys’ age of 10 is reported. Various US states seem to have various age of consent but generally 16 is reported. Such actions are statutory rape of boys.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Helvetica]Other blog posts refer to sexual activity with multiple boys and multiple times with the writer involved when he seemed to be under the age of consent. Some seemed on the edge of consent but the writer posts vaguely as to any age of the boys. If there are two or more guys getting involved sexually with each other and both are under the age of consent, is that appropriate? In my country over the past ten years or so laws have been created and re written with regard to consent. If minors are involved or one is of age while the other is a minor are written in laws of most societies. [/FONT]

    [FONT=Helvetica]In the era of “me too” should not bisexuals be more sensitive to consent? Most guys here seem focused on cock and objectifying men to their cock. They have not protested this as sexual abuse writings. I suspect most members understand and respect inappropriate sexual behaviour when it comes to women. They seem to be tolerating if not supporting consent of boys being sexually active with adult men. Perhaps there are other reasons?[/FONT]
  4. "Don't Stick It In Too Far!" - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I didn't know about other guys but I'd find out that whether it got stuck in or not, having a guy doing it to you felt pretty good and especially if you were lying on your belly and he was lying on top of you and just humping away for all he was worth. While things like how long a guy's prick was didn't matter a whole lot, the real "problem" was how fat a guy's prick was... but sometimes, if a guy had a short dick, his being able to not stick it in too far - or at all - was either a good thing or something that just got on your nerves.

    In today's terms, a lot of guys with small dicks wound up being bottoms and if you were a fat or chubby kid, you could pretty much count on somebody wanting to stick it in; and while those guys sometimes didn't want it stuck in too far, I'd guess they'd find themselves resigned to their "fate" and that it was better to get it stuck in as far as it could go than to not have it stuck in - or being asked if it could be stuck in - at all.

    As kids, we could be weird about it... but being older, as I mentioned, didn't mean that the weirdness was over and done with; I remember being in my 30s and about to fuck a guy - and a guy who had bugged me so much to come over and fuck him that I decided to do it just to get him off my case about it - and when I was about to stick it in him, he said something I hadn't heard for a long time:

    "Don't stick it in too far!"

    When I asked why - and don't even ask me why I asked that - he said that if I stuck it in too far, it was going to hurt real bad... and it was going to make him gay. I had asked him if this was the first time for him and he said it wasn't but he knew for a fact that if a guy stuck it in too far, it was gonna make him gay.

    Yeah... add one more thing to the list. If that was really true - and it really isn't - um, why would you want a guy to fuck you because, to be honest about it, even sticking it in a little bit is a very gay thing to do? I was dumbfounded but asked him how far was too far for him and he said that he only wanted it in him just far enough so my cum would go in him... so that's what I did and it wasn't as pleasing for me because I knew - even if he didn't - that it can be called gay for a guy to put his dick in your ass and cum in there... so if you didn't want to turn into a gay dude, you're best bet was to not want to have it anywhere near your ass at all.

    Guys, it seemed, were of a mind that sticking it in too far was very gay... but sucking a guy's dick? Eh, not so much and don't get me started on the guys who believed that as long as nobody busted a nut, whatever they were doing wasn't gay at all. Most of those guys were okay with having a dick buried deep in their ass... but you'd better not cum in them and, usually, because it made them feel very girly.

    Add something else to the list. Add in a belief that if no more than the head was in there, some guys said that they really didn't get fucked and it wasn't really sex... and when I heard a guy tell me this in 2001, well, you might be able to imagine the look I got on my face to hear him imploring me to fuck him... but don't stick it in too far. If I hadn't had a reason to discover why guys wanted to and liked having sex with other guys - and they weren't gay to begin with, this six-word phrase had me thinking about it a lot... and this thing, to this very day, still doesn't make sense to me. Some guys who are afraid of catching something assume - and incorrectly so - that if you don't stick it in, that makes them safe... and it kinda doesn't since all you have to do is make contact with the outside of his hole to make things potentially risky and more so if the guy being fucked didn't, at the very least, wash his ass and, if he could, give himself an enema.

    It's one of the funniest things I've ever heard anyone say. I've had girls tell me that but I've had more guys than gals "beg" me to fuck them... just don't stick it in too far.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. "Don't Stick It In Too Far!" - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I was learning that there were guys (and quite a few gals) who really wanted to be fucked in the ass and had it in their minds that if the dick wasn't stuck in too far, it wasn't going to hurt as bad as everyone said it would... and then they'd find out that not sticking it in too far really made it hurt and the only way to make it not hurt so much was to either take it out... or put more dick in and, again, depending on how fat the rest of the dick was, hmm, that could get interesting in a way one might not want to be so interesting.

    We had a response to the question, "How old are you?" that went, "Old enough to fuck without getting stuck!" because getting stuck was a very real thing... and even I found out that having a dick stuck in your ass would often hurt a hell of a lot more than it did going in. Yep, many of us found out the hard way that if you stuck it in too far and the guy shot his stuff in there, our muscles could clamp down on the dick all by themselves and make it very hard for him to pull it out and, yep - I'd gotten stuck in a girl's pussy a few times and not because they were trying to keep me in their on purpose.

    Kid logic said that if you stuck it in too far, you might not get it out as easy as you got it in there... so don't stick it in too far! I also learned how and why we'd often see dogs fucking and they got stuck together; their dicks would swell up and stay swollen so that the dog's sperm would stay in there long enough to get the other dog pregnant... and it didn't always go down.

    I knew that just before I'd shoot my stuff, my dick would swell up, too, and sometimes, after shooting, it didn't go back down right away and if I just shot into a boy's ass, um, yeah - I'd get stuck because my dick would be "soft" enough for his muscles to really clamp down and, again, usually all by themselves... but sometimes, the guy would be trying to "poop me out" and instead of my dick popping out of his butt... I'd get stuck for a moment.

    One such guy I got stuck in said, "See? This is why I didn't want you to stick it in too far! Now we're stuck and we're gonna get caught!" Well, we didn't but the point was driven home as to why some guys didn't want it stuck in too far - and the list of the reasons why was growing in my mind... but it was confusing because a lot of guys [I]wanted[/I] to be fucked in the ass and feel da jizz being shot in there and, sometimes, the solution was to do it to the guy... without sticking it in.

    Hell, even I liked it a lot when a guy would just put the head of his dick against my hole and hump me until he shot his jizz. As a matter of fact, the man who introduced me to the pleasures of dick did it to me like that and I had learned something that, at the time, I didn't know I had learned: Pre-cum could be just slick enough that if a guy was oozing enough of it and just pressed against my hole, some of the head of his dick could slip in there... and that felt good, too. Now, that man didn't get all of the head of his dick in my butt but I felt it slip in there - and it hurt like nothing I'd ever felt and that included getting hit by a car. I guess he felt it slipping in and didn't do anything to make more go in so he stopped pushing but he had just enough in me that when he shot his jizz, I felt it kinda going in there... and it felt good and made me forget that that little bit of his knob that got in hurt like a motherfucker.

    The guys who didn't want it stuck in too far jumped on the way to do it like this. It just felt wonderful to feel a guy's dick pressed up against your hole and trying to get in there - and even if he wasn't really trying to get it in. It was, for me, better when the guy would shoot his stuff and it made everything slippery and he's still humping me... and his dick would go in. The guys who didn't want it stuck in or not stuck in too far? They hated it and would often get mad about it; we just didn't know that if you shot your stuff against the hole, it could make your dick go in there, too, and sometimes "too far."

    If you thought that not making your hole and his dick slippery enough for it to go in was the answer, well, sometimes it wasn't. Many of us found out that if we were sweating back there, that could be enough to make the dick go in and while some guys would yell out not to stick any more in, some of us would be like, "Well, I didn't want it to go in... but since it is, ya might as well put some more in me!"

    Another funny thing was that even though a guy didn't want it stuck in too far and would get mad if that happened, they still liked being fucked and having stuff shot in there - well, as much as that might have happened and depending on how much dick really got in there. Guys would say, "Just stick the head in!" and that was "easy" enough but, again, we didn't really know that if you got the head in there and then you shot your stuff, the rest of the dick was going to go right in there... but we learned it quickly enough and the "don't stick it in too far" guys would get mad... but not that mad most of the time.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. "Don't Stick It In Too Far!" - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Some guys were so funny and weird about this that when they were gonna fuck me, they'd say, "I'm not gonna stick it in too far, okay?"

    And I'd tell them, "You'd better stick it all the way in or else!"

    Then I found out what I thought was the real reason and when I figured it out, I kinda got mad with myself for not seeing what was really obvious: Knowing what comes out of that hole and, um, what one might run into if you stuck it in too far - there's a train already on the track.

    Okay... being fucked in the ass. If you're a guy and you wanted to be fucked, um, there's only one place (other than one's mouth) where that can happen. I'd heard horror stories of guys who had it "stuck in too far" and it resulted in, well, okay, no need to get that graphic about it but it made sense to me - finally - that, um, running into something wasn't one didn't want to deal with either way. Please keep in mind that giving your ass a good cleaning out wasn't really a thing, not like it should be done today. At best and if conditions allowed it, washing your ass was about as good as it got but some guys found out - and like I did - that if you, um, happened to get some soap in their and because you, um, "accidently" stuck a soapy finger in there, well, the soap could clean you out pretty good and, oddly, Ivory soap seemed to be good at making this happen.

    It explained why, in those times I'd wind up getting an enema - which I hated, by the way - my mom would get the water warm or kinda hot and before sticking that hard plastic thing in my ass, she'd cut up a bar of soap and put it in the bag, shake it up really good... and stick that nozzle in my butt as far as she could get it, release the clip and, oh, my. Back in the day, if we even let it be known that our belly was hurting, yeah -you also learned not say anything about it because you knew what was going to happen next... and feeling that warm, soapy water squirting into your butt didn't feel good... at first.

    I wondered if my mom ever paid attention to the fact that when she deemed that I needed an Ivory soap enema, um, I wasn't protesting as much as I used to? It wasn't the same as feeling a guy shooting his stuff in my butt... but who knew feeling that soapy water squirting in there could feel good, too? So, yeah - sometimes a guy who didn't want it stuck in too far felt that way because, he, too, had the Ivory soap enema experience and the, um, messy results.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. "Don't Stick It In Too Far!" - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Here's the funny part: I very much liked guys sticking it all the way in and doing it to me... but I [B]hated[/B] having my temperature taken with that glass thermometer getting stuck in my ass. Back in the day, all thermometers contained mercury and one time when I was sick and the doctor arrived and wanted to take my temperature - and was about to stick it in my butt, I asked him why he had to take my temperature like that.

    He said that doctors knew that some kids would wind up biting the end off of the thermometer and not only get that piece of metal and glass in their mouth, they'd also get mercury in their mouth - and mercury was poisonous and could kill someone. So it was safer to use the kind of thermometer that could take a temperature without having one in our mouth. Back then, rectal thermometers were a bit longer and thicker than the kind you could put in your mouth... and it didn't feel good going in there at all. I didn't think it felt back when the doctor would use a finger coated with... something and rubbed it on my hole and stuck his finger in a little bit - in fact, that felt really good... until then next thing I'd feel was that cold (and they were always cold for some reason) and kinda "fat" thing being pushed into my butt and, for some reason, it always seemed to hurt and always made me feel like I was going to throw up.

    I learned to hate getting my temperature taken like that and so did every kid in the neighborhood... but those of us who were doing it to each other? Having a prick going in there would hurt more than the thermometer did and we just strangely didn't mind that; indeed, one of our favorite games played as a prelude to sex was playing "Doctor" and the most fun part was when the "doctor" would put his "thermometer" in our mouth... or our butt and it was better when they could stick their "thermometer" in as far as they could get it.

    For other guys, eh, not so much. Some guys would rather have the dick in their mouth than in their ass but, again, the funny part is that they'd want it in them... just don't stick it in too far, okay? Now, some guys would say this and I'd try my best not to stick it in to far... only to have them tell me after a few seconds of fucking them to stick more in; then there were the guys who would get fighting mad if, even by accident, more dick got stuck in than they wanted; nothing ruins a mood more than the guy you're fucking somehow managed to punch you in the nose or he jumps up so fast that, sometimes, your dick would get painfully bent in the process.

    But what would get me either laughing or scratching my head was being a lot older, a guy would want me to fuck him... and before I could even get the head of my dick against his hole, he'd say, "Just don't stick it in too far, okay?" Now, because of my experiences with this in my youth, I'd learned how to not stick it in too far and that for most guys, "too far" was not letting the fattest part of my dick get in there and I guess I had the "benefit" of not having one of those huge cock knobs that, all by themselves, could hurt something fierce and more than the rest of the dick would going in.

    I would think - and sometimes stop and ask, "How do you expect me to fuck you and cum in you - and like you said you wanted me to - if I can't stick it in far enough to do either thing?" Some guys would just baffle and frustrate me because they seemed to know that if you don't get enough dick past those muscles, it was going to hurt and, oh, yeah, they were going to push the dick right back out. Trying to keep the head of your dick in that one-inch space and fuck, well, it could be done but it often didn't feel very good since, again, the guy's muscles would be squeezing the shit out of the head of my dick... and that never felt good.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. "Don't Stick It In Too Far!" - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Six of the funniest words I've ever had to listen to and more so when the guy who utters them wants to be fucked but is also leery about it. As kids, there were a lot of guys who'd say this and, at the time, I never really gave the reason for this any real thought other than wondering how far is too far.

    For some guys, once or if I could get the head of my dick in, that was far enough... except it wasn't usually far enough to get past those muscles that would do their best to push my dick right back out and no matter how slippery everything was. Then it was a matter of getting the guy to let me put just a little bit more in so that those powerful muscles weren't kicking me out or, worse, really clamping down on the head of my dick and making it hurt.

    It was six words I never let come out of my mouth and for a couple of reasons. The first and most obvious one was that I wanted it stuck in me really far and the other was knowing there were a lot of guys who would tell the guy trying to fuck them to not stick it in too far, the guy promised he wouldn't... and stick it in as far as they could get it. So it made sense to me to not say that.

    But other guys? Okay... those of us who were getting it stuck in found out that what we heard about it hurting, well, that was for real... but we also found out that after it got in - and you had a moment to get used to it - it didn't hurt that much or at all and depending on the thickness of the dick. The guys who would always say this knew that if you didn't get the head past those muscles, it was gonna hurt like crazy - then they're yelling that it hurts and take it out.

    So while we knew about it hurting going in, there were some guys who didn't seem to know this part... but would say the six words anyway and I didn't know why and I wanted to know... and the answer was: Rectal thermometers.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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