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  1. Cousins - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]One of my other female cousins who I had sex with told me one day, while I was dick deep inside of her and about to cum, "We're cousins - we're supposed to fuck each other!" She even went as far to say that if I hadn't been her cousin, we would have never fucked and that, at first and because she didn't know we were cousins until we were introduced as being cousins, she said she didn't like me one bit when she first saw me.

    Well, damn! But not ten minutes after we got introduced, she took me by the hand, led me to the barn, and proceeded to fuck me silly not once but twice. The next day found us going down on each other and that's all we did and there were a few times when I actually looked down to make sure my dick still had skin on it.

    I came back home after that summer wondering if all cousins were like this and, truthfully, not all of my cousins were... but a great many of them were more than eager to have sex with me and I guessed more so when they'd not see me all that often and that, to me, just made whatever sex I was having with them so much better.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. Cousins - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I still very vividly remember the first time I accidentally stumbled upon a brother and sister pair of cousins fucking like it was nobody's business. It didn't really surprise me but in a way it did because if you were to talk to them, you'd think that they were both very prim and proper and, as many of them were, steeped in religious belief but, yeah, there they were going for it big time and my "shock" went further when they eventually discovered I was nearby and watching them... and they invited me to join them.

    Needless to say, I didn't say no. I'd eventually learn that even those two weren't an "isolated incident;" many of my other cousins were just like them and I would get around to understanding their excitement to learn that their city cousin had no qualms about having sex with them. Had I ever done it with two other people? Oh, most definitely! Ever do it with two other boys? Ha... I've done it that way and with many other boys, too! Suck cock and swallow sperm? Are you kidding me? What sense does it make not to swallow it? Get fucked in the ass? What's taking you so long to stick it in me? Scared to stick it in? Bend over and let me show you how not scared I really am...

    I thought the kids I hung out with back home were seriously horny... but all of my country cousins had them - and sometimes me - beat by a country mile. They'd often tell me that they wished I lived there and, to be honest, I felt the same way and I do remember the one summer when my parents packed me up and sent me to spend the summer with the brother and sister team I had stumbled across.

    Holy shit. After the daily chores were done (and I had to do them, too), there was nothing left to do than to go to their favorite spot and fuck until it was lunchtime... and then, after lunch, it was back to more of the same. No less than twice a day, every day for the time I was there, either with both of them or one-on-one with either of them. My male cousin, when we'd go off together, was more than happy to have my dick in his ass; he'd told me that because of where they lived, he didn't get that many chances to be fucked and more so when most of the friends he had was more interested in sucking dick, something he was very good at doing.

    My female cousin, well, wow. Amazing cock sucker and swallower and she didn't care what hole my dick went in one way or the other and compared to the girls back home? My cousin made them look like they didn't even know about sex, let alone like it! Being with her alone would pretty much find me hanging on for dear life but she admitted that while my dick was a better fit inside her than her brother, she was over the moon over the fact that I could go down on her and stay down there until she'd beg me to stop.

    "You need to teach him how to eat pussy," she said during an afternoon session with her and the next day, I did just that, alternating between fucking him and sucking his dick while he spent all of his time with his face buried between her legs.

    I had expressed some concern, of course, about getting caught in the act after our first time together and was told not to worry about it because their parents knew and even approved; they just weren't allowed to do it in the house but they admitted that they managed to anyway. I didn't believe them, of course, but I had reason to after my first one-on-one session with my female cousin; I'd just come in and was trying to hustle to the bathroom to wash up and noticed that my great aunt was giving me a look that, to me, clearly said, "I know what you were doing and who you were doing it with..." - and she was smiling, too. It didn't help that she gave me that look and she was standing in front of me and I knew I smelled like pussy...

    Had me wondering if that side of my family was a lot more... "weirder" than I could have ever imagined or suspected. Still, I was getting a tremendous and continuing education about sex and how there are no real boundaries other than the ones we make in these things. My male cousin and I would go off to their spot and in between sucking each other off, we'd compare notes and he admitted that he was jealous that I had a lot of male friends close around me who liked to have sex with other boys and I even said that if he were ever to come visit me, I'd be more than happy to introduce him to them. His outlook about sex was what I'd call... pure. In his mind, there was no right or wrong about it even though there was a right and a wrong about it.

    "We're supposed to have sex," he said just before he went down on me again. "Why does it make that much of a difference who we have it with?"

    He had a point, I thought, and it was very much in line with what I was learning with my peers back home.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. Cousins - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]My country cousins had zero shame about their love of cock; well, I didn't either but, again, their level of shamelessness made me look chaste and prudish. I'd arrive at whomever's home we'd be visiting and the male cousin there would greet me by saying, "I can't wait until we can do it - so let's go!"

    Many of them were voracious cock suckers and, in today's terms, bottoms and those who weren't bottoms were very versatile in things. I like to think that I "impressed" them since they were of a mind that with me being a city boy, nah, I didn't know anything about this, well, until they found out that I knew a lot about it and in ways that they'd not experienced.

    My female cousins were even hornier and more eager to have sex with me when I'd visit and I can remember quite a few times when I'd sneak off with a girl whose family we were visiting and we'd fuck like rabbits... then I'd find out that we were cousins and I was impressed that they didn't care if we were cousins; all they cared about was I was a guy they wanted to fuck and, as one told me, because unlike the local boys, I ate pussy really good.

    With any of them, I was learning that given how... isolated they were - and as compared to living in "the big city" like I did, there weren't that many opportunities for them to have sex outside of whoever was closest to them and even in that, um, family-only way I think everyone expects from kids who grow up on farms, which many of them did. I guess that sex was just one of those things they grew up seeing when whatever animals they had would breed so, by comparison, they were a lot more comfortable than, say, the guys and gals back home. They were bolder, more adventurous and, again, totally without shame and, to my shock and surprise, most of the time? Their parents knew what they were doing and who they were doing it with and even in the family way, if you get my drift.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. Cousins - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]At one point in my life, I thought I was the most sex-crazed person in my generation... until I started meeting a lot of my cousins, some who made me look quite virginal by comparison and the girls weren't excluded in this. I'd already been taught that the rush to have sex was outside the confines of the neighborhood I grew up in and my... tryst with my game-playing male cousin was delightful but thought of as one of those one-off things but even in my neighborhood, my friends would have cousins come to visit them and I'd get to meet them...

    And the guys wanted to do it with other guys and like they couldn't wait to be away from wherever they lived so they could do what they wanted to do. When I would travel to where other family members lived, if they had boys in the family, I learned quickly that they were eager to jump at the chance to ask me, "Have you ever done it with a boy?" when I first met them.

    I was, about that time, just beginning to shake the feeling that I was the only guy who liked doing it with other boys and while I knew that other boys were like me, jeez - my mind still couldn't quite grasp the true depth of this but those damned horny-assed cousins in my family were doing a very good job of letting me know how very much universal this was.

    Not that I was complaining about it, mind you! Once those very horny cousins became known to me - and we'd experienced each other, when I'd be told that we were going to visit, I'd breathe a sigh of relief to know that for the duration of our visit, I wasn't going to miss out on any sex and especially dick. What struck me as being funny was that many of my male cousins were of the same mind I had been: They thought that they were the only one or ones so for them to discover that I was like them, they were given the same culture shock I'd gotten about it and once they got over that moment, oh, yeah:

    It would be on.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. The world's largest, secure and most effective dating site for bisexual, bi-cupid.

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    [FONT=Arial]Bicupid Team[/FONT]
  6. Thinking and Feeling - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I vividly remember the "worst" thought and feeling I ever had. The guy was fucking me nicely and I was so relaxed and comfortable that I trying not to nod off when he started going faster and deeper, cussed, and I felt his dick swell and start pumping when, out of nowhere, my brain said, "He's trying to make you pregnant!" and the feelings that came with that thought weren't good at all; in fact, they felt so bad that I wanted to throw up and I felt so... dirty that if I could have jumped up and ran somewhere, I would have.

    The thought and feelings upset me so badly that I didn't even register the fact that he had pulled out of me and, honestly, I have no idea where I was when he rolled me over and started sucking me to get me hard before lubing things up and sitting down on my dick. I felt so... detached and that made things even worse; I could see what was going on as he ground his ass on my dick and while my body was enjoying being in him, my thoughts and feelings were stuck in place, giving me a rather unpleasant epiphany and the reality of it feeling like I'd been liver-punched.

    Still, feeling my cock buried in his tight hole started to "clear my head," I blinked and noticed that his dick was hard again and bouncing up and down in time with his movements so I reached for it, wrapped my hand around it, and started stroking which he apparently liked very much. The thought and associated feelings had faded into the background... but it left me with that "bad taste in my mouth" but in a whole body kind of way. He shot another load just before I unloaded inside him and my asshole brain said, "Now you're trying to get him pregnant so now you're even!"

    Yeah... my mind kinda worked like that and I fully understood that there was nothing I could do about it and being able to empty my mind, well, that wasn't gonna happen because I realized that it never happened. Now the thing I had to learn how to do was to be able to enjoy what was going on and no matter what I was thinking and pay more attention to how I was feeling; the good thing was that I was getting enough dick - and almost on a daily basis - that it didn't take me long to make the "unimportant" thoughts and feelings go to the back of the bus so I could, again, pay more attention to the important thoughts and feelings and the most exciting part of being fucked for me:

    Feeling him cumming in me. Some guys didn't like going in; they just wanted to stick it between my cheek and hump me until they came... and I thought and felt that this was very enjoyable to wind up with that sticky mess between my butt cheeks and to feel his knob bumping up against my hole; sometimes, oh, man - I'd lie under him, feeling his knob pressing against my hole and wishing that it would "accidentally" go in - and sometimes it did but, bleh, some guys would feel that happen and pull it right back out even though I'd say, "Leave it where it is!" - and then learned to not be all unhappy if he didn't, well, unless he'd been doing it for however long he did and he didn't or couldn't cum.

    I mean, that's the "whole point" of having a dick in your ass, ain't it? Letting him do whatever he's gotta do so he can unload his balls into me? Yeah, it would feel good while he was working on getting there... and sometimes it didn't which made feeling him cum in me more of an important thing but in that "hurry up and get out of me" way. Still, dealing with all the thoughts and feelings that would be going on in my head - and no matter what was going on - was important to me since I couldn't just shut my brain off; the "trick" was to just let the thoughts and feelings just flow the way they wanted to... as I patiently or impatiently waited for him to cum inside me. If the fucking was... annoying, I could not pay attention to it and just focus and wait on the moment he'd cum in me; that always made everything feel better and even when I would wish he'd just get the fuck out of me.

    Weird, I know...[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. Thinking and Feeling - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Being fucked; lots of thoughts and feelings and beginning with, "He's gonna stick it in me!" and feeling excited and even a little anxious because I wouldn't know what that first moment of penetration was going to feel like; was it gonna hurt real bad or hurt real good? He's pushing it in and my thoughts would be on staying relaxed and not holding my breath and even pushing out to help him get in. Feeling his knob spreading my hole open would be like, "Ahh..." or "Oh, shit!" and if it was that one, did I want and need him to hold up for a moment or just tough it out? Sometimes, by the time I got around to thinking about it, he'd already be in... or still trying no matter how lubed up everything was or, yeah, sometimes, he just couldn't figure out how to get it in me, his dick got too soft to get in there and sometimes he didn't get to get in me; I'd hear him curse... then feel his sperm splashing against my unfilled hole.

    I had to learn how to not be upset when that happened. I'd think, "Damn it..." and my feelings would be like, "Well, he did cum and it felt good to feel it..." But if he made it in, I realized that all kinds of shit would be going through my mind and my feelings would also be all over the place but the one thing that always stood out was waiting for the moment he'd shoot his cum in me... provided the guy in my ass wasn't doing or saying something to break my groove into little pieces.

    Sometimes I'd be thinking, "Come on and cum, I gotta feel it..." and sometimes my thoughts and feelings would be in sync and I'm thinking, "Jesus, hurry up and cum, damn it!" Sometimes he'd feel so good in me that my thoughts and feelings would agree that it would be a damned shame if he were to cum any time soon so I wouldn't be mad at him if it took him a long time to nut. Depending on how I was being fucked, when I could tell he was getting very close to losing it, that's when I'd be like, "Yay!" or "About damned time!"[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. Thinking and Feeling - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]My favorite part of sex with a guy is when he cums in my mouth or, when I was into it up to my eyeballs, in my ass and I found that whatever I was thinking sometimes affected the way I felt in that moment.

    Sometimes - most of the time, to be honest - it would be, "Yes!" to feel that first warm spurt of cum jetting into my mouth and getting busy to swallow it as it continued to flow in... unless it tasted not all that great and I'd go from, "Yes!" to "Ew!" and now I'm thinking about spitting whatever is left out or be resolved to finish swallowing it... and thinking about needing to rinse my mouth out. Feeling his dick twitching and pumping between my lips would evoke a lot of thoughts and feelings that defied being put into words but, again, whatever I was thinking and feeling would be affected by each other and, of course, whatever was going on with the guy who just unloaded in my mouth.

    Ask someone what they're thinking about during sex and they'll usually say that they aren't thinking about anything but I found that despite being focused on what was going on, my mind would be hard at work just being in the moment even if my thoughts would be all over the place and, usually, whatever was going on in my head as I sucked a dick would match the way I was feeling.

    Excited; having been nervous before the fact forgotten; and focused on the dick in my mouth and even then my mind would be working at doing this or that with the dick so that my combined efforts would get him to do the thing I wanted him to do: Cum in my mouth... and that included whether I wanted him to cum "now" or later.

    Or, sometimes, wishing he'd hurry the fuck up and cum; I could usually tell when a guy jerked off before we got together to suck each other and that's always a bummer in my thoughts and feelings but he's here, I'm here and now it's about settling in and working to get him to cum again. Sometimes, when the guy was... behaving badly, I'd find myself thinking about maybe this was a mistake and my feelings would be muted; it was great to be able to suck a dick but his behavior would often take something that was supposed to be a great deal of fun for me and make it less than the fun I was looking forward to. One of the things I learned to tune out was whatever the guy was saying as I blew him - and provided he didn't have a mouthful of my dick, too. I'd found out that there were certain things a guy might say as I sucked him that would instantly piss me off, like calling me baby, a bitch, or telling me to suck his dick like a good little girl.

    I'd hear this... and the urge to give his cock a good, hard bite was hard to resist and I'll admit to giving him a non-damaging nip but my enthusiasm for blowing him would go from 10 to maybe about 2 and now all I want him to do is cum... and he might not get to do it in my mouth... or if I lost my temper, the blow job would stop right then and there.[/SIZE][/FONT]
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