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  1. I call it the Bi Male Paradox

    I’m a 52 year old male, bi and I have some baggage.

    I went to Catholic School from the time I was 9 to 12 years old. A Priest who practiced the ultimate abuse of power abused me, like so many others.

    He said, “I’m testing you for Jesus.” The shithead never told the truth that he was a pedophile who got off on little boys. When I found out he was abusing my younger brother as well I finally told my parents. Incensed, they went to the Diocese. The next day the Priest was GONE. They transferred him away to another parish where he could continue his abuse and would not be found. My parents acted differently towards me from that time until they died.

    I don’t think the Priest made me bi, because as long as I can remember both women and men turned me on. When I would sneak looks at my Dad’s porno collection I remember fantasizing getting in bed with the couples and having sex with them both.

    The paradox for me is being male and bi in this society.

    Gay men I have met said things like, “He just hasn’t been with the right guy, yet.” No, that’s not it.

    Ladies I have dated have often left skid marks leaving when I told them I was bi (I’m sure AIDS paranoia had a little to do with that). My ex-wife was bi and I was fine with it, but she was NOT ok with my being bi She'd said my being bi was cool when we met and married but she acted jealous sometimes and the truth came out years later – my being Bi creeped her out. I should not have married a hypocrite, but hindsight is 20-20.

    Fast forward to now: I have finally embraced my bi side. I'm not looking to join anyone's family but I do want friendship, common bonds, laughter & conversation. If sex happens AWESOME... as long as the conversation & laughter can continue afterward.

    I'm straight-identified. I don't advertise my being Bi & I'm not out simply because I think that no one, other than those to whom I'm attracted & those who might be attracted to me, have the need or the right to know who I like to screw. I don't like the fact that it can matter to ANYONE ELSE & hence can affect my income or environment. That, in my view, is an egregious violation of my Constitutional right to privacy & therefore ILLEGAL!!!

    I'm not unattractive or disabled & I'm not a pervert. Yes, perversions are subjective, but I try to be GGG (Good, Giving & Game- I thank you again Dan Savage) as in, I'll be open & honest about my kinks, not demanding of my partner(s) & if it turns them on I'll consider it, within reason. At this point in my life I am set in some ways & know the things I like; but I am always open to suggestion & safe exploration.

    The only 4 NO's I have that are written in stone: NO Injury/blood NO Scat NO Animals (other than human) NO Children/Underage Everything else is negotiable. LOL

    Here it is… I love sex. I love sex with women. I love sex with men. I love sex with BiM/F couples most of all. On the Kinsey scale I am a 3.5 (slightly more straight than gay). Until God makes a cock that smells and tastes like good clean pussy, I’ll never be totally gay. The ultimate relationship for me would be in a triad with another bi male and a GGG female who might be a bit dominant. What are my chances of finding that, at 52? Slim to none. I'm ok with that.
    In the "Ocean of Life" I'm not fighting the waves. I'm surfing them.
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