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  1. Messturbating for the first time

    [SIZE=2]T'was a long long time ago when I first discovered masturbation and its results. I am not sure what took me from puberty to stroking for pleasure but I think the idea of having sex, whatever that was, meant I was supposed to be on top. I mean who knows, I had no experience, teacher, training, or anybody to explain what to do. Perhaps it was sex ed and the topic of self gratification and its physical process which coerced me into trying something other than looking for nudie pictures. I was so unsure about how to do anything but I was creative enough to place a chair next to the bed in such a way that I could position myself like a bridge between the bed and chair leaving space below for my cock to hang freely downwards. I had a garbage container below to catch whatever jumped out from my meager pole. I would stroke for about five minutes releasing my protein into the waiting depository. I cannot recall if the feeling was one of exuberance, exhilaration or accomplishment. I did not think even for a moment that what was left in the bank would not vanish by the next mandibular transaction, but the artistic expression of my brush did leave psychological spots henceforth for quite some time. I cannot recall whether I wiped it, washed it, or tossed it out into the trash following my experimentation of pubescent self-discovery. [/SIZE]It has been over 35 years and I still, to this day, enjoy masturbation whenever I can. Of course nearing 50, I think I still masturbate as much as when I was much younger. I do have a wife who satisfies my carnal urges at the moment, but there have been times, on occasion, when we've had sex and for some strange hormonal reason I cannot figure out, I need to masturbate. I think I am a duo kinda guy. You know.. We do, oh I need more - DUO.

    I guess sex is such an important part of my life that I will take what I can when I can as long as it is consensual. A standard I have always lived by. Ask and ye shall receive whether it be by another or by mine own hand.

    I salute masturbation, and speaking of know.

    Updated Apr 6, 2012 at 8:36 PM by Humanlove

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