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  1. 44 YO First time cock sucked and sucker... I gave and received...

    Married, LTR of 24 Years, always bi-courious, but never acted... Wife and I have just started Life 2.0 with son graduated and out of house, we are starting to explore naughty txt with each other and the basic stuff that new couples do.. We want to keep it fresh and real and don't want to take each other for granted. So I created an account on Adult Friend Finder just to simply see the other "half"... Not to score a date or engage in a relationship but to just explore for chat friendship... My profile is set to Bi-Courious for Couples.. I met this guy on day one.. who said he was from the next town to me.. but actually ended up being from the same area... We immediately connected on a intelligent level as we kinda wanted the same things.. He is divorced with a son 21 yo.. still at home. We are both 44 years old... only he is a definite swinger and has had great sex with another couple in the area in which the woman in the relationship calls the shots to both and he said fuck it...and complies with her orders.. We were comparing notes last week and I was really nervous about revealing my id to him.. as I am NOT gay.. actually straight, never having sex with another person except my wife in my life.. She was my first and only woman.. and I have never been with a man... although I have enjoyed my own cum from time to time.. and 25 years ago when I was 16 - 18, I could suck my own cock head.. so I was pretty self sufficient. Can't even think about sucking my own cock today.. that would cause immeasurable pain and a RA patient would not be advised to do that... Anyway... back to the farm... My new found friend and I would periodically send a TXT with a new tumblr site and stuff like that.. Well then he asked to see my cock... Well pictures on my profile were abundant so I had no problem dropping pants to show him real deal and my pics were true as described... That conversation led to another, which led to another... Well, we both exchanged real identities and of course, he is related to my wife way on down the family tree... but that is another story...but all in all we didn't know each other... so this was a relief... we talked and chatted a little more with our real id's exposed and we felt comfortable.. He then asked when he could suck m cock.. I kept playing dodge ball and made excuses for a week, then today it finally happened... I told him to come over.. Wife at work.. had a lul in client activity so I said Fuck it.. lets do it.. I directed him to get to my house.. and when he knocked on door, I unlocked and walked out and he walked in.. I closed the door and locked and said.. Well here we are.. at that moment, he shanked my shorts and exposed my caged three ring cage.. cock semi hard, but precum flowing heavily.. 7 to 8" fully erect.. I had mentioned that I may want to try my hand at sucking his cock if he didn't mind me trying out on him.. he fell to his knees and began giving me the blowjob of a lifetime.. I will tell you in 44 years, my cock has NEVER been that rock hard.. it was amazing.. He had never sucked another cock previously.. although his couple swingers friends got to enjoy the results of the fruit of their labor, he had never experienced another man as I was in the same boat... He took me on like a duck to water and after 15 mintues left my cock brused and battered from sucking! He ordered me to unload on his firm bare chest.. day before yesterday in our conversation he wanted me to unload on his face.. but he changed his mind and I unloaded four days of cum on his chest.. then he took my head and hand and told me to wipe my cum up and off his chest and eat it... which I did partake all of my cum...he finished as clean as he started... He then stood up dropped his pants and forced my head to his cock.. I knew this would be the easy part...should not be hard to do.. Well as of today, I have a completely, new found respect and admiration for those that can suck cock.. because today I quickly learned that it was not my best skillset despite may friend telling me how fantastic I was at it... matter a fact, I thought right there at the end he was going to passout from the shear excess jacking off and me drawing the cum out of him onto my chest... We were both in heaven.. I learned I had a lot to learn and he got to mark off a mutual bucket list item.. but this is not the end of this.. there will be more... We both agreed, this being our first times doing this, we were gonna have to repeat the performance and see what happens... I have really enjoyed begin able to talk to him about my deepest most interwoven experiences and thougths.. and I know he has enjoyed this aspect as well.. Its nice to be able to send a URL to a jackoff buddy and have them comment back.. you just don't get that type of interaction with your spouse... at least I don't.. now my wife doesn't mind me looking at porn and we neither one are bothered by it and actually enjoy watching porn mutually... I hope you enjoyed this TRUE blog.. This happened today, Sept 23, 2013 we meet at 12 noon and he was gone by 12:30. [blog] [/blog] and [blog][URL][/URL][/blog]
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