
Recent Blogs Posts

  1. About Last Night

    I had a great time last night with a stripper friend of mine and her new boyfriend. She's 20 and lives with a roommate, while he's 21 but lives with his parents. They needed a place they could go to have sex, and I was more than happy to oblige. At first they were both shy, but quickly grew into someone watching, and eventually joining in. Only later did I learn that it was the first MFM for both of them.

    Updated Jun 15, 2013 at 11:35 AM by LawstudCP (misspelling)

  2. Where are we located?

    This is more a point of curiosity than a specific question directed to anyone. I wonder why so many people are reluctant to state the town and/or state they live in. Do they think that someone is going to be able to find them? Maybe "yes" if they live in a town with only 10 people . . . .

    More to the point . . . I would think that if we are genuinely interested in meeting other like-minded souls that we would first off want to let people know if we are within a reasonable distance of them. What would I care if I'm from CT (which I am - Woodbury to be specific) and another person I view here lists there residence as Colorado Springs, CO? On the other hand, I might be interested and not have to miss a possible opportunity to meet someone locally if I was interested in their profile. I just don't get that mindset.

    BTW, are there any cool mf couples in or around CT or upstate NY near CT that would like to chat . . . . lol!
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