
Visitor Message Conversation Between scorpio9 and ICurious

3 Visitor Messages

  1. I am open to chatting and dirty talking as well as possibly exploring the physical side of things. I used to enjoy TVs and TSs years ago But have not enjoyed any activity for a couple of decades, or a life time if you will. lol.

    I am into chatting, movies, historical books, and use to be into photography, which I would like to get back into. What I enjoy is being serviced and in general sex. But I really get off on the sounds of sex more that even the visual part of it. Really way too much stuff to list. What is it that you enjoy and are into?

    You can contact me t I also have IM, but do not seem to get on to it too often. If you do use my e-mail, please put in the subject line you screen name from here and that you are from I, so that I know to look at it rather then simply dumping I into the garbage I despise all of the solicitation for Viagra and the "Hay, I'm glad that I finally found you" type of junk.
  2. Hi there. I haven't been here in a while, always glad to chat and more. What do you like? I guess I'm versatile. Lurid conversation, or actual exploring, or just listening to music, or....... Talk to you later
  3. Hello:

    It is nice to see some mature people on her. I have bee looking more ad more at wanting to b with a guy who is interested in sex and enjoying being themselves with another guy.

    I would like t chat with you further if you are interested.
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