

Mitt Romney Debates Himself

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  1. DuckiesDarling's Avatar
    OMG ROFL, Ray and so freaking true.
  2. IanBorthwick's Avatar
    This is so full of win!
  3. theartofcontrol's Avatar
    LOL and you only have to look at Obama’s record versus what he said he would do. Contradiction is a way of life in politics. The fact is that international bankers dictate policy in the United States. That's what happens when you let private individuals print your money and then borrow that money with interest. The last president who took them on (see executive order 11110) was promptly assassinated.

    The dreams of a democratic nation for the people we're long ago sold out by Woodrow Wilson (see his greatest regret). It really doesn't matter what either candidate says.....
  4. DuckiesDarling's Avatar
    I am proudly voting for Obama. He is a much better candidate than Romney. Personally, I like my right to choose what to do with my body and I want same sex couples to be able to marry, I want people to be equal and to keep a separation of church and state so that we do not have to live by anyone else's religion, especially not a MORMON.
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