

Sensibilities - Part V

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[FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I was learning that a lot of people were easily offended when it came to talking about sex and there were even a lot of adults who'd want to start arguing and sometimes fighting about the subject coming up. It was never to be talked about, don't even ask about it, mind your own fucking business and change the subject before I kick your ass... and witnessing such interactions just generated more questions in my mind and a mind that was very keen to find the answers to. I was learning - and very quickly - how big a deal sex was either by reading whatever I could get my hands on to doing it and eavesdropping on any adult who had the nerve to talk about it and in any way.

I'd be with my friends and we were very eager to share any information we had heard of... while having all the sex we weren't supposed to know about or doing. Sucking cock, eating pussy, fucking the daylights out of each other, one on one and as a group. Pretty much all of the games we played could easily be turned into opportunities to have sex and the older we got, the more... suspicious adults were getting. Sleepovers were being "invaded" at random times and I knew that they were trying to catch us in the act... or stop us before anything happened... and I knew that they knew what we might have been doing - they had to know. Even I knew about how sex smelled; funky, sweaty, musky and a really heavy kind of smell that even opening a window didn't always make go away.

I knew that even washing up after having some kind of sex didn't get rid of all the evidence because someone could smell it on you... and I wasn't even an official teenager when I figured that one out. Sometimes I come in from playing, all hot, sweaty, and dirty and my parents would look at me really funny and one day, my father called me over to him and actually sniffed me before ordering me to go wash my funky ass.

And I knew why he did it. That day, maybe he did smell sex on me and maybe he couldn't since I had also been running around all over the place.[/SIZE][/FONT]

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