

Introduced - Part III

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It has fascinated the shit out of me how I'll hear a guy say that, yeah, they fooled around with a guy (and no matter who the guy was) and (a) they didn't know what they were doing or, sadly, because there was no cum involved, it didn't happen... and I'm here today to let you know that if you're one of those guys, you might not have known what you were doing but you found or figured it out and whether there was cum or not, it still happened and it did mean something.

When a guy gets introduced, it seriously conflicts with a lot of stuff and our minds are all about not only simplifying things but also protecting itself; "Billy" and "Charley" showed each other their dicks and got to sucking them and because this is wrong, well, those two "excuses" are pretty common up to and including denying that they liked it when they know that they did.

Everyone has a first time and when it happens, it happens so growing into adulthood and, bluntly, lying to yourself shouldn't make sense to you - but I get it; the long-standing social and moral angst against homosexuality puts a lot of fear into us over what someone else is going to say or do if they were to find out that we got introduced to sex with men when the thing to really be concerned with is how you're going to deal with knowing that you did it, you liked it, and you wouldn't mind doing a lot more of it.

Even I learned that no matter what someone says or tries to do, it... changes nothing. And, oh, yeah: If I think you don't need to know, you're never going to know. I know what it's like to be introduced and now... you just gotta tell everyone about it and, sometimes, finding out that it was a mistake and, sometimes, a "costly one." No matter how you were introduced, there are some people who do not need to know... unless you like someone chewing you out over not being straight and like you're supposed to be.

As such, being introduced isn't the problem: It's how you deal with yourself after the fact that becomes of greater import.

We share our beginnings with each other here and this is a good thing and especially for those guys who, today, are feeling some kind of way over how they got introduced but... feel better about it knowing that they were never alone in this and that there is someone here who found out about dick like you did and that, again, many of us here had that first time, too. Or they're waiting to have it.

I've asked, "What are you waiting for?" and it's been interesting to see what those of you who are sitting on the bench has to say about this and citing many things that, in actuality, can be dealt with, minimized, or totally mitigated so that taking the plunge isn't going to be the problem it's believed to be. It's okay to fantasize about having that first time but there comes a point in time where reality asserts itself and you're either going to find a way to formally introduce yourself or... you never will and you gotta ask yourself if not doing any of the stuff you've fantasized and jerked off about is really a good thing for yourself as a person and as a man.'

If it truly is something you really want and need to do, you'll find a way to do it but it you don't, it's not someone else stopping you from experience being introduced - that's you doing it to yourself and, again, does it really make sense to suppress yourself?

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