

The Eager Beaver - Part III

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Now he wanted to be fucked and wasn't happy to hear that it was going to take a while before I could get hard again but while we wait for me to recharge, I can suck him again and, if nothing else, it took his mind off of me not getting instantly hard again after cumming - but he wasn't letting go of his desire to be fucked and as happened in his dreams.

Trying to fuck him was like trying to ride a mechanical bull. He couldn't stay still so I could get inside of him and stay there and even then he was trying to fuck back against me so much and moaning like a ghost that I just wanted this to be over with so he could stop asking me if I had cum yet over and over.

I like enthusiasm over experience but this eager beaver taught me that there's such a thing as being too enthusiastic. I would eventually get him to calm down so that we could have great sex together but it took some doing!

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