

Reflections - Part I

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Having just celebrated my 68th birthday - and on Bisexual Day at that - I found myself sitting and thinking about my life in total and especially being bisexual. I went all the way back to the beginning when one of my father's drinking buddies paid me to let him stick his dick in my mouth and realizing that the moment the head of his dick was in there and I started moving my tongue on it, I was hooked. It felt so good and I remember being so focused on the new sensations that when he came in my mouth, well, not only did I not know what was going on but it caught me off-guard; the stuff in my mouth tasted sweet - and later in life I'd realize that it was that sweet because he'd been drinking - and so much of it that I swallowed purely by reflex and to keep from choking on it.

When he offered more money to stick his dick between my butt cheeks, I didn't say no and now I had $50 in my hands and maybe you can imagine how far $50 would go back in 1964 - I was rich! He laid me on my stomach and stuck his dick between my cheeks and started to fuck me until he got hard; I could feel the head of his dick pressing against my hole and it felt curiously good; at one point, he had oozed enough pre-cum so that the tip of his dick would slip into me a little; it hurt but kind of not really. I remember lying there thinking about two things: How I was going to spend the $50 and how I was going to keep my parents from knowing that I had it; if they knew or found it, they would take it and, like they did one time when I found an envelope with $1,500 in it, they'd accuse me of stealing it.

I remember hearing grunt - then feeling something warm and sticky in my butt crack and it all felt so nice even though I also realized that what he was doing was wrong and I could get in trouble. He's done with me and my dad comes back with another bag full of booze for them to share and I was excited and scared; I thought that I should tell my father what happened but also thought that if I did, he would beat me for lying on an adult and one of his buddies, at that so I said nothing. But what he did had had me so excited that I couldn't sleep that night and I couldn't wait until morning so I could tell my friends what I had found out!

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