

Reflections - Part VI

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While most of my peers were just finding out about sex at 16, I was... an old hand at it. I knew way more about it than they did and sometimes guys and gals would come to me to find out what I knew and... could I show them? I sure could! When The Drought would hit a lot of guys, I got to have sex with them; sometimes it was because they were curious about it and some had done it before but most guys were so desperate for sex that they'd take the risk of being labeled a faggot just to take care of their great need to have sex... and to stop their balls from hurting.

And learning that some of those guys would do anything from sucking me off to letting me fuck them but I was also learning how sex with guys would and could really fuck someone's head up and I didn't want to be the guy who made sex like this a nightmare for someone so... I started telling them the truth I was learning right from the start and would even try to talk some guys out of it because I knew it wouldn't be a good thing for them to do and, in the process, learned how to tell guys no and that there are some guys you just do not ever have sex with... and just like so many females were learning.

And I could understand why girls wouldn't want to and why they called us uncaring assholes because guys were doing the same thing to me that they'd do to a girl and... I could relate to women in this. You'd think that this would make having sex with women easier but it didn't all that much but, yeah - I knew what they did about us guys and knowing it changed a lot of things about me because I didn't ever want to be "that guy" but my luck with the ladies was pretty good because... I not only ate pussy but I was very good at it (and thanks to the older woman who schooled me in such things).

Being bisexual and in high school... wasn't even close to being easy but, you see, I knew that my high school peers believed in that bullshit I no longer believed in and I learned that they learned their angst from their parents and... it was all starting to really make sense to me... and I would find that becoming adult meant there was much more to be learned.

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