
Hi there

  1. ldner
    Just an idea: thought it would be a good idea if us Londoners had a place to post things, chat and maybe meet up. So don't be shy!
  2. mat289
    Yes I agree! hey there!
  3. Rich28
    I am also intrigued, interested and keen... Hello to everyone.
  4. Agatha
    Sounds like a great idea.
  5. Rich28
    So whereabouts is everyone in London - Sarf London here and proud...!
  6. Agatha
    South here too but work in hoxton.
  7. lil-lolly69
    hi, Lauren here from chelmsford! can i join! x
  8. Rich28
    Welcome lauren! Agatha, glad to see a fellow south londoner here. Anyone any ideas for a nice topic of conversation...?!
  9. 2ctbicurious
    Hmmm... my first post... more bicurious than bisexual... the idea of playing with a couple and helping her orally look after her man is something that has floated my boat off and on over the years - I also like the idea of giving or receiving oral while the lady is being penetrated... initially i fought the idea, irish catholic guilt for the most part, but now I dont fight the idea but not done anything about it either. I think the right couple and the right time, anything is possible...

    I have friends and family in London but I'm a bit outside the M25... Berlin Germany to be exact... I know there is plenty happening here, but I would not know how to explore it... not yet anyway... I have some gay friends here and did tell a lesbian friend of my curiosity... we talked about I tagging along with her one evening when she is out with mates... maybe I can do my bit for the UN and "observe"

    Anyway... there you go... I'll step back and sit quietly in the corner of the virtual room and enjoy some Tetley and Hobnobs...
  10. hikerinthebuff
    Hi to every bi-guy and bi-gal in London or attached to this curious band, I'm a Spaniard who lives and dreams up in Spain and never went to Great Britain, but as such a bi that I am, you are the closed equals that I found. So here I am, to share and play in the distance.

    As some of you may once come to my room or just me going where you use to play both sides of Thames, it's why I just dare to join this group. I hope so I could do, since I didn't read the rules, but as fun knows no frontiers, and bi needs a lot of support here's come my helping hand just to write, read, share, dream and laugh.

    A thousand kisses bi from Spain to all of you deep from my heart

    Paco just a hiker in the buff looking for friends, fancy and fun in the motter nature at last.
  11. ukmale32
    We need to keep this thread alive! And hello one and all x
  12. Drain
    Hi guys and gals.
    Not quite London but Ipswich isn't really that far away. Just wanted to say Hi

  13. DeepLink
    Hi - just joined. Anyone organised a group meet-up yet? Robert
  14. Mitchurricane
    Hi,anyone looking for a chat and later on maybe a meeting
  15. meandlis
    Hi folks, I'm in Dagenham. Does anyone on here go to Bi Bi Baby or Bisexual Underground?
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