
Camping after 4th of July

  1. sailorashore
    I am going to be heading over to the peninsula in the morning, and camping through next weekend in my '86 Vanagon. I'll start from the Quilcene Ranger Station, work my way around to the ocean, and maybe down to Long Beach, over the course of the next few days. Definitely visit Hurricane Ridge, SolDuc Falls and Hoh River, Kalaloch area. If you see me, chat me up--I don't bite, and I would love to meet other members while out on the road. If you call me Sailor, I'll know you've seen this, and we can go from there.
  2. sailorashore
    Going to head over to the peninsula again shortly after Labor Day. It would be great to enjoy the woods with someone of similar sexual persuasion. Let me know if you're going to be in the area, and I will happily adjust my itinerary.
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