
DON'T FORGET: 2014 19th Annual Bi Bare Beach Bash AT Gunnison Beach, Sandy Hook, NJ

  1. nyabn_webmaster
    It's summertime so that means It's time for the big annual BEACH PARTY at Gunnison Beach at the Gateway National Recreation Area in Sandy Hook NJ! Believe it or not, this will be the 19th year for the Bi Bare Beach Bash!!

    • When: Saturday July 19 2014 from 9:00 am till closing (yea it's early, but if you're driving, the parking lots fill up early and the entire island will close until space is available at 1-2pm)
    • Where: Sandy Hook - Gunnison Beach (the nude beach) aka Parking Lot G
    • What: Come to the Clothing Optional Beach on Federal Land, Right in the Heart of NJ
      Note: Gunnison is a "clothing optional" beach, which means that there will be naked people at the event. HoweverGunnison is also a "nudity optional" beach, which means thatyou can wear as much or as little as you'd like! Most important is to Be and Feel Comfortable so that you can have the best time possible.
    • Who: New York Area Bisexual Network, NYC Bisexual/Non-Monosexual & Queer Meetup, BiZone NJ, Philadelphia Mindful Polyamory Meetup and friends
    • FINDING US ON THE BEACH: Go to parking lot G at Gunnison Beach. Head south along the beach (to the right as you face the ocean). We will be just past the snack hut. Look for Bisexual Pride Flags(pink, purple, and blue). If you are attending and have an obvious flag or structure to add to the description of our gathering, let us know.

    Come as you are - remember, this is your party and you make it happen!

    See the main event HERE for ALL DETAILS
  2. notsostr8
    Sigh... there are those of us who still hafta WORK on a saturday...
  3. djones
    How late does it go - when is closing ? Getting there at 9am is unrealistic for many, but it still sounds like fun if the event lasts long !
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