
Do You Fear Bisexuality?

  1. hanalee
    The bisexual man: a confused player that can't be completely trusted by other men or women since neither can fulfill his complete desires. The bisexual woman: a sexually liberal confidant eager to share her desires with multiple partners of choice. These: perceptions that run rampant among skeptics who consider bisexuality a phase (or as a permission slip for infidelity) and not a position of sexual moderatism.

    Ironically, bi misconceptions don't go both ways (at least not equally). The men are easily seen as hosts of mistrust and the women: mavens of straight male fantasy. Are bisexual women more readily accepted than bi men? Why are bisexual women so often reduced to sex? Why is the bisexual man seen as having an insatiable sexual appetite?
  2. viothe
    I think there are two types of bisexuals :
    1- First type are people who can fall in love with either gender but don't need both genders at the same time. So if that person is in a relationship with a man, they don't need to have sex with women. And if they are in a relationship with a woman, they don't need a man. They are perfectly content with the partner they are with. In my experience, they can be as faithful as anyone else.

    2- The second type of bisexuals are the ones known for being unfaithful. They have a hard time sexually committing to one gender. So if they are in a relationship with a man, they also need to have sex with women on the side. And if they are in a relationship with a woman, they also need men on the side.There are so many belong to the latter,they find the other gender on bisexual dating site to attain their desire.
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