
Same Sex Marriage, Presidnt Obama and the Hive Mind.

  1. æonpax
    I belong to a political forum that is pretty left of center or liberal. I call myself “liberal” because referring to myself as “quasi-liberal” confuses people. Either way, I still have to explain that I’m not liberal in all things as there are some issues I tend to be conservative in. For some, you are either liberal in all things or you are not a liberal. Same applies to the extreme conservatives whom have usurped that ideology into an all or nothing club. Both groups cannot understand the concept of a middle ground and independent thinking.

    I’ve been told that if I don’t vote for President Obama, I’m not a “true” liberal. Also, if I am not a democrat, I’m a LINO. (Liberal In Name Only) I guess I should overlook the fact that Obama is a corporate puppet or that democrats and republicans differ in name only. Both have sold their ideologies to the highest bidder.

    This ridged dichotomy of thought is like a disease to me. You either become a mindless thrall to what other people dictate as being acceptable or you are a pariah. There is immense social pressure to conform to extremes now a days. This same mindset has found its way into other subsets of social order, the LGBT for example.

    President Obama’s tepid support for same sex marriage comes way too late and conveniently in an election year. There are those in the LGBT who feel this act makes up for the three plus years he has basically ignored us. Many feel his lukewarm but historic endorsement is better than nothing at all. While they do have a good point, the battle for the rights of same sex marriage is far from over. Still, even in the LGBT community, there are some who claim that because of this, Obama should receive our full support and if you don’t, you are a traitor.

    One truism about people is that regardless of their gender, beliefs, culture or in this case, orientation, there will always be those who are foolish in those ranks. As important as this issue is to me, it pales into insignificance when compared to Obama’s tacit involvement in the erosion of our civil rights, his continued support of the corporations at the cost of US jobs and war-hawk mindset.

    Yes, President Obama’s support of same sex marriage is nice and should be exploited but quite frankly, with or without, it changes nothing.
  2. friesbaconnekkid
    We let the media label people, as to who and what they are. Personally, I am extremely conservative, yet I like to take cocks in my mouth and ass. and I'm not the only conservative who likes it. In fact I ask people if they are conservative before getting together. If they are not, they are not putting their cock in my ass. If they are, they can fuck me any time they want to.
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