
Did you know that the Scripture does not condemn homosexuality at all in any way what

  1. rouye
    Christianity and Discrimination

    Members of the religious right (I think it's more like WRONG and unGodly) say that one cannot be a good Christian and be homosexual while some members of the gay community say one cannot be an honest homosexual and Christian. Both of these statements are false and show a good deal of ignorance and fear on both sides of the issue, please read on.

    Homosexuality is not unique in its status as an issue some people use to justify their hatred and/or repression of others. Throughout the history of this country, the world, and the church there have been other issues that were divisive in nature: anti-Sematism, slavery, and female clergy to name a few.

    Anti-Sematism:John 7:1 states " After this Jesus went about in Galilee, he would not go about in Judea, because the Jews sought to kill him. This passage has been used to "prove" that Jews are evil and plotted the murder of Christ, for which they must be punished. Much of the anti-sematism we have observed in the past and today has been "justified" in the minds of the hate mongors using Biblical passages. The same applies to our GLBT brothers and sisters and the topic of homosexuality.

    Slavery:As we know, slavery was wide spread in the various stories in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament. Many members of the US Congress used Biblical passages in their debates in the 1830s, 40s, and 50s to justify the continued legality of slavery. Today, we would reject such usage of the Bible, because we understand more of God's word. The same applies to our GLBT brothers and sisters and the topic of homosexuality.

    Women Clergy:Most recently, members of the religious right have used scripture to prevent women from serving in the church. 1 Cor.. 34-35 "As in all churches of the saints, the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be subordinate as the law says. If there is anything they desire to...(click here to know more)
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