
I wish I didn't feel so alone...

  1. hanalee
    My whole life I've been looking for love. I started with girls that never liked me and ended with having crushes on straight guys. There was only two straight guys: one threatened my life & the other just turned me a blind eye and a deaf ear. I've only had three gfs and one bf my whole life. My gfs just never worked out. The first one I dated for three years but I had to move away. My ex-bf, I only dated him for a day. He dumped me, broke my heart, and then he told me I had "issues"'s not my fault I'm passionate about stuff. I fall in love pretty easy and it doesn't take much to win me over. I'm very sensitive. Please don't judge me...I've been bullied more times than I can count. People tend to look at me funny and spread rumors about me. I can't figure out for the life of me why.

    Every time I fall in always ends in disaster. All I've really ever wanted is someone who understands me. Someone who gets me. Someone who knows how it feels to be where I've been. Someone who can look at life through the other persons eyes. I need a girl/guy who will stand by me through thick and thin. A best friend, a partner, my Twin Flame. I'm not asking for much. I'm just asking for a true friend. Is that to much to ask?? feeling: broken :'(My whole life I've been looking for love. I started with girls that never liked me and ended with having crushes on straight guys. There was only two straight guys: one threatened my life & the other just turned me a blind eye and a deaf ear. I've only had three gfs and one bf my whole life. My gfs just never worked out. The first one I dated for three years but I had to move away. My ex-bf, I only dated him for a day. He dumped me, broke my heart, and then he told me I had "issues"'s not my fault I'm passionate about stuff. I fall in love pretty easy and it doesn't take much to win me over. I'm very sensitive. Please don't judge me...I've been bullied more times than I can count. People tend to look at me funny and spread rumors about me. I can't figure out for the life of me why. Every time I fall in always ends in disaster. All I've really ever wanted is someone who understands me. Someone who gets me. Someone who knows how it feels to be where I've been. Someone who can look at life through the other persons eyes. I need a girl/guy who will stand by me through thick and thin. A best friend, a partner, my Twin Flame. I'm not asking for much. I'm just asking for a true friend. Is that to much to ask?? feeling: broken :'(
  2. donttellnehismy
    Hi I'll be your friend if you want...
  3. hanalee
    Yeah,I wish to make friends with u
  4. bi4asplay
    Even though you try to send people from here to another site. I will gladly be you friend and just maybe help you through or out of your hurts.
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