
Who uses a lube to masterbate

  1. iwearcottonpanties
    I use lube more for my anal beads, the slicker they are they better I can work them for nice long wank sessions. If I am just rubbing one out, no.
  2. dougbi
    I use lube and a masturbation sleeve
  3. mcvic
    I'm uc, so lube isn't necessary. And I'm right-handed, so for the first amazing years of sensations, it was right hand all the way. But I decided I should teach my left hand. After all, it could happen that the right arm could get hurt or something - and besides, variety is a pleasure in itself. So I practiced until I could use right and left interchangeably and equally comfortably. And I do, almost unconsciously - just stroke with whichever hand gets there first

    Altho lube isn't necessary and not even my usual method, I do like it for the variety and different pleasures it gives. I use whatever lotions others in the house leave behind when they tire of the scent or get new or whatever. But I have also discovered grape-seed oil. It gives perfect friction - slippery without being too slippery - plus it's edible, which is nice in the end, if the mood is right.
  4. zbi73
    Uncut too, no lube required and prefer not to use any except when my anal toys are involved.
  5. pafisher
    I agree with the coconut oil. I get mine in Walmart in the cooking section.
  6. averagejoe33
    A Table spoonful of KY and a half a tea spoon of water and it's so slippery even you nuts will go nuts. And it has no taste when you swallow.
  7. MidTownBob
    When I was younger I always did (I think that the first lube that I ever used was Dippity Doo!). However, as I got older I gradually changed over to masturbating dry. I will very occasionally use lube, but it's mostly for something different.
  8. Jbtojbto
    I’m a big fan of using coconut oil. Been using it for years and find it better than all the artificial lubes.
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