I'm currently in the Charleston area until mid June. Lived in the Goose Creek area from '96 to 98 but was not military. would like to meet other site and group members for drinks , dinner and general low key socializing. and no we do not have to have sex. by the way i'm also a fishing nut. you can reach me at the email address in my profile, and please do read my profile before you blindly write. it might help you decide of i would be a good fit in your plans. or lifestyle. Just title the email something like Fellow Memeber so i know not to delete it. Until then, Goddess keep and look over you. Rich
Welcome to the group.Hope it helps you connect,make friends,and....
thanx, david. i'm hoping someone local does extend a hand.
or extend something else
Hello all, just wanted to say hey from the North Augusta Area.