
Exploring a Bi fascination Part 1

  1. Plumhead2
    This is just a story to play with the notion of bisexuality. It didn't really happen, but if it did, this is what I would imagine would occur.

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    The knock on the door shocked me, even though it was expected. My heart was beating like a drummer on speed and my breath was coming in gasps. I had driven up north for five hours and had checked into the motel that they recommended and was waiting for them to arrive.

    My hands were shaking as I opened the door.

    “Hello, I’m Roy and this is Paula. Are you Plum?” the man spoke first.

    “Yes, come on in,” I replied giving them room to enter.

    This attractive, mature couple walked into the motel room and the first thing I noticed was how vibrant and confident they seemed. They were so comfortable with themselves and with the situation and it made them even more attractive. I had only met them before online, on a sex chatroom. Seeing them in person made the thought of what we were going to do even more real and . . . a bit scary.

    For weeks, I had been frequenting a bisexual chatroom that I had chanced upon. In the past, I had never thought that I would be turned on by a cock, but after a while, the discussions and videos of cocks being stroked and spurting cum began to have an effect on me. Although I am basically straight and love pussy, I found that I began to dream about touching another man’s cock and feeling it grow hard in my hand. Then I would dream about taking a cock in my mouth and sucking it until it came. After a bit of time, I became desperate to try cock. Soon I was using my webcam to beat off with other guys on the chatroom and the orgasms were incredible. Yet I found that I was only interested in a guy from the waist down and the knees up. The attraction was not personal, but purely sexual. However with time, the hunger to experience another man’s cock was growing stronger. Not satisfied with cam2cam sessions, I wanted to turn these fantasies into reality.

    I mentioned my frustration one day online in the chatroom, and a woman replied that she thought her husband might be willing to help me out. She and her husband were regularly on the chatroom and had a lifestyle that included bisexual experiences. In another session, I talked with her husband, and he too was encouraging me to explore my bi side and said that he would be willing to provide me with the real life experience that I desired. During these chats, I discovered that they were only a bit older than me and my girlfriend and that they lived only about five hours north of me.

    During our chats, I told them that I wanted to try cock first, and that if I liked it I would tell my girlfriend and see if she might be interested. My thought was that if I didn’t like it, then why involve her. If I did like it, who knows where this might lead?

    So, here I was at a distant motel with a couple who was gracious enough to help me explore my curiosity. It was early evening, so I invited them to dinner at a place of their choice. Now, people have always told me that I am very easy to talk with and that I am great at putting people at ease, but I certainly met my match with this couple. Soon we were talking as if we had known each other for years. There was a comfortable ease with these two people, but underneath it all was the tension that came from the anticipation of what was to happen later. Every once in a while the thought would hit me that soon I would see these people naked and that I would be doing some very intimate things with them. I found those thoughts both a bit unsettling and yet very arousing.

    When we got back to the motel room, Roy took charge.

    “Let’s get this party going and help this poor guy out,” he laughed as he quickly removed his clothes.

    Paula too undressed, and I followed. Soon, we were all naked and Roy again took charge, “Well, do you want me to suck you off first or do you want to do me?”

    With a shaky voice, I declared my preference. “I really want to play with your cock first.”

    “Maybe later he can get you off,” Paula suggested and giggled, “He always leaves guys more than satisfied when he’s done.”

    Roy lay down on the bed and I stretched out next to him. Paula pulled up a chair next to the bed and took up a position to watch us.

    I looked over and there was the object of my fascination, lying flaccid on Roy’s belly. It was beautiful: Seven and a half inches of uncut, shaven cock. I could feel my hands shaking as I reached over and touched it. It felt so soft and as I pulled back and forth on the foreskin, it began to grow hard. Oh, my god, the feeling was so electrifying. I looked down and my own cock was responding, too.

    I stroked his cockshaft up and down, using the movements that I knew gave me pleasure. It seemed to work for Roy too as he moaned under his breath and his cock twitched and continued to grow bigger. One of my hands moved down to his balls and I massaged them with just the kind of pressure that is stimulating, but not painful. In response, Roy rocked his hips to meet my strokes.

    “You sure you never did this before?” Roy questioned and then laughed to let me know he wasn’t serious.

    After a bit of hand pumping, I noticed a drop of creamy liquid forming on the tip of his cockhead. With my finger, I swept it up and coated it around his cock knob and along his shaft. Now I was able to really pump his slick fuck tool. His moaning got a bit louder and more urgent.

    “Come on, Plum, suck me off now. I know that you want to do it,” he exclaimed and he took his cock in his hand and moved it toward my mouth.

    Now was the moment of truth. Could I really do it? Could I really suck a guy’s cock? My heart was pounding and my fears were running wild, but my libido was running even wilder. I just had to know what it felt like, what it tasted like, whether I liked it.

    I bent over and took his pulsing cock in my mouth. At first it was difficult because it was so thick and I was not used to having to open so wide. But soon I got my tongue to licking up and down his shaft. I alternated this with making swirling movements around his cockhead.

    I can’t begin to tell you how much I was enjoying this act. I could feel his cock swelling and twitching in my mouth. I could hear Roy moaning every time I did something that gave him pleasure. The feelings I was experiencing were intoxicating. Soon the whole rest of the world went away, and my whole being was focused on his cock and my mouth and tongue.

    I was concentrating so hard on finding ways of pleasuring Roy’s cock that I failed to notice that Paula had move up in her chair close to the bed. All of a sudden, I glanced up and saw her furiously rubbing her pussy and breathing heavily. Her face was flushed and I could smell the sweet scent of female sexual arousal. The combination of my oral ministrations on Roy and the fact of Paula’s excitement watching us was turning me on like some kind of natural drug.

    I threw myself into giving Roy my best effort. Taking a finger, I slid it into his ass and started to massage his prostate. Soon he was squirming his body and his moans became louder.

    “Oh, yes, Plum, it feels so good. Yes, yes, I can feel my cum moving up my cockshaft. Oh, god, I am so close, Plum. Suck me harder now, make me cum hard. Oh, yes, make me . . .”

    His last word was a garbled groan as I felt his cock jerk and then a jet of cum shot out of it into my mouth. At the same time, I could hear Paula in the throes of her own orgasm. Out of my side, I could see her body shuddering uncontrollably.

    But at the moment, my mind was occupied with the stream of milky cum that was filling my mouth up. The taste was a bit hot and salty, but I found that I really liked it. In fact, I licked and sucked Roy dry, coaxing every last drop out of his slowly drooping cock.

    After a few moments, Roy relaxed and then looked over to me.

    “Not bad for a newbie,” he quipped, “Now let’s see what we can do to give you some relief from that throbbing hard-on that you have there.”
  2. i_shoot_blanks
    Great!!!! Very realistic. Could this be true?????
  3. Plumhead2
    It came close to being true.
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