
MA Masturbation club - does it exist?

  1. justinmysox
    Does this exist? - (I doubt it but I have to ask)

    If there was one would you attend?
  2. havefun529
    If there was one and within driving distance I would try to attend. At least to try it out....
  3. sodacan3
    Well, if it does exist, it sounds very VERY exciting. Sitting around with a group of guys and seeing all those hard, throbbing cocks just waiting for a spurting release. Yowwwwww!
  4. someguy76
    I'd certainly attend. Any luck finding one?
  5. havefun529
    So anyone want to meet up and start one?
  6. 2active8
    I would definetly attend. Even a hotel / motel room would be fun. There used to be a group in Seattle that got together at a club. You walked in and paid an enterence fee, recieved a towel and were required to take your clothes off to enter. There were TV's with straight and Bi movies on and areas where you could either hang out or sit back and JO. The only contact allowed was JO of another guy.
  7. havefun529
    So who wants to organize it?
  8. havefun529
    Okay if you are interested in participating please contact me.
  9. someguy76
    I'd be up for it too.
  10. kdonner
    Well, I would love to start one and host. We are in cambridge.

    Any interest?
  11. lyntom
    I would be interested.45 biwm 781 731 3649
  12. justinmysox
    ok - this is almost an extict group - I was really hoping to find one - or be invited to one! lol

    Hoping the 100+ folks will see this and someone (ideally close to Wellesley) will cum through!
  13. havefun529
    No one contacted me. (see above)
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