This Group is for Florida Folks that may want to attend out Private BI Only Parties in the Orlando, Florida Area. This is for Experienced Lifestylers that are comfortable being nude in groups, being touched by everyone, and participating in group play. This party is for people who relish the Sexual Experience and Enjoy the Touch of Others. This party is not for people who Like to watch, are pickey about looks, size, and shape, or people that don't like Group Play! This party takes away the undesirable Qualities of the Lifestyle like Drama, Pickie People, and Prudes that won't disrobe, and replaces it with Open Touch, Participative Play, and Hours of Sexual Fun! This party is NOT FOR EVERYONE! In Fact, I feel that many would not like it! We will speak on the phone before your invited, this will give you additional oppertunities to make sure that this party is for you. We only want confortable, experienced, adults that want to experience sexuality openly.