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Thread: Update

  1. #61

    Re: Update

    Quote Originally Posted by KDaddy23 View Post
    The good thing is that my TSH test is... normal so I'm not anticipating any issues with my thyroid although I'm curious as to why the test was ordered - but I'll find out on the 23rd. And lest I forget, I very much appreciate all the support and information I've gotten from you guys as I work toward being cancer free and staying that way.
    Every patiuent that has radiation any where near the Thyroid gets a Thyroid panel done to make sure the gland is still functional.

  2. #62

    Re: Update

    As a result of smoking and asbestos exposure, I'm a recovering lung cancer patient. I had a lobectomy back in 2018, followed by Radiation and then Chemo. Chemo treatment put me into full diabetes and am now insulin dependent. CAT scans and PET scans have all been negative for the past four years. MSG oncologist calls me her "miracle baby". I still suck cock whenever the opportunity presents itself, but just wondering, has your cancer made you regret having become a cocksucker? Do you hope to resume sucking cock in future?

  3. #63

    Re: Update

    No, I don't regret it at all; in fact, it still makes me laugh that I got cancer from my favorite sexual thing to do in the whole world: Give head and that includes eating pussy. And, yes, I hope to resume sucking cock and eating pussy in the future and as soon as my oncologist confirms that I'm cancer free. It sounds crazy, I know, but I think about how old I am and the other shit I have wrong with me and if the cancer returns, well, that would be concerning but, at the same time, I still have to live my life the best way I can and know how to - and for as long as I can. Now, if she doesn't clear me to have sex, well, hmm, I'm gonna have to think about that...

  4. #64

    Re: Update

    Quote Originally Posted by KDaddy23 View Post
    No, I don't regret it at all; in fact, it still makes me laugh that I got cancer from my favorite sexual thing to do in the whole world: Give head and that includes eating pussy. And, yes, I hope to resume sucking cock and eating pussy in the future and as soon as my oncologist confirms that I'm cancer free. It sounds crazy, I know, but I think about how old I am and the other shit I have wrong with me and if the cancer returns, well, that would be concerning but, at the same time, I still have to live my life the best way I can and know how to - and for as long as I can. Now, if she doesn't clear me to have sex, well, hmm, I'm gonna have to think about that...
    You'll get cleared without a doubt.

  5. #65

  6. #66

    Re: Update

    Well, she didn't clear me for sexual activity and one day after I got my new PEG tube, she wants it removed in four weeks - and provided I can maintain my weight. Now I have a PEG that she doesn't want me to use - and I'm not supposed to flush it which, personally, I think is a bad move and I might see if I can get her to reconsider that - I don't want it to get clogged up and cause me problems on top of the ones I'm trying to get rid of. She agreed that my lab values have been improving but it's going to take time since - and these are her words - "The chemo really trashed your immune system!"

    As such, I'm not really that bummed out about not getting cleared for sex since, with my immune system still in the toilet, it could potentially get me sick, and I think I've had enough of not feeling good. I... read how I died on the table and how they resuscitated me by giving me blood, meaning that I'd bled out (and as I suspected). I don't feel fucked up about it anymore than I do about having to be resuscitated a second time and that's when they decided to trach me since I had just stopped breathing on top of continuing to bleed. I read the reports written by the doctors who worked on me and... I just nodded. Some of the local neighbors have been complaining about the hospital and its ER about poor service and long wait times and I laughed at the latest complaint because I know that the hospital's ER is a Level One trauma center which means that unless you're so fucked up that you're going to die, take a seat and they'll be right with you as they deal with the priority patients... like how I was when I was brought in.

    I don't have a single complaint about the services provided that day, but it has been an uphill journey to getting back to some semblance of healthy. I know that what happened to me was a "freak accident" and one that, in the reports, confounded the doctors for a few because they couldn't figure out where I was bleeding from (all the usual places were intact) but they did figure it out and dealt with it and I really get to understand why everyone who has cared for me says, "Considering what you went through, you're doing great!" and are generally surprised that I'm doing great... I just wish that I felt as great as they insist that I am.

    I don't feel sick, but I do feel tired - but that's my blood chemistry being out of whack - and I just push through, go to the next appointment, and see what the doctors have in store for me. My oncologist thinks there's something going on in my stomach that isn't related to my PEG tube - and something that showed some uptake from my first PET scan after being diagnosed - but the report doesn't say that it's cancer but, yeah, it's got her wondering what's up and me and my lady are wondering, too, so she wants a GI doc to scope my stomach and... yeah, I'm not looking forward to that because I've had that done before but more so because I've been poked and prodded and scoped so much to date that I ain't feeling this - but I'll do it anyway because it has to be done and, hopefully, it's nothing to be concerned about.

    Otherwise, my brothers, I'm doing good, my weight seems to be holding steady, but we'll see how that goes over the next four weeks. My mind is in a good place and... man, do I seriously need to get laid! You should have seen the look on my lady's face when (1) I asked the doc if I could go back to having sex and (2) when the doc said, "No, not right now, okay?" I thought it was funny but I've been letting her know that when I do get cleared, well, she'd better be ready...

  7. #67

    Re: Update

    Went to get a situation with my left ear taken care of and I'm kinda not sure if my cancer treatments had anything to do with it but, somehow, I had fluid in my left ear, giving me that swimmer's ear effect and driving me batshit because I couldn't "equalize" things and the hearing in that ear kept going "in and out" and depending on the position of my head. What I know is that I never had a problem with my ears until I had chemo and radiation and both my ENT and oncologist says, "Yeah, that could happen..."

    After a course of steroids which, honestly, I don't know how that was going to help, I had to wait until yesterday for him to either drain the fluid from my ear or, gasp, put a tube in there to effect drainage. Well, he tells me that he might not be able to get a tube in there because of some narrowing so he numbed the inside of my ear/eardrum, poked a hole it in, and suctioned out the fluid - and my lady says that I did not want to see what it looked like. He did try to get a tube in there but failed; he tells me - and while my ear is making popping and clicking sounds - that when I come back in two months, if the fluid returns, he's going to put me out and get a tube in there and... I just shrugged and, for that moment, I didn't much give a fuck because now I can hear in my left ear and normally.

    Related to the treatments? Apparently, it's possible. I'm still having issues swallowing so he's ordered a swallowing test and I remember having one a long time ago, but swallowing's been a problem from way back when I had my trach in. Nothing's getting stuck in my throat when I swallow but it feels like it and I still have this acidic taste in my mouth that increases when my throat gets pissed off from me swallowing "too much." I do and still laugh my ass off when talking about not being able to swallow because, well, you guys know why.

    He read my PET/CT scans reports and agrees that there is no sign of cancer but as I've been learning, having the cancer isn't the thing that's been fucking with me: It's everything I've gone through to (a) get rid of it and (b) all this post-treatment stuff that, admittedly, they told me about and it all came true.



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