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Thread: Catching Up

  1. #1

    Catching Up

    To catch up, the doctors are pleased that there are no signs of the cancer in me; my PEG tube has been permanently removed; my immune system has been slowly recovering and there are still lingering side effects from the chemo and radiation that I'm dealing with, like dry mouth and, worse, neuropathy in both of my feet and I can't begin to tell you what that feels like and "not good" doesn't begin to describe it!

    During my last PET scan, it showed an uptake of the radioactive sugar by something in my stomach. Come to find out that my first PET scan had seen this and me, my lady, and my oncologist were about to dismiss it because we all thought that the PET scan was picking up on the PEG tube... until I remembered that I'd had that first scan before all the shit that happened to me and I wound up with the PEG tube.

    The three of us said, "What the hell?" and agreed that this needed to be investigated. Last month, I went in for an endoscopic exam of my stomach and, yep, they found and saw something in my stomach (it looks like a really big pimple); they took a biopsy of it and... the report says that it's not cancer, which is a relief - but it doesn't say what it is so, later this month, I'll be back in the GI lab for a more thorough examination of what my lady calls "the alien" in my stomach and before they put me out, I have to ask them if they have any plans on removing it while they have me on the table because I really don't feel like running back and forth on this.

    I haven't been cleared to have sex and that's a bummer, but I get it - my immune system is still sub-normal, so I'm left, um, having to take this matter into my own hand which is better than nothing and I'm thankful that I can still get it up and cum.

    So that's what's been going on with me. Just chilling in between doctor appointments, staying cool and out of the heat and humidity!

  2. #2

    Re: Catching Up

    great news hope you get all well

  3. #3

    Re: Catching Up

    FCK YEAH , great news

  4. #4

    Re: Catching Up

    Good, glad you finally whipped it, Hope you stay cancer free!

  5. #5

    Re: Catching Up

    Wonderful news!

  6. #6

    Re: Catching Up

    Super! You know how long this can be. You also know there are few of us on here who have ridden that bus.

  7. #7

    Re: Catching Up

    Wonderful news! I agree, they should just deal with the polyp while they have the scope in you.

  8. #8

    Re: Catching Up

    That's all around good news. They may want to wait for your immune system before inflicting any further intrusions on you.

  9. #9

    Re: Catching Up

    Yeah, they might, biguycancun but, then again, they can look at my last labs and determine if being more intrusive is okay... which is why I'm going to ask them. If I have to go back a third time, then I'm going back a third time, but I really don't want to.

  10. #10

    Re: Catching Up

    Just hang on and keep positive. You've got this.

  11. #11

    Re: Catching Up

    That's great news KDaddy, I'm glad it was successful.

  12. #12

    Re: Catching Up

    Quote Originally Posted by KDaddy23 View Post
    Yeah, they might, biguycancun but, then again, they can look at my last labs and determine if being more intrusive is okay... which is why I'm going to ask them. If I have to go back a third time, then I'm going back a third time, but I really don't want to.
    Glad the main original problem has been cleared, but sorry there is a sideshow is still playing out. I get not wanting to go back - you've done enough and then some!




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